In case, anal has 3x the amount of pain/pleasure cells than a pussy (average as it can trained of course).
This said, it quite common got a bad experience,information's do matter even if.
Starting by increasing sizes of dildos, use butplug of varied sizes and use adapted hydra/friction gel. As the ass don't get to produce anything on its one.
Then, going overboard lead to early inconticency, usual on late age but common among idiots SM etc.
Also, both can be trained as said, its as any other muscles, which is best made on a plug/dildo at first, but has quite a bonus as experience (both sides, even if probably more on man one ?).
As to cleaning, finding an enema kit is worth it, temps Boeing another story.
All considered, shibari and roleplay are the best, knowing the fin fixations can be used for baby cradle when needed.
Guess its mostly on the personal skills side as it isn't that know/used, no big surprise.