It's a bit diappointing, but the % of normies compared to the % of self-absorbed dimwits is not better here at F95 than in the general population. May actually be worse...
Yeah but...anyone thinking about playing an update to any game (or starting it new) who before playing goes and ??? reads thread comments
posted after the update was released kind of deserves what they get, IMHO.
Imagine if Empire Strikes Back were released today and you heard there was a big plot twist - what kind of dumbass would go to an ESB thread online before seeing the movie and read all the posts by people who have already seen it and *hope* nobody spoils that Vader and Luke are related? You would obviously assume that person had taken a few too many blows to the head, no?
What is this "unpatched version" of which you speak?
If we're being honest, I think we're all a little "special" in this thread.
Goddamn fucking right.
(a) GFY
(b) be nice -
they will never win anything ever, so just pat them on the head and let them go on dreaming of licking Asstin Mathpuke's little p3d0 moustache.
Heard, Chef.
Yeah. Go Away Leafs, Go Away. Because you suck more ass than a proctologist.
Are you the MC of this game in the next update?!?!?