Recommending My Futanari Games List [Abandoned]

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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Thank you, I working hard and I already find a proofreader, working on next update and I hope I can do much better with his/her help to make the game enjoyable. I Startard this project with the Sims, I hope fined out some mod to make this worst in the end and to make some sequel and prequel. I hope to make this game better than it now is.
Your desire to improve your game is admirable. Again, I wish you good luck with it


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
This is going to be a long message but I strongly advise everyone to read this. So a while ago in the Red Room thread, development was (still is) extremely so. Therefore, I decided to cobble together a list of futanari games that I liked and post it in that thread so that people could enjoy those games that maybe they didn't know about while they waited for that game to update, which could very well never happen. That post was deleted by a moderator on account of being off topic/posted in the wrong section (it was). So I asked that moderator if they would send me the list I had made so I could put it in the correct place. So I did. I made this Futanari Games List and put it in the 'Recommendation' section of the website. As I saw games that I thought looked good, I added them to the list. This list therefore served three purposes. To give people who were having a trouble finding good futanari games a place to find a bunch of them, to hopefully (in some small way) help developers by hopefully allowing more people to find there games, and (selfishly) for me to have a place where I could easily navigate through the futanari threads I was following (I follow a lot of games and many of them aren't futanari [like Harem Hotel]). Now I had a bit of a philosophical problem introduced to me. After the list's creation people offered suggestions for games to be added to the list. I added some of these games, however, I did not add several of them. There were a few reasons behind this. The most prominent of them was that I was not interested in them, either because I didn't think the games looked very good or because I didn't want a certain type of content in the list (Futa on male, text based, japanese language). Now the philosophical problem for me is do I recommend people games that I have absolutely no interest in, or games that fall under those currently forbidden criteria, just because it falls under the banner of a "futanari game"? Should I blindly add every futa game I can find, regardless of the content, just for the sake of having a more "complete list", or should I continue to only recommend games that I feel comfortable recommending? So here's the answer for now at least: I am only going to put games on this list that meet this criteria (No text based, futa on male, loli, nor non-English language games), and I am interested in. To that effect I'm changing the title to "My Futanari Games List". You guys are still free to recommend games to be added to the list. If I am interested in the game I'll add it, otherwise I won't. I appreciate the suggestion either way. I don't know if this is the right decision, but it just seems wrong of me to recommend games that I have no interest in playing myself. I was considering deleting the list altogether, but for now I'm just going to operate the list this way. You can still scroll down through the thread to see other's suggestions, and if that isn't enough, anyone is free to make their own "Futanari List" with whatever games they want in it. I'm sorry if this is disappointing to anyone, but I hopefully at least explained my reasoning clearly enough.
I have a similar taste in futa games, so I hope you don't delete the thread. Changing to "My Futanari Games List" I think was the right move.

And while I did read through the entire wall of text, perhaps breaking it up into paragraphs will make it less daunting to read.
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
I have the similar taste in futa games, so I hope you don't delete the thread. Changing to "My Futanari Games List" I think was the right move.
Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate it.

And while I did read through the entire wall of text, perhaps breaking it up into paragraphs will make it less daunting to read.
Good idea. I divided it into 3 paragraphs where I felt breaks were appropriate
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Apr 4, 2018
Inner Growth has been updated to 0.3
I think it is worth it to point out that the developers have consistently pushed out updates to the game since its launch in a timely manner. The game has beautiful 3D art, an interesting story, and fantastic sex scenes. There are also multiple routes in the game. The developers are eager to answer questions in the thread and engage with the community. I believe the developers (Morally Purple) are a shining example of what a developer should be. You would be doing yourself a disservice not to play the game.
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Don't know if you've already seen The Thickening but it looks promising. ;)
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll keep my eye on this one and see how it plays out. If I'm not mistaken, I think I tried the demo and it had an extremely small amount of content even for a 0.1. Hopefully it shapes up well as time goes on.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Another Rise of the White Flower futa sex scene preview looking quite fantastic:
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Dec 16, 2017
Maybe Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light would fit in, it's a sort of puzzle/corruption game of disney princesses with a futa MC. The game isn't completed yet, but the core gameplay and scenes are finished.

(and yes, LoK still exists :p)
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Maybe Kingdom Hearts: Darkness of Light would fit in, it's a sort of puzzle/corruption game of disney princesses with a futa MC. The game isn't completed yet, but the core gameplay and scenes are finished.

