VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    avg at best - 3 and im being nice

    sex scenes are the same, if you played 2 chapters then you played the whole game. So bland and not unique at all sadly. Animations are nice but the dev lacks any imagination.

    Don't. Just don't waste your time.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great and funny writing with excellent music cues. This is a fairly light heated game that will give you a palate cleanser and lift you up after dealing with all the bullshit in the news. Love that each character has a distinct look and personality and they are written pretty consistent as far as their individual quirks and actions. Well done killer7
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately this game only works as harem or nothing.

    I decided to play it with most girls but without mother/aunt relationship. Game doesn't like that and closed ALL routes for some reason.

    Tried it few times and result is the same each time, if I'm skipping mom/aunt, sisters are all of a sudden not with MC, game can't be saved at the end, thus can't be transferred to chapter 10+ (rollback error, tried playing through chapters 1-9 3x, end result is the same) and that's it.

    Even downloaded walkthrough mod, selected every single choice positive except relationship with mom/aunt, every other girl is still not developing relationship.

    Rating is so low because, come on, if choices are either going to be YES or NO, and even a single NO blocks all content, just make kinetic novel. It's pointless otherwise.

    There's, if gallery is to be trusted, metric fuckton of H content if you get it, but seems it's all or nothing. So it's a nothing for me. Happens, moving on.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This VN has one the most uneventful stories on this site: it doesn't care for intrigue, plot twists, gripping storylines, clever plot, escapism, sensory writing. And I mean this, this so desperately flat.
    The plot is as follows : MC is introduced to his formely estranged all-female family and has sex with them because they like each other. Thereafter you will be introduced to other members of the family and will also have sex because they like each other. Repeat x45. Sometimes it's friends not family. They go the café, they go to the pool, they take the train! And that is it, slice of life in its dullest form.
    The sheer number of LIs is astounding and should give you a clue about how this can feel so boring : you just can't write 45 characters and make them interesting. At the very least this person can't for sure. So Tab is your friend right ? Well...
    I would have liked to give a 2nd star but the saving grace should have been sex. But here again it fails ungraciously. I shit you not, this vn uses the most basic, the most uncustomized Honey Select poses there are. Are you familiar with the "holdings hands doggy style pose" in HS? Yeah that one, it's used every other damn scene with same angle, and I'm barely exagerating here :(
    "But you don't get it, it's so very very wholesome you heartless being! There's so much to read! It's an ode to pure love!" Nah, wholesome it may be but everything is subpar in this game. Writing, graphics, everything. You know what to expect if you launch this game
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    My personal beef with the dev aside, this is what a VN should be. Just the right amount of drama and without any weird death mechanics or NTR. The story is wonderful and the characters actually evolve. That being said there are issues that keep it from being perfect. As I write this only the epilogue is left and there are still three love interests that have not been explored. One, Megan has been teased throughout the whole story with no pay off. another is Celeste who has been teased throughout the second half of the story and still no pay off. The third, Christina came in too late for anything real to happen with her. That is the main problem with story, you are either teased throughout the whole story with no relationship building and only one sex scene or they come in way too late to be able to build a relationship to them. Most Love Interests only have one scene like Ida and Soo. In fact the only Love interests outside of your family that you build is Sun, Yvonne, and Tanja. And since I know that the epilogue will only be six days long it is not enough time to build those last three relationship so we will just jump right into sex with them. and it is sad because I really wanted to explore the relationship between the MC, Ida, and Celeste given Ida's and Celeste's past.. Still despite it faults this is the closet to perfection that I have seen yet. I hope his new game Ny New Memories will build all the relationships over time and involve more than one scene and not wait until the end to surprise us with a late edition.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    When the most important part of your VN, the writing, is this exceedingly boring, you have a big issue. Nothing really happens, women just fall into the MC hands for no reason other than he exists. No conflicts, no real hardships, just pages and pages of the most boring dialogues possible.
    The models and animations are from honey select. The models have a wide range of quality, from bad to good, there are no terrible ones but no great ones either. The actual problem are animation and camera angle choices. HS has a pretty wide range of positions. You will see about 5 of them here and "see" is extremely generous. The terrible angles will obstruct you from actually being able to enjoy the animations.
    By chapter 8-9 I was quickly skimming through they samey lines and replicas to get the meat, chapter 12 was about as much as I could stomach this dull, boring VN.
    If you want an engaging story or good porn, better look elsewhere.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Charming story with a whole lot of scenes and good animations. Currently playing through chapters 1-9.

