VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    TLDR - This game is long winded for no other reason than to be long winded. The models and poses are copy and pasted around shamelessly. The writing in SOME CASES can be decent. By that I mean a like CW show or something, so not good but watchable. But before you even "expand upon your harem" the interactions and sex scenes become mundane and routine. Is that what you want out of a sex game? 'Cause I don't. And the story should have had an open end after Martin died.

    I'm writing a follow up review for v0.21, to see if my opinion has changed at all. Partly to see if there's improvements, partly to expand on my critiques, and honestly, partly because nothing good has been released lately. Mostly my thoughts haven't changed. I'm still getting through the first part at the current moment and boy am I glad my opening statement in my previous review was that this is boring. And not only is it boring it's long as hell. Which is usually a good thing but the banter never improves or evolves. Ever. And it would benefit greatly to just be changed to a kinetic novel, especially given the target audience. And I want to make something clear, I LIKE this type of game. Or at least the idea of this genre. So I have to be critical about it, otherwise al the reviews and ideas will end up "Herp derp. Naked cute girls. I love it. Herp Derp."
    The story - I guess we'll call it that - starts with a 45 minute exposition dump. You play as MC, a sad twenty-something whose life has gone to shit. You lost your job, depressed, your girlfriend cheated on you, and your dad is a drunken asshole. When you were 4, your mother left you with your father and hasn't talked to you since. Down on your luck, you contact your mother for the first time and she jumps at the chance to have you in her life again. Along with her new family. I'm not even gonna do my usual spiel about the NOTMother and NOTHalf-sisters, as the writing in this thing is 100% solely based on the fact you are blood related to most of the heroines. I CAN NOT imagine reading whatever half-baked relationships they tried to use to avoid the censors. And it will still not be a fetish for me. Anyway. You show up to the house and are greeted by Sandra, your oldest half-sister. She's overjoyed to meet you and shows you around the house, er mansion more likely, and you meet Lucy, the youngest sister. Lucy, for no other reason than to add a fetish to the list, was born with cat ears, tail, and eyes. She's abrasive because obviously she was bullied for having birth defects.

    So after the tour, Sandra immediately falls in love with you. No real reason other than you were nice to her. The only reason she never dated anyone else is only described as "they only wanted THAT." So in my mind, every guy just walks up to her and says "Hey baby, want sum fuk?" And get used to the "immediately falls in love with you" because that happens with all but two of the women in the story so far. Still not done with everything at this point, but the scope creep with all the women added to this tale is immense. Anywho, Sandra loves you, and for no reason, you love her too. They never do a good job of illustrating why you feel the things you do, it's just expected that you feel what MC feels. It's very irritating. And it's even pushed further when you pretty much cheat on Sandra right away. Multiple times.

    All of the pretext about MC's feelings about his mother and her new family and home is anger and hatred. He even tells Sandra during the tour, "Seeing all this stuff, living so well. I can't help but feel angry." Or something, I'm paraphrasing because I'm HOURS past that part, but that's the gist. He even goes so far to tell her he was considering suicide. More than likely just for the bad writing to evoke some emotion out of you, the reader. And later when you finally do meet the mother, Becca, literally all of the negative emotions go away. It doesn't make sense AT ALL, especially with how long this story is. A GOOD story would have explored MC getting over the anger, but this one has 2 choices after meeting. Be nice, or be standoffish. And after the first two nights MC is never mad again regarding Becca. Not that he successfully shows real emotions until later, when you meet Elaine, the grandmother. But we'll get to that.

    Moving ahead, a night or two later, you talk to Becca and she sits you down to tell you the real reason she left. Your dad got in trouble about assaulting someone, and he threatened to kill you and her if she didn't leave. So she left. After the story everyone has one of their millions of crying fits, and you all hug and make up. Shortly after, honestly it might be before but it doesn't matter really, you meet your aunt Mary and cousin Maddy. More love at first sight for the most part with them. Mary is apprehensive but sexually forward with you, and Sandra essentially helps Maddy fall for you too. You don't really talk to Becca much at all, but like the third time you do, she kisses you, and wants to pursue that. Which makes less sense later, seeing as you barely see her outside of her coming home late repeatedly.

    Lucy takes the longest to warm up to you. Her being bullied means she hates people. But most of the time you spend with her is just rehashing the same information over and over and over. "People made fun of me and I'm sad." so you constantly reassure her with "But you're perfect the way you are." That is repeated ad nauseum even up to the point I'm at currently. Until you essentially break her bully's heart, then you make bad cat jokes at her the rest of the time. And she calls you a pelican, which I still will never understand. She just says "look it up." But I don't care enough to do that. (Using what little context I'm given, I assume MC is supposed to have a big nose. But who knows...)

