Have I just finished playing through the same game?

*goes away to double-check the game I just finished* Well this thread certainly is for the game I just played through. While I would say the English was a little above average (not as many spelling mistakes as I was expecting given the dev's statement that English isn't their native language) there were still a few mistakes that stood out for me, such as "Atleast" instead of "At least" and the constant use of "prolly" instead of "probably", but the actual grammar was very much below average. Pretty much every sentence had words that were transposed which made reading a sentence somewhat harder than it should have been. There is also punctuation used where it isn't needed, primarily way too many commas inserted where there simply shouldn't be a comma.
For the most part I usually just ignore spelling mistakes and poor grammar, more so when a dev has been honest and open enough to say right from the start that English is not their native language so there will be mistakes. But when someone says that the English and grammar was actually really good when it clearly wasn't is just too much for me to remain silent!
Despite the poor grammar and English spelling I did, overall, enjoy the first chapter. There were some other issues: animation being rather "jerky" and awkward (others have mentioned that earlier); the sound effects are sometimes a little abrupt (both in starting and stopping) and can sometimes be a bit of a surprise (a warning about sound effects at the start of the game would have been appreciated); there are some rather sudden shifts in scenes (maybe due to choices having removed some scenes?) that leave you feeling as if you've missed something and then there's the scenes that just don't make sense such as the event with the MC's mom, after she runs out of the room he apparently just goes back to sleep?
I do agree that there is potential here and I also hope the dev does indeed carry on with this one. Good luck and best wishes for Chapter 2!