VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1897




    Damnit, I need a Sandra.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Based on the (as yet) unfinished v0.17 (although at time of writing I haven’t even completed chapter 4).

    My usual disclaimers when writing reviews on here are that A. I am here for the "plot" not the plot and B. I generally dislike visual novels. So take both of those into consideration for my review when thinking about this game.

    • Absolutely oodles of content – If you’re looking for a harem game where you can bang dozens of girls and then get the chance to fuck them all more than just once, then you’re in luck and this game has you covered.
    • Tonnes of sex scenes – It takes a little while to warm up but by chapter two you will regularly be fucking lots of different girls in lots of different places. Plus the sex is all at least passably fappable. Killer7 is under absolutely no illusions that this game is all about the sex first and he wants you to just bang every single girl possible and for them to all willingly join your harem.

    • Character design – Killer7 has seemingly made a real effort to stretch Honey Select as far as possible and make his girls unique. Unfortunately, this hasn’t really worked too well. A good number of the girls look pretty generic (Sandra and Becca immediately jumps to mind as being super forgettable) and then some of them, where more work was put in, there’s something a little bit off about them. E.g. Maddie’s hair actually makes her look like she’s bald with blonde hair floating about an inch above her head. Very weird. Not exactly a negative though, because clearly some effort went into this.
    • Neko sister – One of the BIGGEST focuses of the game (at least in the first few chapters) is your sister Lucy, a girl with cat ears/tail/eyes. I’m not massively into Nekos as a kink so this didn’t really do much for me, but it wasn’t exactly a bad thing. The reason I even mention it though is how weirdly out-of-place it is. For all intents and purposes, this is seemingly a totally normal town/world… Except you have a neko sister… Like… Really? Why? How? What…?! (It’s worth saying, this is absolutely nit-picking on my part and probably over-thinking a bloody porn game).

    • Terrible choice system - Your choices are always limited to "do I want to choose the good option or do I want to be an absolute prick and not even get any of the sex scenes?"
    • Characters are all the same – One of the most egregious examples of this I’ve ever seen in any porn game. EVERY single character behaves in just about the exact same way around you:
    Girl: “We’ve just met, but tee hee I am foaming wet at the gash for you to pound a baby into me and use me like a cum-towel!”
    Protag: “Uh what, did she say what I thought she said?”
    Girl: “I’m just kidding protag! Or am I tee hee...?” (This line specifically is said verbatim about a billion times)
    Protag: “I probably shouldn’t read too much into that.”
    Girl: “Right now we have to go on precisely 3 dates and then you can fuck me to your hearts content and I will be forever in love with you forever and ever.”
    Protag: “As I am nothing but a good guy and gentleman I don’t actually want to have sex with you until the third date anyway…”​
    • Characters are stupidly one-dimensional and have zero motivations outside of the game – One of the absolute worst examples here is sister Lucy again. Her character trait is “she was bullied as a child for being a Neko”. So now her entire character is THAT one trait. She spends literally every single day by going to the beach and just sitting there. Like… Apparently she’s genuinely that fucking boring and has that little desire to do anything with her life. All the other characters are no better really. Sandra’s character is “she likes cooking and also falls in love with you at first sight.” Maddie’s character is “likes exercise”. Mary’s character is “is a slut, but only for a few chapters before she falls in love with you and you have to have dates with her like everyone else”. The main character does not escape this either and has literally nothing go on for him outside of wanting to be in love with everyone.
    • Perfect humble protagonist – After playing WVM, I thought the erotic-game world had peaked in terms of a perfect protagonist with the perfect dick who everyone falls in love with at first sight, can do no wrong, and is the ultimate super nice-guy gentleman who will fix absolutely everything purely with his presence and magic jizz. APPARENTLY I was wrong because My New Family is exactly the same thing but many, many orders of magnitude worse.
    • The dialogue, good lord the dialogue – Fucking hell… There’s so much of it. It just goes on. And on. And on. And on. And on. And it’s SO baaaad dude.
    Protag thoughts: “Hmm I just woke up and it is a lovely day, I should go have a shower.”
    *The protagonist goes and has a lovely warm shower.*
    Protag thoughts: “Hmm. I should go downstairs have Sandra's delicious breakfast.”
    *You go downstairs and Sandra makes you a delicious breakfast*
    Protag: “Hey Sandra you are very beautiful and special to me.”
    Sandra: “Oh my gosh protag, that’s so sweet, I love you forever and ever. MWAH”
    Protag thoughts: “Goodness I am so lucky that I have a girlfriend like her. Hmm, I should go and have a swim.”
    *I go and have a swim*​
    And this goes on. FOREVER...