    However, I found some petty annoyances with this game. Firstly, it has so many unnecessary lines of dialogue to click through, and it's maddening when they don't contribute to the story at all. I wish it would just focus on the events and character motivations that matter. I'm often mindlessly clicking through another new cluster of dialogue where MC is going to sleep, eating breakfast, or asking a character for their life story. All of these are unimportant to the story. The skip feature really comes in handy with these.

    Also, I like the plethora of characters, but this game has a problem with diversity in that many of the characters look and act the same. Many have the same basic features with a slightly different haircut. There are some unique characters for sure, but the love interests can really start to blend together. The one instance of this that bothered me enough to bring it up is the 3 sisters that all have red hair and freckles. Red hair like that is rare. The sisters aren't even all related, so it made no sense when another sister shows up, and she's just a clone of the other 2 sisters.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    There will be some spoilers in my review so be warned. This VN is kind of hard to rate because i really like it. I read it twice till chapter 15 and there are 17 chapters. But there are almost as many bad as there is good. The story is good enough that i read it twice but there are some things that didn't make sense like fiona Becca's Boss Becca is the Mom Fiona in her first meeting the MC she sucks his dick and trys to make Him her fucktoy later on you find out that Fiona has a very soft spot for Becca because she reminds her of her dead sister so this is what i don't get if she cares so much for Becca, Why would she treat Becca's son like a fucktoy? Another thing that bothers me is there is forced Lesbian content you can skip most of it but there are some stuff you can't like the Alice and Sandra scene and them groping each other in bed. and another thing is the sex scenes the angles are not to good not really fap worthy. Also this story is written to be a harem so if you reject a girl you miss a large amount of the story. 3 main girls are Sandra,Lucy and Alice But to make sense of the story you should try to get everyone except maybe Yvonne i skipped her and didn't really miss much. I know i gave a lot of bad points but i really do like this game and i do recommend playing it. Just know some stuff is not avoidable and it is not really fappable all though there are alot of sex scenes.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    My New Family [v0.22] [Killer7]

    • A fairly good story emphasizing incest & polyamorous. Incest approach with mom was fairly reasonable with mom’s reluctance to give-up the morality was well expressed.
    • Excellent quality of image renders (May be 8 out of 10 credit).
    • Excellent quality of animations (May be 7 out of 10 credit).
    • Play-ability, performance and grammar are all just OK no issue

    • Lack of genuine or more of fictitious in general for sexuality with all characters
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach
    • Nothing much of game as the options to change are pretty simple like play or don’t play; so obviously will choose the play option

    Ancient society where most of the men treat women poorly, where MC is different with moderate mindset so naturally have been attracted by numerous females right from very young sisters/girls to moms, aunties to grandmother. Lot of females with MC as the only male; a bit odd to imagine, but the story is formed little convincing. Appreciate the work and effort by the author. Adding little more genuineness/realistic could improve.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think my favorite thing about My New Family (and, to be honest, K7's style in general) is that, while these stories are still CYOA, they're not games where you have no idea what the "right" choice is.

    Since you know going in that you are experiencing a linear story, with the option to choose to skip elements, rather than a game with choices that you are unsure of how they will effect your ability to finish, there is a comfort level even as the story brings forth each new surprise.

    Anyway, thanks for providing a wonderful experience for all us degenerates ^_^
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Good scenes and concept, but every character's dialogue is written the same. Their dirty talk is all the same, with no variation. It's very obviously written by one guy who's lacking in the versatility department.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest i wasn't expecting to fall in love with this devs work as much as i did so far this game is one of the top 5 AVN's i have ever played and i guess that's saying something since i have played around 120 of them in the last year (not a lot for some ik) since i discovered these types of games. (ik i have an addiction to them leave me alone.)