(and yes, LoK still exists :p)
The concept is interesting and gorepete's games aren't generally too bad. I don't want to be too critical without understanding the game that well but so far my experience has been a nightmare. I grind the same nonsense "dialogue" to corrupt the girls up to like 28 and then it won't go any higher. I have no idea what to do after that. Do you Ilverin know of any walkthrough existing somewhere?


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Let me actually take a detour really quick and rant a little. I'm getting tired of playing broken games. There are certain features that a game needs to have to be playable. Let me break it down. It's just common sense.

If I can't easily and fluidly replay any adult scene from your game that I've unlocked, your game is unplayable. It's simple. That's the point of an adult game. What do you expect me to do? Replay your entire game just to replay that one sex scene I want to see? There's a reason most H games have this feature. It's required. If you are making your game in renpy, I can save before any scene and load that whenever I want so that's fine; just make sure you allow the player to have enough save slots to do that. If you're making your game in RPG Maker then you need to build your own scene replay gallery. If you can't do that, then you shouldn't be making your game in that engine, and it's unplayable. Just copy the event pages of all the sex scenes, and paste them into a room that you are transported to after you beat the game at the bare minimum. You don't need one immediately, but it should be as soon as possible.

I understand there are a lot of non-native English speaking devs here, and that's totally fine. However, if you choose to make your game in English, no one is going to play it if they can't read it. You don't need to be a literary master in the English language, but it needs to be at least mostly comprehensible. If you can't do that, you need to get a proofreader or make the game in a different language. No disrespect here again, but no one is going to play a game they can't read. It's just common sense.

If your game is so goddamn convoluted that your average person is going to have no idea how to proceed through your game then you as the developer need to provide a walkthrough or hope that one of your players makes one for you. If there are multiple routes in your game, and your players are not going to know what fucking choices they need to make to see all the content in your game, then just make a fucking walkthrough. It's not that hard.

That's it. That's fucking all. I've seen really good looking/promising games just absolutely destroy themselves by not having these features. Now there are some developers out there who understand that these are required through their own sense of common sense, and are either attempting to get help fixing these issues or are trying their best to fix themselves. Those developers don't bother me. What bothers me is the developers who just go through their whole goddamn development cycle ignoring these completely. You ask them about it and you just get ignored. For one thing, why do I have to fucking ask you to make your game playable? I'm so fucking sick of going into threads and asking, "hey guys is there a scene replay gallery?" Because I'm not going to waste 3 hours of my life playing your game just to learn that it doesn't have the bare-minimum required to actually make it playable. I've seen games like Tales of Androgyny have so many complicated features yet somehow a scene replay gallery eludes them. I'm sorry but after this long, either add the feature or quit developing games. Get help if you need it, or just make a post saying "Hey guys, we know a scene replay gallery is needed. We're working on it just be patient". No, we just get radio fucking silence like it's just normal that it doesn't exist in the game. Your game is broken.

These are some recommended features that your game can probably survive without but it isn't recommended to leave them out.



There's nothing to elaborate on there.

In summary, this is all just common sense. Can we just all acknowledge at this point that those three above features are the bare minimum that is required to make an adult game? It's 2020 can we just move past this already. I'm tired. Also guys, as an added thought, RENPY has all of those features except one BUILT IN. So if you can't handle making a game in rpg maker, then just make it in RENPY.

Edit: Deleted the last detour because it's irrelevant. I don't need to talk about abandoned games at the moment, it clutters my previous points.
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Game Developer
Mar 18, 2018
Version 0.1 is (likely) just the first public version. It's not a percentage, it's the first alpha or beta release. If "0.5" is the first version you release, it's public version 0.1. The version number is there to allow players to see whether they have the newest (highest numbered) version. An adult project is unlikely to ever be so complicated you need to number versions for yourself, so the visual novel with half a million words already publishing its first public version is still version 0.1. Abandoning titles is a different complaint, but a low version number by itself is not a valid criticism.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Version 0.1 is (likely) just the first public version. It's not a percentage, it's the first alpha or beta release. If "0.5" is the first version you release, it's public version 0.1. The version number is there to allow players to see whether they have the newest (highest numbered) version. An adult project is unlikely to ever be so complicated you need to number versions for yourself, so the visual novel with half a million words already publishing its first public version is still version 0.1. Abandoning titles is a different complaint, but a low version number by itself is not a valid criticism
For clarification purposes then, 0.1 refers to a game that has 10% of it's total content completed. Based on normal numbers where 0.1 equates to 10% of a total and 0.5 refers to 50%. Version 1.0 being 100% of the game completed. That's the standard because that's what those numbers actually mean. Some developers choose to not follow that system, and that's for them to decide. My statement was made based on the normal numbering system. My point is you don't need to release a game with little to no content, you can wait until it's half done (0.5) if you aren't sure if you can or are going to actually develop the game regularly. If you are an already established developer such as yourself, then it's a little different because if you attempted that you would probably lose your previous support. But that doesn't apply to developers who haven't released anything yet. They have no audience to lose yet.