    I’ve said it before that I’m here for the porn, I make no excuses about that. I want my games to be porn first with a smattering of story on top. The more I play around on here I do become aware that the absolute best games are those which have more than a smattering of story and are well-written, but I still maintain that if I’m playing an erotic game, it should be porn first. And there are many examples which achieve this.

    If the game doesn’t have the best writing, it can still be entertaining and at least a good fap with tonnes of sex, so in theory I ought to have enjoyed My New Family at least more than I have rated it. And I genuinely initially thought I was going to rate it in the 3-4 stars area (3.5 being the sort of standard for great harem sex with no plot).

    Except as time went on the writing just grated more and more. Looking at the ratings for this game is genuinely stunning. The amount of people praising the writing and characters just blows my mind.

    TRUST ME. They are wrong.

    Every character is the same person, every character has one trait that is absolutely beaten to death and they all latch onto you in the same absolutely ludicrous saccharine way. Even as someone who enjoys it when my porn games are silly, it no longer felt unrealistic as much as it did simply stupid, and worse BORING. It might as well have been you fucking a dozen clones, because that’s the level of difference between the characters.

    Only ONE female was remotely interesting (Fiona) but she’s a side-character who rarely popped up. Equally the second most interesting was also a side character and she was literally a bad guy for the first 2 chapters and then becomes much less interesting.

    The dialogue and flow of the game is so absolutely tedious. Even if the relationships weren’t so overly sugary sweet and dripping with perfect romance for each other, it would just be absolutely exhausting to play because of how much text filler there is and how little actually happens. A whole scene might be going to the cinema with two girls and talking about absolutely nothing for 20 minutes.

    As time went on I started skipping more and more of the text just to get to the good stuff and suddenly I realised that even the sex wasn’t that good any more. Without any build up or context even the fucking gradually became uninteresting. And then I also realised that actually, even without the normal story there generally wasn’t build up to the sex. It just went from “let’s watch TV together and make shitty jokes” to “okay now we’ll have sex”.

    The more I think about it, the more I actually realise that I can’t justify giving this even two stars. I was going to do so purely because of the amount of content and how much sex there was. But if the sex is bad as well, then there’s literally no reason to enjoy it.

    Maybe. MAYBE it will get better in later episodes, but I seriously doubt it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v0.17]

    Boring, repetitive tripe that somehow manages to turn a taboo fetish like incest into a dull Disney movie that will never fucking end until you want to kill yourself to escape the soul-crushingly saccharine wholesomeness of it all.

    The story has no stakes or conflicts, every woman wants the MC's dick and falls madly in love as soon as she lays eyes on him. Every girl is immediately okay with sharing the protagonist and never experiences even a hint of jealousy, no matter how many family members, friends, or random passersby the MC sticks his dick in.

    To drive the point home further that we have firmly left any semblance of realism behind us, they all make sure to embarrassingly declare that, of course, they would only ever fuck him, because he is just so perfect that even a minute of his time and a good dicking here and there means he's the only man they'll ever need. Also, why not have kids with the creep you've known for a couple of days who's fucking half the town?

    But that at least means there's plenty of girls and sex, that's good, right? No, even that is mostly boring, there is no real sense of progression or chase and 95% of the sex scenes are as vanilla as the lame plot.

    The MC is
    Simp Jesus and you will spend half the game listening to him apologizing, talking about his feelings, and telling every woman in the game how much he loves and respects her. Wow, that's so hot and kinky. If he's not busy prostrating himself before his current "girlfriend" of the hour, he is hard at work solving everybody's problems by being just so fucking great and attentive and having a magic dick that can cure cancer and solve all of society's ills.

    Round it all out with some of the worst illusion of choice I've ever seen and characters that immediately discard most traces of their personality once you've managed to get your dick in their hole and all you have left is an incredibly long procession of mind-numbingly boring "good guy" and "loving girlfriend" dialogue and repetitive softcore pornography.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most wholesome yet somehow equally debaucherous (given the incest if you consider it as such) games out there. All the girls are somewhat unique, particularly in physicality but also in writing. They change and evolve and the MC is both a decent person(Which for some is a big requirement) and not a complete doormat. Refreshing to actually want to reread/play a game itself and not just a playlist of the good animations.