    The other two "major" females in the game are Alice and Fiona. All I'm really going to say about Alice is she really doesn't need to exist. At all. She adds nothing to the narrative other than another dumb sob story. And even though she's "19" she has a prepubescent loli body, just to add something for a group of people that are actually criminals. She's just another Lucy, hell, even their names are similar. The only thing I can think of, is that you and her had the same father so she "knows what it felt like." But she didn't. He had nothing to do with her growing up, so it's pointless.

    Fiona is the only character given any depth, but it's still a sob story with the same plot twist of Batman v Superman. Her sister had the same name as your mom, so she feels attached to her. And even then, this game is pieced together poorly, so you can't focus on any character. Seriously, as soon as you do one small thing with ANYONE, the scene ends, you sit on the couch and watch one of the three worst shows, and you get a text to go see someone else. I get that it's now a dumb running joke, but all the jokes in the writing are bad. They even ackowledge it. More than once. That alone urks me to no end.

    The overall moral of this story ends up being "All men but me are terrible." And any time one of the girls even mentions the possibility of another human male, the MC practically has a hissy fit. Then They all have to calm him down and stroke his ego some more, "Oh no, you're the only man for me, and I've never had one before you." That's just not how people work. If you're so beta you can't have a girl mention another guy in front of you, you have some issues to work out. On top of that, the girls mentioning their period, MC is like "Ew don't tell me." When in reality, a man should dive in and not be afraid of a little iron in thier diet. MC literally has like 12 girls fawning over him and still can't handle that other guys can exist. And the only time a problem actually exists is when Elaine shows up and makes everyone deal with their emotions. The whole exchange lasts too long, and isn't an actual problem.

    So ALL THAT is a fraction of the "story" beats I want to press on. The pancakes, TV, "Super Ginger Cuddle Time," Morning talks, and showers are repeated almost every night and day. EVERY. DAY. And you get nothing out of them. The CGs have minimal changes and all the dialogue in the scenes is either MC thinking about or talking to Lucy about what happened that day. So you have a recap every night as if you didn't have to read what just happened. Why? Recaps are for episodic content, which this is but isn't, and children. I could understand if a LOT happens but it never does, and there should be NO children anywhere near this thing. And the sex scenes are all the same. My god. You get a 10 minute terms and services reading regarding consent beforehand. Then you get one or two animation loops under the worst sex talk I've ever read. And it ends with the same image of every love interest in a dead fish planking position, a dumb smile on their face with semen dripping out. Then it's "Too good.... Need to rest..." and MC just leaves and goes to talk to someone else.

    Here are the positives I have to say about this: It is one of the few stories that actually have the love interests confront each other regarding the fact they're sleeping with the same person. I will say it's not good, but at least they do it. And before her character fell apart, Fiona is a decently written person. Outside of the more money than god thing, I actually liked her.

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    TLDR; Literally choose the first option ever single time. That's the walkthrough. This is written a little better than most and somehow the dev isn't bored of the copy and paste function after so long so I gave it a 2 for Dev's commitment.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Before I knew it I'd gotten so immersed in the story and the characters that it almost felt like i was standing in the same room watching the scenes unfold right before my eyes. Truly fantastic game, looking forward to it's completion!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    My FAV game of all time.
    Sometimes it happens that a game, a novel, a film... In short, a fictional product, strike you so much for a variety of reasons, in a way that what you feel is so real that you love them unconditionally.
    MNF is on this list.
    The story, the characters, the settings, the synergies between them, the author's writing, everything connects in order to take you completely and make you live it as a real experience not simply a good game.
    There is no real explanation, you are simply connected with the story on a level that surpasses the mere "immersion", and makes you love everything, even with its flaws.
    This isn't probably a true and correct review, but something more personal.
    Maybe not everyone can appreciate this game in the same way I do, personal opinions and tastes play a big factor in loving it, just appreciating it, or even finding it boring, but this is the game I love the most and that I would never stop replaying, again and again without getting tired of it.
    Definitely worth every minute of play.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    [Only played to the end of Chapter 10]

    TLDR; Honestly, I'm not really sure I get the hype with this one. It's pretty average, with decent but not that impressive renders. Smooth animations are expected from HS renders, but they are reused constantly. The writing is also technically good but not very engaging. It's a fine game, but it just doesn't really excel in any regard except in the volume of content.