    To be honest as other people have pointed out the renders aren't the best but i have seen 100 times worse than this. They get a little better as the development progresses. If you can look past the bland looking house and few other locations early on the dev changes most of them as the story progresses and they look a lot better. The dev played on the story with it and as everyone moved past their trauma/depression/etc. the atmosphere/environment around everyone became a lot brighter and has a lot more color.

    The animations are great. They have a lot of juggle in all of the right places which i love.

    The story is hilarious. I didn't know what to expect going into it but this is the funniest AVN i have played so far. The dev does a fantastic job of mixing serious stuff in with a lot of light hearted playful teasing between the mc and everyone else.

    Honestly i am going to be very sad when i reach the end of the current build of the game and have to wait for updates because yea there is a lot of sex in this game but that's not the only thing it is it has a lot of wholesome and funny content that just makes me laugh and kind of brightens my day when i play it.

    As of me writing this review the game version is 0.22 i am currently around the content added with 0.15 on my playthrough.

    (As i have said on pretty much all of my other review sorry if a lot of this doesn't make sense i am not very good at writing things like this or speaking my mind in general i typically ramble and repeat myself a lot so sorry.)
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2657500

    The game is such a feel good game. It doesn't matter that we could only dream of finding a girl like Sandra. The story is well done with interesting characters and you don't get them all throwing themselves at you automatically. You actually have to put some work in to get some of the girls. Its refreshing and enjoyable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is some of the best, sometimes I find my self advancing the story and then the "good sfuff" happends and I am like "oh yeah this is and 18+ game" xd, the story is heavy but not difficult to be follow, and there is always a reward for it. A total recomendation to try it at least
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute girls + decent writing + fetishes that I like. Some moments are a bit weird, and it could probably use a couple editing look overs, but everything in the game makes up for it multiple times over.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First and foremost this game might not be for everyone but not in a bad way.

    If i have to summarize it with one word it would be adorable.

    Unlike many other games this one is heavily on a harem route and the love path and that's whats make it differ.

    All the game experience is about loving the characters and choosing to help them or to skip. There are many cute moments that might be corny but at the same time you might need those kinds of things.

    The different characters each have their interesting backstories and are funny to interact with.

    If you are in search for something to put a smile on your face and melt your heart look no further.

    Developer is also consistent and respectful. Excellent game !
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I wish I could like this game. It's a wholesome harem fantasy. The various love interests range from cute to attractive with some exceptions and there is lots and lots of content available. Sheer game length rivals some AAA game titles here. And the VN is not even finished yet.

    However, the VN has several severe shortcomings that will most likely ruin the experience for most people.

    The visuals are mostly boring. Honey Select games can look decent, they can even look pretty good, but the lighting here is so flat and the various set pieces so basic that it looks more like a theater set most times and not like an actual location. Textures are sometimes very blurry as well.

    The game is also extremely verbose, you will have to read hours of dialogue to get to some of the sex scenes. But if you think that those (literal) hours of clicking through dialogue will result in a satisfying payoff you are mistaken.

    I really enjoy wholesome games or those VNs that don't turn each and every LI into a bi-curious slut, but the sex scenes should still be erotic or spicy or offer something. And sadly, the sex scenes all fall flat and are easily the worst of any VN I have read or played. You get maybe a handful of variations... and then those scenes are copy pasted for the rest of the game thus after a certain point each and every encounter is something you have seen several times before. And the dialogue hardly varies either.
    Even worse, the camera angle chosen for those scenes is just bad. Many times you see almost nothing, it feels like a PG-13 version of "porn" VN at times. Maybe the developer did this to avoid showing the MC's face, but other games who resort to this gimmick still find a solution for the animated scenes. Also, there is no foreplay, not even penetration (most of the time), the VN cuts straight from interminable dialogue to humping a female in a PG-13 version of what you would maybe like to see with one mouseclick. The various sex scenes are just incredibly lazy, unerotic and this is actually the first VN ever where you really want to skip those scenes since they offer nothing of value. And they are very, very short anyway.

