4.70 star(s) 108 Votes


Dec 8, 2019
It reminds me of the Scorned movies, excellent start to the game, except that some dialogues are very long, exciting Milf, I expect many kinky things, not just sex with the boss.


Oct 15, 2023
Well made kn with good images ,Good story
but maybe a little unhappy NTR for me with no
consequences what choises has been done .
Maybe Addsion can make some happynes to Mc and Vivian
maybe see that she will lose him someday because Vivians choices .
Looking forwards to the next update
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New Member
Feb 1, 2023
What a great game! Hopefully the wife will turn to become a full slut, because her appearance and body really depict how slutty she can be. And please don't abandon it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
She is so much hotter and younger looking without being caked in makeup. In fact, when you are close up to her face with little to no makeup, she is gorgeous. So far, I like it and appreciate that the dev allowed us to name all three of the main characters. That way I could name the boss after myself, instead of the poor hubby.

Found several typos and a few misspellings but overall, the writing is good. Here is one of the more egregious misspellings...

That last word should be "rapport".

Looking forward to more.
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Nov 17, 2017
Great NTR VN. I hope in the future we will also see a lot of wife/mother action with her son's friends, who will suffer or take unhealthy pleasure in peeping at their mother when she is being fucked. It all promises to be very good. Let's just hope the creator doesn't abandon his project.
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Mar 15, 2020
Great NTR VN. I hope in the future we will also see a lot of wife/mother action with her son's friends, who will suffer or take unhealthy pleasure in peeping at their mother when she is being fucked. It all promises to be very good. Let's just hope the creator doesn't abandon his project.
Please do not.


Active Member
Aug 17, 2020
The author considers it important for himself that as many people as possible express their opinion about the new game! Here's my opinion: The theme of the game is old and has been researched many times by game developers! It is this circumstance that allows you to immediately notice the differences! First, the game is made with taste and immediately in large volume! We can confidently say that the game maintains an optimal balance between excessive vulgarity and a man's passion for a beautiful woman! Secondly, the scenario of the game does not give us a choice of action and influence the evolution of changes in the relationship between husband and wife! But after just a few episodes, it becomes clear that only replacing the main character can affect the story! Only if Christian is appointed husband from the very beginning, and Hutch is his Boss! It's all about mentality and character! Third: there is no excessive slow burning, as in some other games! gorenje! For example, a fisherman has cast a fishing rod with bait on a hook in the form of a fat worm and is looking at the behavior of the float! Everyone is already shouting hook and pull , and the stubborn fisherman is waiting and waiting for the biggest fish .As a result, there is no disappointment: there is no worm, there is no fish! There is only an empty hook and the taunts of other fishermen! Fourth: a married couple is going through a typical midlife crisis! At first, my husband was fine with his job, a beautiful, loyal wife and child! There is prosperity and well-being in the family. But now there's an adult son, problems at work, because life has changed, but Hutch has remained the same and, by virtue of his character, just goes with the flow! The problem at work and the Boss's words have paralyzed Hutch's will and he is unable to make radical decisions! It seems that the husband has decided to accept his fate in this world, because he is no longer confident in his ability to change something! The husband has delegated his powers as head of the family to his wife and agrees to a free relationship! The wife, of course, feels guilty, but still shocked by her husband's words!My wife has not yet fully understood that all problems will have to be solved independently and in any way!Fifth: the most important thing is that the husband is broken by circumstances and has not found anything better than to adapt and just survive and endure! Perhaps the sex scene in the women's bathroom has completely destroyed Hutch's sense of self-worth and will awaken previously unknown instincts! According to the genre of the observer's behavior! Who knows? In general, the game left the most positive impression...;):):love:
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Mar 23, 2024
Okay so it's my turn. Forget reviews, I'll put it here for discussion.
And hopefully the dev/writer sees this.

I liked this story. BUT. It has problems. If this is supposed to be Netorare,
you fucked up at the beginning and almost made me stop reading. Show, do not tell.
You deliberately withheld the boss taking the wife on a house tour and the events
leading up to being caught by the husband to falsely paint her as a easily unfaithful
wife and cuck the husband. I was fucking insulted by this. You even later make it painfully
clear how coerced she is in this situation. Yet you do not show your readers what the boss
said or did to cause her to give herself like that. She is not the type of person to just do that.
This is establish way before that event. There is no way she would just DO it.
Her meeting in the office that morning was a mistake. She recognized that.
She tried to go with the flow to control the situation and she made another mistake.
At NO POINT had she ever even considered being unfaithful.
So how did it happen?

We'll never know.