    Warning that below will have spoilers, I wrote this review as I played the game for the first time and so I mention several plot developments as they occurred to get my immediate reaction:

    The First chapter was okay, but the pacing is not good. It really lays on the tragedy as thick as possible, and way too fast — to the point where it’s borderline comedic. It’s not enough that Becca was afraid what her husband would do, but he also apparently nearly murdered someone, and the police knew but he somehow didn’t get any prison time and wasn't even brought into the station? Lucy shares her tragic backstory and then the next day, Mary comes in to add even more tragedy to Becca’s story. It’s too much.

    I get that the dev wants you to care about these people as fast as possible and tragedy is an easy way to evoke empathy, but it gets laid on a little too thick, too fast.

    The relationship with Sandra also starts way too fast. You literally go from strangers to dating in less than 24 hours despite being related. That’s waaaay too fast. The Cinema date should have been your first kiss with her -- and event that would have been fast. Then you kiss your estranged mother like a day or two after meeting her again? Lucy falls in love with you after like 2 conversations. And so on…

    The pacing is wild in this first chapter. You don’t get any time at all to just learn about these characters beyond their tragic backstory before you’re suddenly in love with everyone and they all basically feel the same way about you.

    Chapter 2 is a big improvement though. The pacing is suddenly much better. The development of Alice and Lucy are both very well thought out and lend themselves more believability. The writing in general is far better in Chapter 2 than it was in Chapter 1. I was genuinely impressed by the dev’s improvement over the course of only a single chapter.

    The following chapters continued to slow the pacing down and, by the time I reached the last couple chapters, I realized the dev had dropped off the opposite end. If the first Chapter was running forward at full-speed, and Chapters 2-6 were walking at a comfortable pace, then the last few Chapters were crawling slowly across the ground with only one arm.

    The story starts moving so slowly, character development mostly stagnates, and dialogue between characters lasts for dozens and dozens of paragraphs but goes nowhere and says nothing of substance. I was incredibly bored nearing the end of this version [0.14] of the game and only finished it because I knew I wanted to write this review. The fact that all the sex scenes by this point were all basically identical made this even worse. All the positions and angles were reused for several scenes -- even the dialogue rarely felt different between scenes. When you're making an adult game and I'm literally skipping through the H-scenes because they are boring, then something went wrong here.

    All-in-all, I just don't get the hype here. I know I sound harsh, and that doesn't really reflect my feelings of the game. I don't hate this game, I'm only being critical because I had heard such great things about this game and I can't understand why. Sure, it has a lot of content, but if all you want from these games is a lot of scenes, then just download Honey Select and watch as many scenes as you want. I'm glad people like this game because the dev seems passionate about their project, but I'm just not one of them. I just don't think this game is very good, either for its adult content or for its writing quality.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    As I first started playing My New Family, I was really enjoying it. I really like the majority of the character models and it seemed like a nice, chill, story. Then I got into further and came to the realization that it's very repetitive in terms of how MC's day plays out. He wakes up with girls, they shower, eat breakfast, mom goes to work, spend time with Lil Cat, gingers take off, go to one of the other harem girls, dinner, naked ginger time, rinse and repeat. I may have missed a few things, but that's the basic formula. Now, this could work if the game wasn't so long. It just keeps going and going with no end in sight doing the same crap over and over again. While it does some interesting character development with each girl, they all are in love with MC for no reason whatsoever. He literally does nothing that makes him seem like a good mate for them. He just shows up and is boring.

    Then there's the dialogue. Don't get me wrong, it's well written and is mostly grammatically correct. However, there isn't a good balance of words to progress. A lot of the dialogue really doesn't make anything in the game better and is what I would compare to as a filler episode of Dragon Ball Z: unnecessary and unwanted.

    My biggest annoyance with this game is probably almost every time MC has sex, he's bitching about the girl being too loud. I mean, I get he's banging his family, but when you're in your own home it shouldn't be a problem, especially with a house that size. I'm not sure if the dev meant to make this as a way of showing how good MC is at giving the bone, but to me it comes off as him scolding the girls for enjoying having sex with him.

    Anyway, I don't think I have the patience to keep playing this to finish. It's already too long for me and there is really nothing that sets it apart from other games. It does explore a few kinks like pregnancy and exhibitionism (public sex), for example. But other than that it's pretty plain. The only conflict is with the MC's dad and that ends fairly quickly. The pregnancy takes too long (none of the girls are even showing yet where I'm at in the game and this would have been a good way to skip ahead several months).

