VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice, Perfect & Smooth
    just finished playing the game, and unbelievably this game is really good. At first for some reason the graphics & cg made me back off a little but surely with time they regained their posture. Now let's keep it small & simple.

    Characters: Some of the most cutest characters i've ever seen. With a distinct personality every character stand out of their own. 4/5

    Story: Enjoyable story to say the least. Not gonna spoil you but it's good enough to enjoy. Thou romance is top notch here. I mean seriously it's totally on doki doki level. 4.5/5

    Animations & Graphics: I just played v0.15 & it's smooth af. I mean it's also totally like butter on android too. Animations r superbly smooth and graphics r good enough. 4/5

    Overall: Overall a great game imo. Must play game if u r honey select fan. 4.25/5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    So first of all I would like to say that this is by far my favourite VN of all time for various reasons.
    I have been following this since around 0.6 and the whole time the dev has been amazing
    The characters are fantastic and are all different in their own ways, The game is well written, it has an endless amount of content, the story is amazing and so much more.

    So here are my main 5 reason for giving My New Family the full 5 stars:
    • The renders are good and the animations are smooth, The H-Scenes are great but in my humble opinion could last a tad longer
    • All the characters are different with their own backstory and they are all hot and fit to different tastes. Even the MC is likable which is relatively rare
    • The English is perfect for the most part and the story as a whole is fantastically well written
    • The game is extremely long with heaps of content but doesn't feel like a grind which is great
    • And my final point... Lucy, in my opinion the best character I have seen in any game, I love her story, her personality is great and just her in general is a phenomenal storyline
    To end off I would like to say that Killer7 is a phenomenal dev, he is constantly providing updates, He is active on the discord and also posts weekly updates on his patreon. I strongly recommend that anyone reading this plays the game but if you do, set aside a while. You are in for a wild ride
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't even remember how I found this game, other than it may have been another member's fan banner here on F95zone; but I"m glad I did. Not really a fap game (though the models are varying sizes and shapes, which is great!) but the strongest part is the relationship building, character development, and some dialogue. The progression of how each character is added to the MC's harem overall is logical and unrushed. I really appreciate that the characters will have a discussion about this or that physical love-making activity, but we won't see it for a bit as some other things need to happen first. No real decision making here as there is almost always only two decisions and it's obvious which is the 'better' decision for the story. Thus, this is a visual novel more than anything and one I've enjoyed. Lastly, I've spent hours and I'm only in chapter 5 of 9 in part 1 yet. This is a big story!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually a pretty decent game with great writing and well built characters and they try to put some reason as to why the main character has all these girls that love him and addresses the more than one girlfriend thing which only a handful of games will do. it has some corny writing sometimes and one or two minor characters that are just plain bad but it has a lot of effort put in and a lot of Freedom. My only gripe with this game is the Grandma because of reasons you'll see later but your kind of forced into an option and it kind of sucks. otherwise a great game.

    edit: why the fuck are they always crying though. it kind of pisses me off because if you went through the game and counted how many times they cry it might be more than there are sex scenes.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Gotta be hontest with ya... I don't even play this game anymore to fap. It's just straight comfort food at this point. Every update just makes me feel good. The models and the animations aren't anything too special, but the writing and characters are. Lots os feel good moments and some heart tugging moments. If you are only looking to fap then I'd say avoid this game, however if you enjoy some "wholesome" goodnesss then this game is your jam.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So this Visual Novel/Game is by far the most amazing one I've ever played. The characters are diverse, the story-telling is by far the best, every single emotion of MC and Women in his life you just feel.

    There are parts that have brought me to tears because some of the story I can relate to. The hard life of the MC with his father ect. Not only that part but all the things that some of the girls went through it's a real tear jerker.

    Killer7 is an amazing storyteller and I love everything they have done in this game. If you haven't played this. Please. Please give this amazing VN/Game a shot. You won't regret it!!!!

    I can't wait for 0.16. 0.15 left me with a tear in my eye. I can't wait to hear the news...I pray it's good news.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I guess its time for my first review...

    I felt sucked into the story of the mc right away I understood the bs he went through and knew the pain he was going through.

    Maybe some things progressed a little fast maybe not imo it is not like mc and any of the others grew up every day with each other for reasons you will understand if you play and read the vn.

    I had no problems with the progression I enjoyed it and the way the MC goes out of his way to help others even if its just women is a good thing.