Because the focus was on making her look like an untrustworthy whore to your audience,
when at the same time you are making it clear she isn't. She is being coerced. SOMEHOW.
We never see it. Until the kitchen when you are done with the behind the door antics.
Which I am okay with. The kitchen coercion made up for it. We see she's trying to fight it.
She should never have agreed to go in to the room to begin with but we don't know why
she did. This is IMPORTANT. Don't just leave it to the weak minded reader to just shout whore
when that's not what's going on. Cos we both know that's not what was going on.
What did he say and or do to make this woman fear enough to give in to this shit?
She didn't do it because she wanted to, that was cheap.

Once we get passed that bullshit, the story is great.

I can't say this enough. NTR/NGR is NOT cuckolding so thank you for stopping that.
Thank you for showing her suffering, guilt, self loathing.. THAT IS NTR.
Thank you for showing their struggles with this, both his and hers. That is NTR.
Even in the end the asshole boss talked truth to the husband. Stop ignoring your wife.
She loves you enough to make serious personal sacrifices. Does the husband love her that much?
To accept her sacrifices and accept her? Or keep being a bitch and not picking up the phone.

I hate weak men. I'm sorry I do. And it's easy for me to be drawn to the antagonist if my hubby
has no balls or will to stand up and be a man. In the end I don't hate the boss. I don't hate the hubby.
And I feel a connection with the wife. So often when you guys wrote these you do it from only your
perspective, which is okay. You're guys. You know how YOU feel about these things. But as writers,
especially writing NTR, you have to put yourself in her shoes and show her struggle and pain.
You can't just point and call her a whore. That is NOT NTR.

Cuckolding is when the boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife willfully cheats to spite their other.
For a man being cucked it's Femdom. Emasculate, humiliate, sissify.

In NTR is how to ruin and corrupt a person. How to break them of all the personal defenses and
makes them beg for release. THEY are humiliated, degraded, tortured. With the final goal to break
them and make them accept their own corruption. NGR. Is "Going with the flow". For one reason or
another. You want to call it NTS, fine. Netori. Fine. Netorase, sure. It's Nagasare. GOING WITH THE FLOW.
Hubby has a kink where he wants to see the wife fucked and she agrees. She's going with the flow. NGR.
Wife thinks hubby cheated when he didn't, so she lets go of herself and indulges in passion.
She is going with the flow.. NGR. Wife feels neglected and gets talked in to opening up and exploring
her sexuality... she's going with the flow... NGR.

Any way. Good story, I will definitely recommend it but with that warning about the start.
i wish you could go back and fill in that gap though. You need to show why she broke down and did that.
You can't cheat your character or your readers like that. She wasn't being loose. She thought she was
being loyal and made the "wrong choice for the right reason". The boss himself says it. So you know it too.


New Member
Oct 30, 2021
Congrats to the dev. Although NTR VNs are not my thing, the way characters are written exude maturity and the plot right now is dense and packed with options and possible twists.

That being said,I think this VN is in a very important place right now. I really hope the dev does not turn their characters into idiots:

I get that the NTR nature of the plot needs the wife to have a slutty awakening, and the husband to have little temperament to be able to make this VN start and spark some problematic events. That's good, many really good books and movies kinda have this intro. But, please, there's so much misery that a marriage can carry, there's always a breaking point.

Do not turn the characters into non-realistic, some other bizarre-VN-Cloned hollow personas, just another slutty wife and idiot brainless husband. That would be a waste of a very well written story, in my opinion.

I'll keep an eye on this one, hoping this keeps the mature storytelling path it has mostly started. I really hope this does not turn into another "welp, the wife is a slut and the husband, after 20 years of a perfectly normal vanilla marriage, kinda digs it, out of nowhere" VN. There are plenty of those, it would be nice to have a more mature approach to these stories... cheating on a marriage can happen, but c'mon, turning a character completely upside down out of nowhere? meh, that's lazy writting, and... if there's no real plot there to read... might as well give up on the VN entirely and go to a pornsite... you don't really have to click or read there :p


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2024
Okay so it's my turn. Forget reviews, I'll put it here for discussion.
And hopefully the dev/writer sees this.

I liked this story. BUT. It has problems. If this is supposed to be Netorare,
you fucked up at the beginning and almost made me stop reading. Show, do not tell.
You deliberately withheld the boss taking the wife on a house tour and the events
leading up to being caught by the husband to falsely paint her as a easily unfaithful
wife and cuck the husband. I was fucking insulted by this. You even later make it painfully
clear how coerced she is in this situation. Yet you do not show your readers what the boss
said or did to cause her to give herself like that. She is not the type of person to just do that.
This is establish way before that event. There is no way she would just DO it.
Her meeting in the office that morning was a mistake. She recognized that.
She tried to go with the flow to control the situation and she made another mistake.
At NO POINT had she ever even considered being unfaithful.
So how did it happen?

We'll never know.