    So, if you like nice and chill games with a LOT of text to read, this might be it for you.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I will keep this simple,
    1) Generic storyline, no bs continuous dramas (Great for stress relief)
    2) Different incest game (You don't sleep molest or manipulate/ blackmail Landlady and Roommates to join a strip club cuz of bs debt)
    3) No routes (You don't have to create multiples saves to watch same scenes to get new alternative scenes but then again it understandable I also enjoys multiples route but sometimes not doing that is also cool)
    4) Game is filled with emotion and romance yet with lots of kinks (Pregnancy, light BDSM, power play, lactations, etc)
    So if you are okay with these things, give this game a try and maybe support the developer if you can.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.18

    In story driven adult games, balancing sex scenes to story is a difficult task: if you skew too hard towards the former, you run the risk of your player forming no connection to the characters and game and losing interest. If you skew too hard to the latter, your player might just wonder if their time is being well-spent (we all know why we're here). For me, this game pushes that balance too far in the story direction. While there is a lot of sexual content, there is just so much between the scenes that it can be a chore to get through and I don't find the story all that compelling. Harem games are a dime a dozen and this one lacks urgency and conflict and just meanders on and on.

    + Tons of girls who love and depend on you and your magical cock
    + Creator clearly has put a lot of time and care into the game
    + Consistent updates

    - There is a LOT of text
    - Story is take it or leave it
    - Same ol' Honey Select models

    Naturally, different types of stories will appeal to different people and one man's masterpiece is another's schlock. While I certainly wouldn't call the story "schlock" it's a little too firmly ensconced in the "this dick saves lives" male-fantasy that it just ends up boring me. I can remember thinking late one night while clicking endlessly through text, "Bro, just hurry up and fuck your grandmother so I can go to bed."

    Like This? Try: Harem Hotel, Ecchi Sensei. WMV
    Note to Devs: Sorry this one wasn't for me, but good luck with development.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story and lot of emotions
    nice work
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    All time classic on this site, hard to do any better. And Killer definitely is continuing this with MNM.
    Every single character is so unique and lovable, which is impressive with such a large cast. I can only hope to achieve what Killer has with my own creations (in the works), but definitely an inspiration to creators. (Perhaps too much so to certain devs... )
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The first thing you gotta ask yourself when trying a new game is; what are you looking for? What are you ok with?

    My new family offers the typical incestuous relationship hooks like most game and in the beginning it starts off quite promising. The models are great, it's even animated that's pretty well made.

    The game falls into the same trap most other incest games stumbles upon. The girls are baselessly attracted towards the MC. There are no real story behind it all, just melodramatic tropes which works for a while until it becomes overbearing. After a while the game feels like your average soap opera, there's no cohesion and no redemption. Just baseless indulgence.

    That is of course fine if all you want is to fap to an harem kink, but other than that it has no real allure.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3452155

    Well, I don't know if it would be a good review, but I'll tell you what I think about the game.
    I thought it was very good at first, some women are beautiful (especially the younger ones), but most are medium to ugly.
    The images are good, the videos too (I'll talk about them in a moment).
    Well, English is not my strong point, very amateur, so I'm hitting some things and kicking others, although the game hardly has many choices (in the sense of an endgame for example, normally if I always choose the first option, it will take you to the harem, which is good for those who don't understand the language).
    But like many games, it falls into the routine, and adds new characters, but many without expressions, without importance.
    But the reason for a star would be the animations, they are good quality, but extremely, extremely, extremely repetitive and with horrible angles.
    When we play, and we're about to get to a sex scene with a new character, here comes the same fucking animations, the same angles used endless, endless, endless times, which mostly don't show any shit, or the back of the MC, I I don't want to see the shit on the MC's back, I want to see the sex happening, penetration, dick in and out. I know it's not perfect, but it's better than always seeing the same scenes from bad angles, and I'm sorry, it's not the software's fault, there are endless games here that use the same engine and are infinitely superior in this regard (animations, poses, penetration .....)
    This is the first game by this developer, so I give it a credit, although by the time, I should have improved this aspect, so I leave my humble opinion:
    Go deeper into this field, improve, learn new things, your game has a lot of content, but very repetitive, it lacks the charm of a good sex scene, which we all expect from an adult game.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The type of game I like to call "just click away"
    No gameplay
    History = ???
    Characters are hot at least
    Animation = Good
    I like games with the most control possible and a history that at least try to make you keep playing, this is literally lots of sex and that's it, no content, no nothing
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good, the characters are hot, the updates are frequent, the scenes are spicy, but there has to be a reason why I deducted a star.

    I don't like the choice system in this game at all
    , if you want all scenes apparently you just have to pick the top option, at that point there is no point in making choices. Also the requirements for entering a relationship are ridiculous, I only picked 2 bottom options for Sandra and the game somehow takes that as me not liking her that much, all because I didn't want to pick the same option over and over again.