    Added this after seeing some other reviews(how do ya'll give an all-time top 10 like this 4 stars?):
    Yes it can be seen as repetitive, "vanilla"(As some reviews have said. Idk how you can be vanilla while balls deep in your sister while going down on your cousin but hey) and there aren't other guys, so if you need big action and constantly beating your chest so the other monkeys don't grab your bananas then it's not for you but if you want a decently genuine sense of warmth and an MC who actually cares and thinks about his girls as much as he fucks them(In other words if being a good person is attractive to you) then play on
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a great game with solid story writing. If I have to name one complaint, it would be the girls similar stories interacting with the MC. But hey, a good effort is a good effort, and it is very clear that the writer put efforts into their work. Awesome gem all around with a lot of content!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game.
    It's pure comfort food and let me say:

    Finally some good fucking food.

    For me this is the best VN I've played so far.

    I love the humor and the pop culture references.

    If you, like me love a good story and super naked ginger cuddle time topped with pancakes accompanied by relaxing music then this for you.

    Dear Killer7, you are a gentleman and a scholar. I salute you.

    Thank you very much, you made me really happy with this game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Mixed feelings on this review, my current overall feeling is: this game is only okay because it has an insane amount of average content. 3.5 stars.

    When I first started playing this game I was BLOWN AWAY. I was like FINALLY. THIS is what I have been looking for! And for the first 2 chapters that was pretty much maintained (chapters are SUPER long by the way, geez). I was interested in the characters. I was enjoying the models and dialog. However things started to get repetitive, and for the remainder of what I have played, they stay repetitive.

    And what I mean is that, while girls have different personalities, every relationship is the same. "Omg my life was so miserable and then you came into my life and you made it so much better and now I have mixed feelings about you oh no wait I am definitely romantically interested in you oh no wait I want to bear your children oh no wait I want you to impregnate all my friends and family". And you might say "well yeah that's how all these games end up": Yes but in this game, the path for each girl identical, it's just that certain steps in that path are shorter/longer for certain girls.

    Fiona, a character I did not care about at first, has ended up as my favorite character as she is the only one so far that does not follow that same path. In a game filled with apples and apples and apples and apples, she is an orange, and she is interesting (really only because she is not an apple).

    Anyways, as far as the game, it's not a game, it's a novel. You have a few choices that will have obvious impacts on events. There are animated scenes and they are good and have good dialog, and there is a gallery to replay them. There is an insane amount of dialog, to a fault in my opinion. I don't think anyone will hate this game so I recommend trying it. Some will probably love it, others will probably feel like me and shrug it off.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished my first playthrough of this game and i love it so far.

    The main thing that make this a great game for me is that you get the choice of who you want to have in your harem (except Sandra which i dont mind).
    Second thing that makes this game great for me is no other males to compete with, so who ever you want can be yours.

    There is only a few things that does this game is not getting 5 stars from me.
    First reason: Is that is the non optional threesomes (i'm not a fan of forced content).
    The second reason: Is the fact that Sandra, Alice (sometimes Becca) seems to become a bit to touchy at bedtime for my taste (i know its not sex), but for me it would have been better )in my opinion) if you (as MC) would be given a chance to stop them from doing that or atleast be involved, because it gives me a feeling of being left out as MC
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    It might not exactly be fair to rate the game after playing for a total of 10 minutes, but those were terrible 10 minutes. The game already starts by breaking every rule in the "show don't tell" rulebook, and the first character interactions are awful.

    Sister number one develops a crush on you immediately for absolutely no reason, then sister number two is annoyed at you, for I suppose a good reason (which is yet again told to you instead of shown), and then when we meet the mother, she dumps exposition at us. Up to this point, ok, dialogues have been terrible, but starting stories is hard. Maybe now everyones emotions will die down a little and we will have a nice, gradual development towar- No, nevermind, sister one kissed the mc.

    I'm giving a two for the art and the possibility that it improves eventually, but I doubt it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Has all the key ingredients to be a 5 star.

    - Every Fetish
    - No sandbox
    - No grind
    - Good engine
    - Different body types on models
    - Loads and Loads of sex scenes
    - Frequent Updates
    - Very Long game with very little filler

    Why No 5 Star!?
    - I love Honey Select and KK engine games. But the models here are absolutely generic looking.
    - Dev attempts make for the lack of graphical appeal with quantity over quality but the sex scenes are mediocre at best. No hard banging or tits flapping. No change in the facial expressions as the scenes progress. Its really like softcore porn at times.
    - CTRL Skip most of it. Boring. With all the different sex scenes this should not be the case yet somehow here we are.
    - Animations look like a porn game from 2016 and even then it seems like it would have been more interesting.
    - I dont play these games for the plot, I even care more about the dialogue over the plot. Dialogue in this game is rather lackluster.