    I found quite a few things with the MC that I was able to compare myself to and it drew me in even more.

    I also felt Lucy's pain with what she went through and it sucks I had a very close friend who went through the same crap only difference is my rl friend didn't have the ears or tail...but they had a good heart like she does.

    In so many different ways I find myself able to relate which makes me love the actual story and the characters more.

    Can't wait for more!

    10/10 would risk getting my butt kicked and turned in a pretzel to ask Maddie out!!!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked this for a time. It provides for many personal favorite kinks and it starts out decently...

    But god damn does it turn dull after a handful of chapters. The writing is not only uninspired, but it also takes a very long-road approach of story-telling. The characters get stuck in a loop, repeating the same things over and over. Many other reviews cite good story-telling and intriguing characters. Those statements make me feel like we've played different games.

    This game does a rather poor job keeping the mood going throughout the story. To me what separates good adult games from the rest is how erotic atmosphere it manages to keep even outside the adult scenes. With witty dialogue and good posing a masterful experience can be achieved with very minimal amount of actual sex scenes if it is done correctly. This game does not do it. The story even goes as far as actively normalizing nudity in a non-erotic setting. The love interests sleep together naked in countless scenes where same dialogue is repeated without any expression of desire on either side. I know some real relationships suffer and sex becomes a chore, but if it's not a plot point it shouldn't happen in fiction.

    As a final personal annoyance, this game has countless grammar issues.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Time to write my first Review.
    And if there is one game worth it, it is this one.
    I love everything about this game.
    Its one of those games where you can just sit back, relax and enjoy.
    Played through it multiple times (up to ~20 hours hours content with Version 0.15 if you play it and dont skip everything).
    For me the Story is really good. There are moments you laugh, and moments you shed a tear.
    The further development of some of the girls is great.
    For example there is one "Person" at the beginning i really hated. But after playing through the game its now one of my favorite persons in the game.
    The dev is really working hard. There are always regular update posts.
    The time between the updates is short and every update is really long.
    Also the dev is very active in the community.
    Cant wait wait for all the future updates and a lot more fun with "My New Family"
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really do love this game. It just makes me feel good to play it. This is like what we would get if Hallmark made a porn game. I mean that in the best possible way. Honestly. This is a feel-good story with some pornographic aspects to it. It isn't down and dirty. It isn't up close and x-ray views. It isn't even fuck everything that moves. This is have a relationship with everything that moves. A real, loving relationship... which usually leads to sex, or worse holding hands.

    Most games:
    She's hot, I want to fuck her!
    Suck my dick, bitch!
    Let me fuck this girl!
    I can't wait to fuck her while she's pregnant.
    I'm making her my cum dumpster.
    I want to fuck all the girls!
    Time to FUCK!

    This game:
    She's so cute. I hope I can make her happy.
    Yay, I get to hold her hand!
    Let me tell this girl I love her!
    I can't wait to see what our babies will look like.
    I'm making her my cum dumpster. The love route is so much better!
    I want to marry all the girls!
    Time to cuddle.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm really torn on the rating. Awhile back I would have given this four stars no questions asked. Now I really want to give it three stars, but that's going too far. I don't know, I'll figure it out after I write the rest of this.

    So why a four originally? Well, because it was really good, except for the sex scenes. It's probably the best attempt at what I can only call sweet tragedy that I've seen on this site. The MC's backstory did a good job of being just detailed enough to seem realistic while being generic enough that we didn't have to spend three hours reading endless backstory. The relationships were sweet, and seemed to really mean something.

    The main issue was the sex scenes. They were just enough to be somewhat tolerable. That might have been okay in a worse game, but here they were notably dragging the game down. The sex is all very much wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am style, which doesn't fit the rest of the game at all. Foreplay? What's that? Sex is just a few pumps in missionary or doggy, right? What more could you want? Occasionally there is at least some decent dialogue, but that's about it. A particularly extravagant scene might include a few pumps in missionary and then doggy too! It's all very exciting.

    Sarcasm aside, that really was the major failing of the game. Which is pretty unfortunate for a porn game, but... yeah. Still, the rest really was good.

