I feel like I need to jump in here regarding potential future tags. Yes this story is dark but not dark like the content Robb dredged up from long, long ago. While the script is written, mostly, I do make changes here and there. And a subtle change now can have a bigger impact down the line requiring bigger rewrites. Not all those tags are written in stone. At the same time, I don't want to piss off to many people by not having accurate tags and someone walking into something they aren't interested in. (There are games with a particular genre that I'm not interested in, even if avoidable, so I appreciate accurate tags)
Once I've completed certain scenes I'll a take closer look as decide if it crosses a line and needs a special tag. But don't expect a scene like that old render.
On a happier note, working on a scene today but there is so much background I think my GPU might melt. That other render in the green dress was just a one off because I liked the idea of an ass crack dress. Go watch 'The man with one Red Shoe'
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