    Even worse: several times a female character will say that she will do this or that to some other female character... only to say "nah, won't do it after all" when she should do it. Or a character will suggest doing something with a third person.... which is never followed up.

    I am not saying a wholesome game must turn into an absurd orgy, but in a VN where the MC basically has a sexual relationship with three (!) generations of family members and where everyone is 100% ok with sharing or adding ever more members to the harem and where other (female) characters love watching the MC doing one of the family members, it borders almost on absurdity that there are hardly any interactions between the family members (with the MC).

    The very few times something does happen with more than just one other LI (you need to wait hours and hours of "play" time between those very rare encounters) it's incredibly underwhelming. The MC gets one of the four or so standard animations with one of the LIs... and then the female on female action is almost always a static render that shows exactly nothing, i.e. you literally see nothing. IF you include content like this in your game you should animate it and actually show it.

    At times it feels as if someone who is extremely inexperienced with women wrote and animated the scenes. Several times the females faint after sex. Many other times they immediately want to sleep, don't want to cuddle even and can neither walk nor do anything really after one round. When they have their period they are benched entirely for a whole week and have zero desire for anything. Several female characters don't even want to get kissed, at all (this later changes because of the irresistable charms of the MC).

    The story is incredibly mundane. There is no real story here, instead you get arcs, character arcs or several story arcs, they range from ok to utterly bizarre or boring, one or two arcs are pretty good even, but the entire story, all the arcs are brought down by the extremely chatty and verbose nature of the VN. You are crushed by dialogue box after dialogue box about... nothing interesting really.

    Many things are also extremely repetitive and have no payoff, virtually every day (after a certain point early in the story) you get cuddle time with your sisters and after a while all characters lie even naked in the bed in the evening and you sleep with them through the night. And literally nothing ever happens. In the mornings a few things sometimes (very, very rarely) DO happen, but for some bizarre reason the MC is often not even all that enthusiastic about it, because others are watching... this after several scenes of doing it with someone else watching, one mini arc is even about voyeurism and letting the female friend of the oldest sister watch the MC and her.

    This VN sorely needs an editor, I would say 2/3 of the VN could easily be cut. Remove some of the completely unnecessary side characters, remove repetitive events that add literally nothing of worth to the story, focus a lot more on the actual family and relatives with some of the non family members like Fiona added and then trim down the dialogue.
    But the VN keeps adding harem members even close to the endgame, which is insane. Also, there are no time skips. You experience each and every day. And at some point you cannot stand anymore of the "cuddle time" (that results in zero action ever) or "pancakes" or those 1st person kisses you get each morning when your mom leaves the house.

    Also, the "choices" in the VN basically boil down to this: "Do you want to have fun with character XYZ?" or "Nah, I would rather be bored at home and do nothing". It's that dumb. You can, in theory reject characters when you choose the dumb option, however only the harem route has been implemented (so far) and rejecting most characters will seriously mess up your game, you are more or less forced to date everyone.

    Then there are severe continuity errors in the game. One female is portrayed as someone who had a lesbian relationship... and later this is changed to merely "kissing" the other girl on the mouth and no lesbian action at all really, before said female character succumbs to the MC and is added to the harem.

    Apropos lesbians... yes, the MC can cure lesbianism and convert gay women into heterosexuals. It's a kind of magic... One mini arc is about a girl who was separated from her sister whom she had a relationship with - and the parents were less than happy, as expected. The MC then manages to reunite the sisters... and then everything is basically forgotten about this plot and one of the sisters soon after hits on the MC and falls in love with him and is his forever for all time and will never do anything again with anyone else.

    Also, almost no female character has a life of her own, i.e. almost no one needs to work, goes to college or does anything really... they merely exist for the MC to romance them. One rare exception is Fiona, one of the best characters, she runs her own company at least and earns money.