Game Developer
Mar 18, 2018
For clarification purposes then, 0.1 refers to a game that has 10% of it's total content completed. Based on normal numbers where 0.1 equates to 10% of a total and 0.5 refers to 50%. Version 1.0 being 100% of the game completed. That's the standard because that's what those numbers actually mean. Some developers choose to not follow that system, and that's for them to decide. My statement was made based on the normal numbering system. My point is you don't need to release a game with little to no content, you can wait until it's half done (0.5) if you aren't sure if you can or are going to actually develop the game regularly. If you are an already established developer such as yourself, then it's a little different because if you attempted that you would probably lose your previous support. But that doesn't apply to developers who haven't released anything yet. They have no audience to lose yet.

That's not actually the common way to use version numbering though. There's many ways to use version numbering for the most part so as long as you're not counting down it's not really wrong, but using it as a percentage is very unorthodox to say the least. Version 1.0 is often a somewhat finished project, but it would be unnecessarily complicated to actually calculate the amount of work you have done as a percentage of what you think the finished project would be.

I don't see adult game developers using such a "percentage system" more than what is regular in software either. From many of the adult titles I played I get the idea that not every scene has been planned out yet so such a system would be impossible to use or rely on guesswork. I don't see many of the strange jumps in version numbers that would bring either (0.1 to 0.17 to 0.22) for most titles.

I wasn't taking your criticism personally because I still have a .1 in my current version number (going to .2 next version as I consider adding the final GUI a major change) by the way. I would just feel for fellow game developers being overlooked just because of a number that shouldn't say much about the amount of content. I've seen 0.1's with an impressive amount of content (mostly text-only html titles), likely because for that first release the developer's still fully invested in the project.
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018

That's not actually the common way to use version numbering though. There's many ways to use version numbering for the most part so as long as you're not counting down it's not really wrong, but using it as a percentage is very unorthodox to say the least. Version 1.0 is often a somewhat finished project, but it would be unnecessarily complicated to actually calculate the amount of work you have done as a percentage of what you think the finished project would be.

I don't see adult game developers using such a "percentage system" more than what is regular in software either. From many of the adult titles I played I get the idea that not every scene has been planned out yet so such a system would be impossible to use or rely on guesswork. I don't see many of the strange jumps in version numbers that would bring either (0.1 to 0.17 to 0.22) for most titles.

I wasn't taking your criticism personally because I still have a .1 in my current version number (going to .2 next version as I consider adding the final GUI a major change) by the way. I would just feel for fellow game developers being overlooked just because of a number that shouldn't say much about the amount of content. I've seen 0.1's with an impressive amount of content (mostly text-only html titles), likely because for that first release the developer's still fully invested in the project.
Alright, I'm wrong on that one then. My overall point stands but I'll revise it. New developers releasing minimal content for initial releases, and/or developers who can't/don't want to consistently developer their game, should consider not releasing at all. Rather it may be a better idea for them to hold off until they have a good amount of content in their game and release it then if they find they can handle consistently giving their game attention. And if they can't/don't want to actively participate in their own game, then maybe they should just not develop altogether.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2017
The concept is interesting and gorepete's games aren't generally too bad. I don't want to be too critical without understanding the game that well but so far my experience has been a nightmare. I grind the same nonsense "dialogue" to corrupt the girls up to like 28 and then it won't go any higher. I have no idea what to do after that. Do you Ilverin know of any walkthrough existing somewhere?
From LoK:
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The game is hard in its own way, but it's from Gorepete so not much of a surprise ^^
As stated in the walkthrough above, from night 1 and on, a princess will be outside while the others sleep, allowing her to be fully corrupted very quickly. When she is fully corrupted, you can start corrupting the princess she's with in the day up to the point you can corrupt her at night, etc etc.
The game works with "corruption tiers" : 28 is the softcap, and you can't corrupt them further, unless they are alone or with another corrupted princess. At 34, she will leave her door unlocked, at 46 you unlock the "fondle" action, at 62 she become "voyeur", which means you can corrupt another girl past 28 while she is here. And then, at 70 you unlock the "penetration" action, and at 100 they will "futassist" you in corrupting others.
Though take what I say with a grain of salt, since I never managed to finish the game and it's been quite a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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5.00 star(s) 6 Votes