
Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
The most glaring missing content from this game is... class.
It's a game set at a university except the university seems to be basically abandoned.

That should have been the first thing added with the dormroom content coming later.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Where the hell is the dressing room and stage? Teddie is standing right next to the locker room (which is a "dressing room") and the pool (which is elevated and can be considered a "stage"), but he keeps telling me to get on the stage. I tried the stage by the Boys Dorm, but that doesn't seem to be it. I can't find any other room in the game (outside your bedroom) where you can change. The walkthrough is frustratingly vague about this, too. Really annoying when games do dumb crap like this.

So, it turns out that the "stage", is inside the school, through the entrance on the right, that you pass to get to the running track and swimming pool area. You somewhat follow the wall, go up some steps and you end up in the Concert Hall, which has a dressing room in the back. I had to go on their Discord and ask to figure this out (even then, they didn't give me directions until I asked a second time).

And, after going through all of that, and wasting hours trying to find this mythical stage, it turns out that I have a bug, and had to start the whole game over. Not even sure if it will work, on my second playthrough. So far, this game has been disappointing.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
So, it turns out that the "stage", is inside the school, through the entrance on the right, that you pass to get to the running track and swimming pool area. You somewhat follow the wall, go up some steps and you end up in the Concert Hall, which has a dressing room in the back. I had to go on their Discord and ask to figure this out (even then, they didn't give me directions until I asked a second time).
Not sure which door you were using. The one I went through (the large double doors leading into the building) you just turn left and go up a set of stairs that lead you directly to the stage.

It's pretty easy to find if you explore the school, but I agree that the school itself is kinda mazelike has doesn't have enough landmarks inside.

I really think that the school content (classes and such) needs to be rushed. the game makes basically no sense without it, since it's a university setting but you never actually go to class.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Not sure which door you were using. The one I went through (the large double doors leading into the building) you just turn left and go up a set of stairs that lead you directly to the stage.

It's pretty easy to find if you explore the school, but I agree that the school itself is kinda mazelike has doesn't have enough landmarks inside.

I really think that the school content (classes and such) needs to be rushed. the game makes basically no sense without it, since it's a university setting but you never actually go to class.
Well, ignoring the fact that's it's an Adult game with barely any erotic content, what needs to be fixed, is the game's economy. A lot of times, you don't actually get the money your told, from completing an objective (the janitor job flat out broke for me after one attempt).

In order to advance one day, you basically need 2 sources of food and water, which means you have to spend somewhere between $24 and $64 a day. Except that most quests reward you with about $5 (and the photographer questline is long, but a finite amount of money). It's excessively difficult to save up for the more expensive quests (like buying all of Evie's clothes). Although, at the same time, the fancier stuff you buy is worthless; you can buy computer parts, but they're not really implemented, whereas the adult toys can't be manually used, and are rewarded/used for the end of the photography questline.

Based on the description of the game, there were plans for Ashley to be a Cashier, and when you talk to the grocery store clerk, she even mentions "Here's your check." That's not even mentioning a ton of other things they boast about the game, that aren't remotely ready.

Not sure what they've been working on, considering this game has been around quite a while. When I went on their Discord for help with where the "stage" was, one of their developers said they should probably add a better guide for that quest, but that they were more worried about whether or not to "put in lights for the Concert Hall", than doing anything else. I would have more sympathy for the development team, if they weren't banking literally $6,666 a month (last a checked, a couple days ago).

Maybe the $25 version has more content though. That's probably where all their focus is. I'm not paying for it though. This game definitely isn't worth that pricetag, yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
In order to advance one day, you basically need 2 sources of food and water, which means you have to spend somewhere between $24 and $64 a day. Except that most quests reward you with about $5 (and the photographer questline is long, but a finite amount of money). It's excessively difficult to save up for the more expensive quests (like buying all of Evie's clothes). Although, at the same time, the fancier stuff you buy is worthless; you can buy computer parts, but they're not really implemented, whereas the adult toys can't be manually used, and are rewarded/used for the end of the photography questline.
Oh, i don't interact with the needs system at all. That shit is garbage. I just cheat to keep all of my bars full.

As for the cashier, I think she means 'Here's your receipt" because she says it when you buy something.
That being a side-job wouldn't be very surprising though, but obviously it isn't done yet.

Before the photography job or the janitor though, it feels like the actual classes should have been the first thing in, because that's what your day as a student is structured around.
Everything else is secondary.
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David Bundy

Jun 17, 2018
how to use the thing in the room that svet gave u the key to it keeps telling me im not dressed for it because its painful
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