I finished the game and saw all the endings. My thoughts on the game.
The best part is the long build-up where you connect emotionally with the characters which makes what happens in the rest of the story more powerful.
The mystery part of the story is also well done. The fun part of detective stories are the false clues that makes you keep guessing. In case of mystery netorare is the question: is she loyal/not loyal to me? the story gives clues she is loyal and clues she is not loyal until the big reveal. There are also false clues until the real villain is revealed.
I liked most of the sex scenes. I think the main fetish of the story is humiliation. Maybe I am a masochist because I really liked the humiliation in the sex scenes of the main character by comparing him with the villain and how the heroine treated each one in a different way.
For the bad parts, the blackmail and psychological manipulation were really dumb. You need to turn off the brain and continue reading because it did not make sense. The angst was a little repetitive. After 3+ times of the main character complaining about life it became funny and a little annoying.
Regarding the length of the story, some people might find that the story takes too long to begin and prefer the sex scenes to appear as fast as possible but then it becomes almost like just looking at sex pictures without a story. I read a book about writing called save the cat where the author says that a talented writer should be able to make a story engaging from the beginning to the end.
Maybe long stories could be a little shorter and short stories could be a bit longer.