Because the focus was on making her look like an untrustworthy whore to your audience,
when at the same time you are making it clear she isn't. She is being coerced. SOMEHOW.
We never see it. Until the kitchen when you are done with the behind the door antics.
Which I am okay with. The kitchen coercion made up for it. We see she's trying to fight it.
She should never have agreed to go in to the room to begin with but we don't know why
she did. This is IMPORTANT. Don't just leave it to the weak minded reader to just shout whore
when that's not what's going on. Cos we both know that's not what was going on.
What did he say and or do to make this woman fear enough to give in to this shit?
She didn't do it because she wanted to, that was cheap.

Once we get passed that bullshit, the story is great.

I can't say this enough. NTR/NGR is NOT cuckolding so thank you for stopping that.
Thank you for showing her suffering, guilt, self loathing.. THAT IS NTR.
Thank you for showing their struggles with this, both his and hers. That is NTR.
Even in the end the asshole boss talked truth to the husband. Stop ignoring your wife.
She loves you enough to make serious personal sacrifices. Does the husband love her that much?
To accept her sacrifices and accept her? Or keep being a bitch and not picking up the phone.

I hate weak men. I'm sorry I do. And it's easy for me to be drawn to the antagonist if my hubby
has no balls or will to stand up and be a man. In the end I don't hate the boss. I don't hate the hubby.
And I feel a connection with the wife. So often when you guys wrote these you do it from only your
perspective, which is okay. You're guys. You know how YOU feel about these things. But as writers,
especially writing NTR, you have to put yourself in her shoes and show her struggle and pain.
You can't just point and call her a whore. That is NOT NTR.

Cuckolding is when the boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife willfully cheats to spite their other.
For a man being cucked it's Femdom. Emasculate, humiliate, sissify.

In NTR is how to ruin and corrupt a person. How to break them of all the personal defenses and
makes them beg for release. THEY are humiliated, degraded, tortured. With the final goal to break
them and make them accept their own corruption. NGR. Is "Going with the flow". For one reason or
another. You want to call it NTS, fine. Netori. Fine. Netorase, sure. It's Nagasare. GOING WITH THE FLOW.
Hubby has a kink where he wants to see the wife fucked and she agrees. She's going with the flow. NGR.
Wife thinks hubby cheated when he didn't, so she lets go of herself and indulges in passion.
She is going with the flow.. NGR. Wife feels neglected and gets talked in to opening up and exploring
her sexuality... she's going with the flow... NGR.

Any way. Good story, I will definitely recommend it but with that warning about the start.
i wish you could go back and fill in that gap though. You need to show why she broke down and did that.
You can't cheat your character or your readers like that. She wasn't being loose. She thought she was
being loyal and made the "wrong choice for the right reason". The boss himself says it. So you know it too.
This is what the dev wrote about the "missing" build up scene. We will get to see what happened in time apparently.
Also I agree with what you wrote, personally I'm glad that it ended the way that it did with the husband accepting that he can't satisfy his wife in the way that Christian does. She also likes Christian way more than she lets on, she finds his arrogance attractive, even though she won't admit it.

To address the issue of the 'unseen' seduction of the female lead by the antagonist, it was obviously intentional to leave you wondering what happened. Why could just a devote wife succumb so quickly, so easily? Did he really just threaten his job? Is she just a slut who drops panties for any alpha male? Others are just disappointed they didn't get to see a sexy scene. There is lots of story left and these are addressed in time.

Just a little background, the entire story arc is defined and the whole script is complete save for some polish. I do not like epically long stories with a sudden weak, rushed ending that doesn't do the rest of the game justice. The ending is fantastic in my mind, will make half of you happy, will make half of you pissed off, but will surprise everyone. It's just a matter of about 20k more renders to complete so bear with me.

This is also my second game but I've yet to publish the first (called Standing Guard). It is complete except for one scene I just can't seem to make myself finish. It is much shorter(about 1.5-2hrs total if you actually read the dialog). It's also a romance (no NTR). MHB is more polished because of the learning curve on my first game(it's a lot rougher in every measure). I'll publish it some day.

I want to thank all the reviewers and the kind remarks so far.

Thank you.
Mar 23, 2024
This is what the dev wrote about the "missing" build up scene. We will get to see what happened in time apparently.
Oh good. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm still listing My Husband's Boss as a favorite and like I said
recommending it, I want to see it progress and get supported. It's just that one part that rattles me haha
Mistakes get made in design and execution, I know this. It just has to be said.


Dec 19, 2017
That was a suprise! What a good game.
At first I thought “no decisions” would be boring and all that. But I didn't realize that it's really fun even without that. And the renders are really very good! Vivian is such a horny bitch. I can hardly wait for the update.

And so much content directly as a “first release” is awesome!

Thank you
4.70 star(s) 108 Votes