    But. But but but. You know how I said the tragic pasts and their discussions and whatnot about them was really well done? Well, apparently the writer got stuck. They haven't stopped righting those same scenes. It's just constant "we're together now so we can move on!" except nobody has done a damn bit of moving. They're just having the same discussions over, and over, and over. It really removes any sense of these relationships being meaningful when they're apparently just stuck where they started. Sure they all say they're getting better, but nobody ever actually does anything except talk about how bad it was and how it's better now and then every now and then there are a couple humps thrown in before the next girl gets to talk about how bad things were and how things are better now. But this time it probably won't end with two humps before the next girl gets her turn.

    Instead, the entirety of any kind of variety in this game gets pushed to an ever-increasing number of girls. It's a ridiculous number at this point, and it's shown no signs of stopping. And yet this too follows the same old story - they have a problem and MC is there to help and support them and then they all fall in love and blah blah blah.

    To make matters just a little bit worse, the matter of exactly how he's going to help all these women needs to addressed. While I applaud the dev for yet again recognizing a thing that doesn't need to be done in any amount of detail, the solution they went for is basically "one of the girls is OP." So every time a new girl rolls in, MC goes to this one other girl, tells her, and then boom problem fixed. This admirably doesn't bog the story down, but it also relegates MC to basically being a middle man. He gets all this credit for helping these girls, but all he ever did was make a single phone call. It's hard to take any of the resulting emotional investment seriously considering that.

    So. Yeah. This game could have been amazing. Cut things down to a small handful of main girls and keep the focus tight. Use that time and effort to instead figure out how to write touching scenes that aren't just variations on the same conversation. And add some damn foreplay.

    And it is worth noting that the concepts for many or even most of these characters is actually pretty good. There just isn't enough time for them all in a single game. It's just too scattered to try to deal with so many girls, and then you have all the interactions (or should have... this game kind of avoids it) between the girls that would be really good too. Instead, you could probably have the main cast for two more games.

    Anyway. It's far too late to really address these issues without just creating a new game, unfortunately.

    So, we come to the rating. I really want to give it a three. Things have slipped to the point that I think it's deserved. I think the only reason I don't quite want to actually do it is because of how much I liked this game at the start. But it was a four before... so how can it be a four still after it's gone from one of my top three anticipated games to something I'm worried isn't worth the time to even play? So, three it is. Sorry game, but... you deserve it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This would have gotten a much higher rating, except for a couple minor issues.
    1: Meet your new (half-sibling / what ever BS name the dev used when they got slapped with patreons your not allowed to do incest hammer.) then within what was it 2 days, your sleeping with her.
    2: Your other sister, after you start flirting with her.... Makes you wait something like 45 days before you can even feel her up, it's I love you, GO AWAY SCUM OF THE EARTH.... Then she loves you, then she hates you, then she wants to hold your hand but it's just too much and she can't handle it, then you see her ankle and she almost dies from embarrassment, then she catches you fucking your sister, her older sister..... And is so stupid she can't figure out that it's wrong by societies standards.
    3: The aunt.... Yeah she's like a combination of your older half sister, and the mom's boss.
    4: The mom's boss..... Seriously dev. "Come with me, and we can talk. You two leave the house and when your alone. boss "Show me your cock NOW."..... That's followed by the worst writing for a char I've seen in a while. She is sexually assaulting the main char, then threatening him when girls ask him out on dates..... Someone just needs to put a very large hole between her eyes and then the game will be half as stupid as it currently is.
    5: The way everything just drags on, and gets more and more stupid as it progresses, up to and including your grand mother hiring assassin's or something to go kill your dad, still not sure since I just fast forwarded through the entire vacation scene because it was that bad.....

    If you want something that has some pretty renders, and has a LOT of content sure give it a try.

    If you want something with substance, well written char's, oh and a game where ever mature female does not have ZZZZZ sized tit's then just go ahead and avoid this project.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This one had the potential to be something really great. Unfortunately, it's not. This game can be summed up with one word. Boring. The text is dull, the story is dull, and even the domination scenes are dull.

    This game has the same issues as Ecchi Sensei.

    This game has too many characters and they are pretty much all instantly in love with the MC. The MC is pretty much a Gary Stu. He's too nice to the point he's dull. He resolves every situation with his niceness (dull)

    The dialogue is cluttered with the MC throwing cheesy lines left and right. It's so often that I would be really surprised that anyone actually reads it all and doesn't just start skipping everything.

    The MC has no flaws, (well, I personally think this MC's chronic niceness is a flaw, though) and the result is boring. In reality, you can't solve every issue by staying calm or being nice.