    Apropos MC, the MC is plain stupid. Ok, this is mentioned a few times in the VN where the females make a bit fun of him but the problem is that the MC is colossally stupid to the point where you wonder why or how anyone would instantly fall for him, stupidity is usually a turn-off for most people.

    On the plus side some character arcs are good, the "boss" character Fiona is interesting, I would say she's the most interesting character in the game. She starts out as a corrupted, icy and bitchy wannabe dominatrix who is gradually turned into a romantic and much more wholesome character who actually falls in love for the first time in her life. It's not entirely original, but at least it's a nice and wholesome arc, Sadly, Fiona only gets so much time in the story because you have about a dozen other girls to service. The literal catgirl sister (there is a literal catgirl in the game for no reason, don't ask, just accept it) also has a good arc, at least early on, where she is very shy and hates most people. But once the MC wins her over that arc ends and after that it's boring. But especially Lucy's (the catgirl) arc suffers greatly from the copy pasted sex scene that is neither rewarding, spicy, erotic or remotely interesting. And the Lucy related bully arc is plain nasty even, the MC helps his sister exact her revenge on a bully who abused her throughout school and while said bully is indeed a nasty character the nature of the revenge is extremely petty and mean. And THEN you get the choice to romance said bully and to enter a loving relationship with her. This is easily the worst part of the VN and it makes no sense at all.

    Even the good arcs are often held back by the verbose nature of the script and the incessant use of the VN trope of female characters thinking "I am not certain yet, it's not the right time yet, let me think about it for days and days and days" but of course the answer is always obvious. One time the MC is unsure about giving his youngest sister her first kiss... when at that time he is in a sexual relationship with two other sisters, his mother, his aunt and his cousin (plus a few others). But he has qualms about kissing his youngest sister who throws herself at him. It's just silly when these things happen.

    To wrap things up.... this VN could have been fun, but the entire experience is ruined by a meandering, overly long "story" that doesn't care too much about continuity at times, the slice of life moments are simply not all that compelling, characters sometimes talk to each other for minutes and minutes about almost nothing. The sex scenes are lazy and repetitive and some of the worst (maybe the worst) I have ever seen in an adult VN. Also, a few of the female characters look extremely underage, even though they are supposed to be 18+, this can be a bit creepy depending on personal preference. All the older female characters have oversized breasts, only the younger females have varied body types and chest sizes ranging from almost nothing to reasonably ample. The MC is boring (something that happens much too often in VNs) and stupid to the point where you wonder if he may be mentally handicapped (he sometimes cannot figure out the most obvious things).

    There are several other family themed harem VNs out there that do a much better job. Which is a shame, since the developer clearly puts a lot of effort into the VN, the amount of content is astounding, but sheer amount is nothing when the quality is lacking.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    There is so much going on here. I almost gave up on this game early on, and I'm glad I didn't. Things seem rushed at the beginning: characters throwing themselves at the MC in ways that don't make sense. Extreme developments in relationships that occur after only a few days and a handful of choices. You get the idea.

    But even as rushed as it felt, that eventually started to make sense. There is just too much happening for the game to slow down and take its breath. I wouldn't necessarily call this good storywriting, and even the relationships feel inverted or unbalanced for some of the characters (in the sense that it sometimes feels like the relationships are only fleshed out after the LI is with the MC), but there are so many balls being juggled that keeping them in the air at all seems impressive, even if the execution can be inelegant or frantic.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    + Good story
    + Wincest
    + Pregnancies
    + Character personality variety
    + Cuteness
    + Lewdity
    + Lots of content

    ? Catgirl
    ? Pelican

    - Not enough content with [insert character here]
    - Release schedule (due to author's other project)
    - Repetition. For better or worse
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game is one of my favorites and one of my first games of its kind. I also like the other game it has, which is by the same author, it is also within my top 10, without further ado I look forward to each update of each one, to see what new thing surprises us in each story, greetings and go ahead with more.