Downloaded and played for about 2 hours and I've got some major notes, should the devs ever read them:
1) this is a very very VERY early build. There's literally nothing (that I could find) to do once you're past the 5-minute opening sequence. There's almost no content here. Again, super early build so this isn't necessarily a problem...yet. But there needs to be something. Essentially what you have here is basically a "showcase" with nothing to show. My first suggestion would be to put in any kind of interaction. 3 people with like 2 lines of dialogue each who never leave their rooms, doesn't count.
2) the devs have made some comments in here about keeping the QTE structure for the sex scenes. Let me tell you why this is bad:
a) QTE is, by nature, lazy game development and frankly, extremely annoying. QTE is not gameplay, it's punishment. "Perform random actions perfectly or fuck you." This is a sex game. We're all here for one thing and that's to have a great time (with ourselves). QTE's do not serve this purpose.
b) The majority of people playing this will be men, which means the majority of people playing this will be doing so one-handed. QTE's are complicated enough on their own, they're basically impossible while you're also rubbing one out. QTE's distract the player not only from the action on the screen, but also from the action off the screen. This is really REALLY bad when you consider what kind of game this is and what the players will be doing whilst playing it. QTE's will kill this game.
c) Though the majority of players will be men, there will also be women playing this game which means you also have to consider the fact that female masturbation is vastly more...lubricated...than the male counterpart's. So for women you have sticky fingers, trying to watch the game AND trying to perform the QTE. It's a disaster.
d) Lastly, having QTE's means taking the focus AWAY from the sex. Especially if the skills gain are tied directly to how well you complete the QTE. That means in a game about sex, nobody can afford to watch the sex, because if you do bad at the QTE, the sex is over. This leads to a catch-22 where in order to have sex, you gotta not look at it, but if you don't not look at it, you'll never have it. QTE's WILL be the downfall of this game and I desperately IMPLORE you to drop it now while the development is young. A game like this would function far better with a sex system similar to that of Koikatsu Party.
3) Character customization needs to be a thing. Currently it is not. This could be due to the early state of the game, but the devs need to seriously consider making it a top priority. Some people just want a pretty avatar, some want one they can relate to, and some want to make themselves. You need to give players these options or they'll move on to other games.
4) In relation to character customization, we also need personality customization. Some people are totally fine with the "shy girl" trait, but others might want a "bad bitch" or maybe someone who's just outgoing. The point here is people are either going to project themselves into the game, or play out a fantasy and right now there are zero options. We get shy Ashley and that's it.
5) The status effects mechanic is way too sensitive. Currently, Ashley pees 8x as often as a diabetic with one kidney and she eats twice as much too. These need a complete rebalance with the player only needing to use the bathroom and eat probably once an in-game day unless there's a good reason for more like intense sex or working out.
6) Finally, and this is a problem ALL sex games have, you have to give this game MORE than just sex. Personally, I find myself getting bored with sex games very quickly because one of two things ALWAYS happens. Either there's JUST sex, or the other gameplay elements are so shallow that I complete blow through whatever story there is in about an hour and now all that's left is...just sex... This is gonna sound completely backwards and maybe a little counterintuitive, but make the sex a SECONDARY mechanic instead of the PRIMARY one.
Think of it this way, when you're given access to cheats and god mode in other games, how long does that game stay fun until you're bored with it? Not very long. Once that high is over, you want to play something else. You have everything so what's the point?
We need to avoid that with this game (and ALL sex games moving forward). Once the player cums, what's to keep them playing? Women can go forever, but men have a refractory period. There needs to be something meaningful BESIDES sex to keep them from beating the meat and then quitting to desktop.
This game has potential, but it also has a lot of room for improvement. These points I've made aren't designed to discourage the devs, but rather inspire them to not be just another sex game, but to be THE sex game.