how can i run this game?
just a black screen for me even if japanese locale
Anyone finds away to play this? i follow the instruction/tips to the letter, still find a black screen
Use "game_crack.exe" and not the normal one.Yea, not working in any way(not even locate emulate), i guess it's something wrong with the patch ? Because if you take it out of the game folder the game runs normally(in jap, of course).
Guess i'll wait to see if someone knows what's up
have you try to re start the game from the begining? now it had choicesyeah i got it to work, but is this demo? i cant play the full game, after few scene the game back to the title screen.
Run the game again to get the choices.yeah i got it to work, but is this demo? i cant play the full game, after few scene the game back to the title screen.
Use "game_crack.exe" and not the normal one.
Seriously, there's only two .exes and one of them literally says crack on it...
Get a syntax error?Use "game_crack.exe" and not the normal one.
Seriously, there's only two .exes and one of them literally says crack on it...
for syntax error issue, run the exe with system locale set to Japan and Japanese language pack installed : a syntax error?
Can’t do. Translators credits show up there.Some people are experiencing a black screen even after using GAME_crack and locale set to Japan. I've narrowed down the problem to a file (logo.ks) in patch.xp3 , it probably goes into a timeout based on your screen resolution, not sure. I removed it and re-packaged patch.xp3 and it works fine for me now. Can you make a patch without logo.ks and upload it for people facing this issue? It's too large for me to upload and I can't post links.
who gives a shit?That is just moronic to me, this is a japanese game and the game developer's games are all NTR focus, they doesn't even use patreon to bait supporters so if you have common sense, even without reading the overview you'll know what content is there, to me what you are doing is just bitching and trolling, if its not to your liking then check other thread there are lots of vanilla games out there that you can enjoy, you don't go to gay site on purpose just to show them that you hate gay and homos right ?
And this proves that you are one of those vanilla fags who go on NTR game thread just to troll
Try to replace your exe with this one. Then run the new EXEi use locale emulatore and still get the black screen how can i start the game?