    Even with that many flaws its still a decent game with decent fappable moments. Some almost memorable with certain characters but they get the job done. As it stands, its meh.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. Overall it has a happy, upbeat storyline. It's nice to experience a VN that's more positive. I love the harem aspect with no NTR. If you don't like harem you can pick and choose who you want to pursue to a degree. Pregnancy is avoidable if you aren't into it. If you do like pregnancy there are no visuals yet. Plenty of animated scenes with many body types. Always waiting for the next update which come out regularly.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I had luck when I picked this game as one of my first 3D VN. Start was little dark with MC past, but soon it changed too much nicer story. First meeting with Sandra was nice and Lucy was so adorable I wanted to hug her and soothe her painful mind.
    I am really enjoying this game. Sad, happy and funny moments are in good balance. When I am reading it I can feel warm feeling in my soul. It is game exactly for me so thank you very much, Killer7, for your game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Redheads. That is all.
    All seriousness, this game is solid. Nothing new or spectacular just fun. On and neko. Good shit. Good selection of characters, many of which are optional, and it makes it clear as to what your decision means in that regard.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best VN I have ever played.
    The renders are great, the characters are amazing and wholesome, the story is actually pretty great too, and considering that a lot of VN's put a lot of drama and conflict in their stories to "amplify" the experience, when all we really want is the wholesome experience of being loved and loving back these wonderful and amazing characters.

    Also Lucy is a precious gift from the heavens and must be protected at all times. Praise be to Lucy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved it so far. First point, there is a great deal of content to this atm. Each character feels like their own and most of them are well fleshed out. Honestly even the main character seems to have a personality, which is rare.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I have said this before on Discord and Patreon, but I wanted to say it here as I need to rate these games that I am enjoying. Killer7 has made me enjoy, laugh and cry with this VN. My New Family is probably my favourite VN I have ever played. Every character has their own traits and I am definitely ginger lover, which makes this game even better with the 3 Gingers. Lucy is my favourite to interact with, but every one of the girls is amazing. I highly recommend this to anyone, it is one of the best. I am SO excited to see where this goes as it continues on and even more excited about Killer7's upcoming work on MNM. Thank you SO much for this Killer7, you're amazing.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    When will it end!

    The beginning stages of this game, when all characters are being introduced, I would rate 4 /5 stars. At that point, it was gripping and realistic enough to keep me reading.

    What makes it interesting at first, is the taboo element and seriousness to the story. But once the realism and tension between characters drops in an instant and you're now fucking everybody, and everyone easily becomes okay with it, makes me wonder why the story was so serious in the first place.

    Most of the game feels like how I would imagine somebody forced to continue to write the original script of a movie after it has ended and drag it out 100 times of its original length.

    It feels like a never-ending dream. It does have a dream like quality ( in a bad way) because you remember, somewhere buried deep down, there was actually some kind of tension and introduction to these characters that made sense now they're just wallowing through this game soulless.

    Some other issues that comes to mind:
    • Maddy is much taller than usual in some of the scenes compared to her regular size.
    • The characters use the same poses as each other. Creates lack of uniqueness.
    • No sense of the outer world. I get a boxed in feeling.
    • Very linear. Just click and progress.

    One positive thing is the characters actually look good.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I have only played up till roughly halfway through chapter 5, so my review will be based on that.

    So starting this game I thought it seemed fairly good, the girls look cute and they seem to have different personalities. The animations are well done, but for me could maybe show a little more. Also I feel more choices could be added, for the most part it feels like a kinetic novel than a game.

    The story seemed to start off fine, but I now feel its getting a little dragged out. The story itself I find predictable, I mean like when a conversation starts with any of the characters you can be fairly sure how the conversation with go.

    The dialogue for me is a little repetitive, and each character progression generally tends to go along a similar dialogue path.

    For me the main issue I have with this game is the MC, hes way too nice, borderline simp.

    That being said I will most likely carry on till the end.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Nowadays more and more games focus on giving the girl a super detailed 10/10 body and making sure every scene looks like they are models while spending 5% of their time on making the faces.
    This game actually focuses on making them cute and beautiful with a somewhat realistic yet attractive body.
    Honestly although the game has a realistic yet beautiful design for the characters everything else is bad.
    I'm shocked this game has 140+ reviews and an average of 4.3 stars..
    This is NOT a light novel or even a game, this is a book with pictures.

    Negatives (will go into detail below):
    - Characters have no personality
    - Characters' decision-making is random.
    - Choice is an illusion / You can only be a massive dick or a super nice guy.

    Positive things:
    - The characters look good

    Yeah... So I'm going over the negative thing and try to avoid spoilers. I will comment on day 1 thing and day 2 (very early on but if you don't wanna know don't read after this.)