    Also that makes no sense because I chose to not stare at her once and didn't tell Mom to let her listen to our conversation, yet somehow I don't like her, and every other time I picked the top option, so that makes no sense. Same thing for the mom, but at least the devs allow you to take another chance with her, dunno why they didn't do that with Sandra as well.

    I would personally rate it 3.5, but because there is no option for half stars, I gave the game a 4. I'm not 100% sure if you can miss scenes even if you're on that route, but if I make sure and that is the case, I'm downgrading my star total to 3.

    I'm a big puritan of the one playthrough ideology, I don't care for replay value with adult games. Also even if you go a certain route, sometimes the next scene will make no sense, because I didn't bully Melissa, but yet still I got the scene where they treat me like I did. I didn't even get the 2nd date scene with Tanya at the cinema, even though I'm on her route.

    Actually I just changed my mind, 3 stars, because that just confirmed my suspicion that you can still miss scenes whilst on somebody's route.

    Nothing against the devs, I just don't like that type of game design where you can miss so many scenes.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game gets a lot of praises and I can see why. It has plenty of sex scenes, satisfies the incest kink nicely, and overall the updates up to this point has been very consistent. With that said, the writing is too over dramatic and pretentious for my taste. I can understand what the game developer is trying to go for - to elicit emotions within players to tell a story of love, healing, incest, family, warmth and sadness - but yea... not feeling it. The pacing is very poor, everybody falls in love with the MC almost immediately. There's no real drama, nor build up or atmosphere, and even if there is it feels forced and superficial, and a couple of emotional over the top 'heart-to-heart' conversations with some dramatic background music isn't going cut it. At some point it becomes extremely repetitive and you just get sick and jaded of their 'deep' conversations which goes on and on and on. To sum up, My New Family is basically a poorly written, monotonous incestuous soap opera with lewd scenes.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I kept seeing this one come up and I kept glossing over it. The character models and story sounded pretty generic. But the consistent updates and other reviews made me start playing. I wish there was more of a grey area for choices besides being super nice or super angsty. So far though its well written so I'll keep playing...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My opinion of My New Family

    My New Family knows exactly what it wants to be and Killer7 manages to do that very well: a simple feel good game with lots of wholesome moments that make you feel warm and fuzzy.

    As the plot progresses, which is massive in terms of sheer quantity - more on that later - you notice that Killer7 has improved significantly. The LIs have a pleasant character development, which you notice especially with Lucy, Becca, Fiona, Melissa and Alice, how they overcome or have overcome the past step by step. And not all of them have dramatic events in their past, for instance the Weebs Rosa (or Bob as I call her) and Billie are just the way they are and at peace with themselves. Rosa is a bit of a handful at times but she doesn't mean any harm, she's a bit of an airhead, but stylistically she could be worse and even Lucy says she's half bad once you get to know her better, if I'm not mistaken.

    Tanja is, rightfully so, one of the most controversial characters in this VN. Personally, after punching her in the face, I'd probably avoid her forever, and I think most see it similarly, except maybe for the people who went the pet route. Speaking of which, I can only understand Killer7 for canceling this one: it just doesn't fit with the rest of this VN's style and the rest of the MC's demeanor.

    The update size: each update arrives with a quantity that other VNs bring in two updates. Killer7, you animal!

    The music is also very well chosen, the music pieces make a repetitive impression but manage very well to underline an atmosphere and the feelings you have in these situations instead of artificially evoking them.

    In general I can say: If you value a simple plot without resorting to artificial drama in the style of Rosamunde Pilcher, you are exactly right here. This VN hits right into the feels (in a good way) with a double uppercut.

    With that in mind, keep up the good work, also in MNM and long live Fluffy, the heroine we don't deserve.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    loved the whole story well thought out and the renderings are so wicked i just cant stop reading this ,I love all the characters even though some took time to grow on my but this is a killer must read
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This has to be the best porn game I have ever played.
    I actually underestimated the game because of the non-realistic graphics, but the Awesome story writing and made up for it. the way you connect with different characters in this game is just perfect. I dont think I have ever cried playing a Porn game. This game has become my dream now.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't believe i didn't rated this game earlier, the amount of happiness i got from it is irreplaceable. I'm here from v0.8 and when i started playing it i was so fascinated by it, and this fasctination keeps going till today, every time i was ending an update i cannot wait to play the next one. I love how cute and wholesome the game is, and even though there was few drama moments, it only got me more interested in the game. Thanks you Killer for making this game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is such a refreshing take on VN's. Minimal drama, and you aren't forced to pick or decline anyone. Plenty of humor in the writing as well.
    I've laughed, I've cried, and I've... Well you get it. Definitely give this a try!