    Any drama that this game has is too mild to be interesting. The girls accept being in a harem far too easily and pretty much encourage it.

    This game is just too far from reality to do the job it's meant to do, for me at least.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game started off good but became very repetitive rather quickly. At some point of the game it just felt like I was just transitioning between sex scenes and skipping text.

    Now this may be my own preference but this game felt too bland for me. There is drama in this game but the conflicts get resolved rather quickly and a lot of these resolutions seem silly to me especially the change in behaviour of the bully.

    Another reason this game felt bland is the way girls fall for the MC. It's basically love at first sight for the girls because the MC was nice to them once and didn't hurt them. Relationship development is pretty boring and predictable.

    A lot of content is available as of v0.14 but to me it was mostly text to skip through. At some point of the game, it became very repetitive. The MC wakes up, takes a shower with the gingers, has a talk on the couch, watches TV, and then an event starts when he gets a message on his phone. There are a lot of girls but I felt like it was a detriment rather than a strength. Some girls feel pointless and disconnected to the main "story" and are just there to have sex with when you have nothing else to do.

    TLDR: If you want a relaxing, wholesome game with incest, harem, and even pregnancy thrown in the mix, this might be for you. However it felt bland and repetitive for me.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the Story line. It just made me wanting to keep going, I just had to keep going to see what was going to happen next. when playing this VN you have to keep a open mind. Make sure to read the tags and check the Genre Spoiler. This story is not for everyone.

    Great Job
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I never rate any games ... like ever .... I mean I get bored to write a lot of words but this one deserve it
    I can't name it a game because there isn't that much to do but as a story and story telling or characters development this is one of the best stories I ever have red in my life
    I have to tell you this after I finish it I feel like I have a missing part in my day to fill now
    Please continue the good work dude
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you have not found this game you are missing out on a wonderful story full of love and romance. This is bar far one of the best incest harem games I have ever played. The story is so full of emotion and joy which is very refreshing from other games. I like that there isnt this constant dram like a weight on your chest the entire game. Its light and fun and super enjoyable. Even has pregnancy that I love mixed in my harem incest game. There are no other males to even worry about. I highly highly recommend this game. The story will grip you and leave you wanting more. :love:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the most wholesame games i have ever played. Great characters with amazing storyline. Each character has great development and it each to their own. Can't wait to see more of this game Killer7. Keep up the good work man.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The start is quite kosher. Male son who has lost all contacts with mother, blah, blah, reconnects with her and finds out he has 2 sisters yada yada.
    That said:
    The good:
    Nice art and for once the MC is not a creep that goes raping or molesting around, and that's a plus.
    The Bad:
    Evertything else.
    First, in this game there is no interaction or real decision. You are like a train, on a preordined path where your decision are irrelevant unless you're very dumb. Your choices are always like "be good" and "be a dick". Now a good guy is nice, but here every woman wants to jump on your dick after so little interaction it soon gets annoying. I don't like grinding in sex games but this is porn-level plot. EG: "Miss, i'm here to repair you dishwasher" "Oh, my. That's not the only wet thing. Come to my bedroom, please."
    There is no pleasure in conquest, just boredom for enduring constant flows of sweet talk. So sweet that it first gives you cavities, then diabetes and then you drown in sugar. I mean, WTF! How can there not possibly be a single nice guy in the whole universe the game is set in? Women love you just because you don't beat them up. Imo that's lazy writing.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked visuals and how much effort author put in this game. This long story didn't appeal to me, but some people will enjoy it.
    Despite that I really, really, REALLY hate this game. I find it extremely boring. There's no challenge - your choices often boil down to choosing between "I love your dress!" and "Your dress is alright.". And either you pick the top option and get the girl or you can forget about it. I hate how intertwined those stories are; you can't focus just on mom while ignoring her daughters for example, because then you won't get any scenes at all. Or if you want your boss to be more dominant, then you'll get 2-3 scenes and that's it, simply because author didn't like this choice enough. If you want to just, you know, PLAY around in this game and explore your options, then quickly you'll be punished for that with dead ends for not choosing the option he wants you to choose. Game very quickly boils down to mindless clicking, sometimes interrupted with similarly mindless "choice", while waiting for the next sex scene. Gameplay is just badly designed. I'm not saying all [vn]s are bad! They can be done very well and be very enjoyable. It's just this one isn't like that. Author should either turn it into an kinetic novel or focus more on different story lines.