    - Characters have no personality / Characters' decision-making is random:

    This for me is the reason why I'm so sad about this game., they build characters that have a personality only to literally throw it away immediately and making their decision to not match the personality that we are told and showed to have

    Sister 1: She is told on day 1 to be a girl with no experience in relationships (according to her other sister) she is friendly but innocent.
    So ofc you were nice to her once during the first time you meet her so at the end of the day 1 she kisses you and asks if you are ok with having an incest relationship........ Also, she asks to go slowly but after 1 more day (maybe 2) she is showering naked with you and doing "sexy things" with you.

    Sister with the cat ears: She is told to us by her sister to be very rude and does not trust new people because she was bullied in school for having cat tail and ears. This is demonstrated by her blasting music and being super rude to you.
    So on the next day, you meet her in the morning and because you told her what you talked with your mom (on day1) she suddenly forgets she does not trust new people and not only that you are her new BFF.
    She will text you to meet and show you her special place that she never showed anyone (not even her sister and mom), she opens up to you and now she asks if you would date her even if she is your half-sister.

    Mother: Same story, talked to her once be nice to her she will suddenly kiss you. No backstory to why, no talk with your aunt where she mentions that she missed being with a man, she did not cough you jerking off and got turned on.
    Nope, you her son that was out of her life for years,since you were nice to her she kisses you on day 2 and asks if you are ok with an incest relashanship.

    Sister 1 friend: Day 2 she is at the cinema, she sees you with her friend so ofc she flirts with you and sends you away with a wink

    Dominatrix that dominates every man: Told to be super dominating and that she hates when she is told no. You tell her no, she blushes and tells you no to do it again next time also she will not punish you (lol)

    I can go on but you can see my point? We are told and show that the character is someone with X personality but as soon as they see you they suddenly do a 180 and turn into someone else.

    - Choice is an illusion:

    Well, not much to explain here.. Every option can be summarized as:
    - Be really nice
    - Be the ultimate dick.

    Your sister hugs you
    Option 1- hug back
    Option 2-Ask why she hugged you and if she always hugs people that she never met.
    Mom tells you why she left you:
    Option 1- Hug her
    Option 2- Do nothing.
    Gee, I'm glad I was given a choice here.. And every other choice is like this. Most of the time you only have 2 options and they are either be nice/ be rude.
    Considering the game starts with a warning saying that you should be nice to everyone if you want sex and build a harem, otherwise the game might have no sex almost if you pick the romance route.
    It's the same as giving no option at all. Even if I don't wanna date her do I really have to be rude? There's no in-between option.
    The 1 time I was thinking finally I had to pick and my option matter (instead of only mattering if you have sex or not) was when I was asked to meet with sister 1 or the cat sister.
    I picked the one I liked the most thinking this would affect my path but nope. After u spend some time with one of the sisters you will be given the option to now spend time with the other.
    Again illusion of choice, you can pick who you meet first but nothing changes.
    Also, you are literally explained what is the best option in the MC main dialogue:
    Sister 1 : What is your story?
    Inner dialogue: Should I tell her? If I tell her now she will probably trust me more in the future and that good, if I don't tell her she might not trust me and that's bad... hmmm
    Well thanks for spelling out what to pick for me.. I was considering going mysterious but that's bad apparently and hurts me in the future..
    Every decision almost is like this.. The MC inner dialogue alone tells you what to pick.
    So again no really a choice unless you intentionally wanna go into the bad route.

    Maybe later on they revealed that the MC has magic breath so when he talks with any female girl they immediately wanna fuck him even if it goes against everything showed before.
    I would not be surprised if later on, he meets a Christian girl that wants to be a virgin until marriage but because our MC was nice to her once she will throw away that and immediately ask for his dick while calling him daddy.

    This game had so much potential.. Helping the cat sister get revenge on the bullies. while slowly building her trust and love for you...
    Make the innocent sister less innocent..
    Turn the dominatrix into a sensitive character/wants to be dominated by you instead.

    But all is lost, choices do not matter or you are told by the MC's ability to look into the future what is the best option, the dialogue is ok but the character's personalities stop existing the moment you talk to them.
    This is like watching a movie expect you have to press your mouse move to the next frame.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Reason why I rated this game 4 stars:
    1) Very good game so far. :love:
    2) Characters are pretty great and they have good background story of their own.:love:
    3) Storyline is pretty big and intense.:love:
    4) The time and efforts given by the Dev to develop this game:love:

    The Missing 5 star is for the sex scenes. Well they are okay, but they need spice with some more passion, different position and kinks.

    I hope you will consider my request.

    I eagerly waiting for more "SUPER NAKED GINGER TIME.":love: