VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game was giving me good vibes in the beggining, and i thought it was gonna be a kind of deep story about love, but after some time the good vibes were gone. Why?

    Well first of all, the conflict that existed at the beggining dissappeared right when you made the choice of hugging your mother, well it was before that if we ask ourselves how someone who threatens to kill someone suddenly decides to stop his murder tendencies or whatever and forget 15 years of death threats. This plot looks kind of an "elaborated" excuse to setup the incest thing.
    OR maybe abusive murdery fathers are just like Pedos, and they stop when you turn 18 (...XD... i know its bad, but the game is worst.)

    In the begging also the first character Sandra seemed to be nice and to have a caring personality, which is good, but after meeting a couple of characters, all you have to do to make them love you is telling the story of your life, and thats it, they will fall for you, they will drop their personalities and character traits, their bitterness and hate or whatever, and just love you.
    Every story is kind of parallel or you could say which its just fucking repetitive. And the story is supposed to be about love but the first days there were fanservice hyperralistic dreams wher you have sex with girls that you havent even kissed.

    And then The MC bitterness and suicidal tendencies get fixed cause suddenbly he gets love and pussy expectations, well, me and i guess many people with depressive tendencies wish that it was so easy, but really this MC is boring. All he has to do is to be polite and finish the sentences with the name of the person he is talking to, and say yes to everything. He can say no, i dont know if it influences the story, i mean i rejected Mary, but somehow even after rejecting her, she requires my presence at her house anyway.
    This happened after a scene in the Pool where an erection pops out with the FANSERVICE result of the dick leaving the pants (I HATE FANSERVICE). So the girl is ready to touch the dick and the door bell rings.
    ITs Maddie who comes to subvert your expectations(I HATE SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS), those expectations created in an artificial and totally unnecessary way in the first place, and to tell you that Mary, which you may have rejected, wants your presence at her residence.

    -Who hasnt showed up at a girl's house after being ghosted by her? we all have been teenagers right?
    -But this Mary must be like 30!
    -Maybe there are no adults in this game, and they are just plot elements, with inconsistent backgrounds?
    -That would explain it, i guess...

    So, after this rant, we have fanservice, subverted expectations, and finally shoving a rejected character down your throat. Let me tell you: this 3 things i hate the most, but this dev actually managed to create a combo with the 3, thats like the lottery of bad writing.

    Well the entire game is a subverted expectation, i mean dev put this disclaimer thing and i thought, this one must be different. Sadly its not,which is too bad, cause, Who doesn't love redheads?

    Posing is pretty lazy, everything looks stiff as hell, hand posing is a special case cause the way he grabs the phone, or things in general is like someone created 2 separate renders and merged them together and sizes and perspective dont seem to match.

    The formula to meet a girl is: When you meet a new girl you have the options to make a quiz on her with tons of questions.
    Mary keeps pusing it and i keep rejecting her, do my decisions matter at all?

    The MC rubs his dick in a girls butt and he cums in his thoughts. I understand wanting to be silent sometimes but actually grunting in his thoughts? Cmon. There is the chance in real life that a girl doesnt get to feel your cum under the shower, many girls are insecure like that (or maybe is my personnal expetrience and im projecting?)

    The scene is boring anyway, too much thinking, no sex talk they dont even seem to be horny, which may work in real life sceneario if you know your partner, of if its a VN with master level of storytelling, but its not the case, so much more is needed for me to believe they are having "sex". Dev is not delivering, at all

    Well thats the last scene I saw and its boring and polite, sex is supposed to be gross, kind of dissorderly (if the wrod exists), this is below vanilla.

    Im hoping the game will improve later and the good parts outweight the bad ones, so far i dont see any prospects and my game folder is too big, but really no prospects at all.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Like others have said here the game is pretty much a kinetic novel, meaning there's very little player choice in the game as of rn as the harem route is the one being most worked on. While this may be a con for some people, it's a plus for others (including myself).

    The story is honestly one of the most wholesome I've found on this site (as wholesome as a porn game can be) and the best comparison I could match it to is WVM. Like other reviews have said the best choice is always the top option (outside of certain events) and while you might question why you chose that option at the start, you won't regret it as more of the story is unraveled.

    TLDR If you're looking for a wholesome harem game that you can enjoy without needing to worry about your choices(always choose top option), you'll probably enjoy this game.

    Shorter TLDR: If you liked WVM you'll probably like this game
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review as of 0.19, but I see no reason why any of this will change.)

    This game is unironically one of the best feel-good stories I've ever read. If this was just a pure romance (no 18+ stuff) I'd still love it. K7 just seems to have a way with writing incredibly comfy relationships without a lot of the bullshit you see in other games/stories. Some people might see the lack of drama or conflict as a bad thing, but this game basically exists so that no matter where you are in the game, no matter how you're feeling before you start playing, play for long enough and you'll end up with a smile on your face. I say "play for long enough" cos there are some sad moments (and even a few moments of minor conflict looking at you, Eliane) but overall everything is almost sickeningly wholesome. Even some of the "worst" girls (or at least the ones that are presented as bad initially (again, looking at you, Elaine) end up being absolute sweethearts once you get to know them (or once you get through to them (Fiona, Tanja)).

    I've played this game all the way through far too many times now (usually at least twice/update). I genuinely can't think of a more ideal game as far as describing my taste in games here (which is interesting considering that the game's primary kink, incest, does nothing for me).
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story, heartwarming, lot of content, good waifus material, making the player happy. Pretty good sex scenes & very very good dialogues, no "different path" choices so you can discover everything you WANT to discover !
    Would recommend 5/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Found this game through Love of Magic and I have to admit, I didn't expect much in the beginning. Honey Select is not my favorite engine and usually the models turn me off. But the gingers immediately caught my eye and I had to see where this is going. The intro might seem a bit weird but you can see how much the dev improved over time, putting more and more love into his project. Especially Lucy really struck a nerve with me, her whole backstory and her development is amazing. If you look for a game that doesn't have drama and makes you feel warm inside, this is the one you have to play.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is utter trash.
    I could go on about what several others so wonderfully pointed out...
    The bad writing, the complete and utter lack of stakes or drama. The unearned nature in which everything is given to you if you pick the right choice (which you will know immediately, because it is telegraphed to you and half the time you pick the "wrong" choice, Killer7 interjects with "you really should have picked the other choice, so you should probably roll back and do that...), or the fact that the characters have no personalities, really, and are all kind of the same after a few days to establish their role in the plot....

    But no.

    I want to focus my entire 1 star review on one thing, so early in the game, that it makes all those other issues a moot point.

    So, here's the game's story. No spoiler warnings, because this is literally the very beginning of the game:
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    And no drama, of any kind, at all, means there is no reward. Nothing you get in the game is earned.

    The entire game is "pick the right choice and see more poorly written content that defies logic and reason, and see uninspired sex scenes" or "pick the wrong choices and get no content, because fuck you for wanting a branching story or the ability to make a choice. This is my fucking story and you'll experience what I want to write, and nothing else."

    It is a kinetic novel that pretends not to be one, where no one has any ambition, goals, or personality, and has only one "redeeming" feature: The amount of content pumped into it.

    Content you will probably miss, if you make those two "wrong" choices I mentioned, above.

    When the game actually tells you "You should restart, and remember to always pick the top choice because it's the right choice. Just hold control to skip all the text you've already seen to make it faster!" then you aren't playing a game, and you're not being respected by the author.

    If, through all that, the sex scenes at least offered something captivating, it might be worth it, to treat it as a cheap, poorly written kinetic novel, and go through it to see the scenes.
    But they're boring. They offer nothing.

    This game is not just bad for it's plot, characters, or choices. As porn, it offers nothing you haven't seen done more, and better, elsewhere.

    If you see all the 5 stars and want to go for it anyhow? Sure. Your call.
    If you decide you like it and that I'm full of it?
    Hey, you do you. I'm happy you found a thing you like. I don't want people to dislike something merely because I don't care for it.

    But even if all you're chasing is pure fap material, consider what I said and give this an honest look. And after all the endless reading for a meaningless plot and choices that don't matter, and you finally get to a sex scene, ask yourself.... is ths really titilating? Isn't there something else I could have played that I'd have enjoyed more?
    I highly doubt you can truthfully answer "No, I'd rather be playing'My New Family,' right now."
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The review is for chapters 1-14 v 0.19
    On the plus side the girls faces are cute - the bodies are so-so lacking normal proportions, the milfs faces are beautiful - yet their body parts are grossly exaggerated.
    The game start was very promising yet as the game progresses - it became lame and boring - most of the lewd scenes are in fact censored, because there is no penetration - the anal scenes are fully censored!
    The dialogs were not very good to begin with yet as the game progresses they became lengthier and hollower. Even if flying over using the CTRL-key it took hours to go through the lamer and lamer chapters.

    2 stars for the effort. If I could have one suggestion - especially for non English speaking devs - keep the dialogs short and simple - don't try "jokes" or slang - it doesn't work - basically the KISS principle.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I got to this game "accidently" when I played another porn game (I won't mention which on duo to Reviewing Rules)

    I came to play for the PLOT but I stayed for the story.

    So touching, Emotional and beautiful writing.

    The characters are interesting and so damn cute.

    Recommended 5 STARS!

    Thank you for this game K7, Well done.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this VN since version 0.1 i've spent a lot of time in it and i can say that this VN is worth it in my opinion! Right now i'm writing this review at version 0.18 so there's quite a few things i want to say about it, sadly, i'm not a native english speaker, but i'll try my best!

    1. Characters - there's a lot of characters that look great and have some work put into them, they all look unique and feel real.
    2. Story - a lot of wholesome moments, sad moments, happy moments, basically Dev really knows how to make you feel all that.
    3. Time - this is a really big VN, it's not just for an hour or two, it will take a lot of time to get to the end of current version, so buckle up and prepare for a long ride!
    4. Events - there's a lot of events and scenes for every character and each update brings up even more for you to see and enoy!
    5. Sounds - the Dev put a lot of sounds and music in the game, to make the atmosphere even better, seeing a sad scene with sad piano music, or happy scene with some nice vibes, really makes you feel it!

    Right now, the VN is not finished and keeps getting updated, being added more characters, more scenes, more events and even more time and work put into it! Seeing it grow like that, really brings a lot of joy and amazement to me after seeing how many stuff has been added since 0.1 i wish the Dev all the best and hope to see more in future! Much love and thanks for the great VN!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought a lot before writing this review, K wanted to like the game but I couldn’t, it’s not very good, it is really average and sometime cringe and nonsensical (but not in a good way).
    You could say that the writing and characters are not important, is just porn after all... But then why would I play porn videogames instead of watching videos? Because I want to feel immerse and this game broke the immersion a few times for me, from the awkward dialogue with the sister who is a cat girl to some later scenes that I am not going to spoil.
    The game goes as you expect with many predictable twists and boring cliches.
    You‘lol have the same boring dialogues twice or even thrice, it may sound wholesome for somebody, but when repeated continually in a superficial way, it’s not anymore wholesome but annoying and loses consistency and meaning.
    The characters have a personality, which is one or two traits put in together before they become sexual addicts.
    The renders and graphics are good, even if the models of the girls look too similar. (The main screen where all the girls watch you is really unsettling , or is it just me?).
    The choices for now are divided in two categorie: “Yes, I want to have sex with you therefore I simp” and “No, I don’t want to have sex with you, and fuck you”.
    There are other problems with this game but many critical reviews under me will go into deeper explanation than me.
    This game was such a letdown, if you liked it and enjoyed it is absolute ok, but for me it wasn’, it was predictable and I could not understand why it has so many 5 stars ratings.
    I could recommend it, but I won’t, it was not a fun experience but a boring one
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    positives : (y)

    the only reason im giving this 5 stars becouse of the clearly hard work and heavy story that the dev did , with free bugs and correct english and spillcheck with no mistakes like some other games .. and the good graphics ...

    thats pretty much all the positive things i have to admit about this game ..

    now... :FacePalm: .. there we go .. :sick: :cautious:

    the negatives.. : (n)

    well i been playing now almost a week and im still in the same situation no changes .. with slightly something new happens here and there .. and then back to the same situation .. again

    this game is all about romance nothing else ..a romance game that some how has a sexual content .. which has nothing to do with the story any way .. its just like an extra gift .. but not actually a porn game .. and the conversations are getting boring with more repeating's until u feel like skipping
    ( i love u ..i love u 2) like 200 times ( he is getting home now .. he is going to Mary's house ) 100 times ..
    ( fast kissing from lips) 150 times ( oh she is beautiful never gets old to look at her ) 70 times ( i know its hard for u .. no don't say that about ur self dear .. u r amazing ) 300 times ( you wanna go back to ur room Alice ? ) 20 times ..

    just let Alice stay a little longer instead of ditching her always every time .. at least enjoy having some new faces around for awhile .. instead of watching Sandra's boring face all the time .. there's no different in any conversation .. its all like deja vo & repetitive

    the neko girl is nice but .. its not fit in this game .. even do the story needed here .. but im sure she will fit more with another story or another kind of game but not this one .. it doesn't make sense to see a neko in a realistic people story like this .. the dev just putted here in the game because he like nekos or fetish nekos i think .. and he didn't know how to do it .. so he just throw here in the game without reason because .. you know " its just a game no body is gonna care " but its OK .. that's acceptable.

    in this whole week playing .. i just get like 3 sex scenes with 2 characters ,,even i know the MC will fuck all of them later .. but still 3 sex scenes in 1 week of game play .. is very little & waste of time ..
    im playing a porn game to watch 3 scenes in 1 hour not in 1 week .. and ofcourse with a good story
    ... but story only with barely any sex scene is not acceptable .. this is a porn game it should concentrate in the sex scene more than story and if there's 100 sex scene coming up after 1 week that's still too much waiting .. to latee ..
    im still trying to enjoy it .. but there's still something bizarre about it .. a porn game with too much late porn !!!

    and i don't want watch 1 sex scene every 3 days .. and then after that another 3 days gaps again before the next scene .. too much huge gaps gaps gaps between the sex scenes .. u gonna get cold already & lose the mood between every sex scene .. why all these much days of gapsss ?? 1 hour gap is fair enough .. even though its still to much of waiting.

    in this week again .. 80% of my time i spend it in the MC's house .. and 10% in the auntie's house .. and 5% at work .. and then 5% here & there dating or shopping..
    why every day in the house chating only with 3 characters always repetitively .. Sandra .. Lucy & the mother .. were is the other characters ? where are the other locations ? the MC didn't get bored sitting always in the house ?
    if he didn't then .. i do get bored 1 week repeating my self and watching the same photos and the same house walls over and over again .. desperately waiting to get out of the house to face some other side characters

    i know its good game and has many fans ..congrats realty im happy for that and for u ..u deserve its success .. keep going and keep it up the hard work .. but that's not gonna change how i feel about it .. its up to people if they feel like it .. but sorry not mee..

    i really hop in the future games u consider these things i said .. and make it better and better .. sorry for being honest and direct ..
    have a good luck

    love u dev
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Between the meadows behind our town there stands a line of old poplars by a stream. They
    were visible from a great distance, and although they grew on one bank only, we called them the
    poplar avenue. Even as children we had a great love for them, they drew us vaguely thither, we
    played truant the whole day by them and listened to their rustling. We sat beneath them on the
    bank of the stream and let our feet hang in the bright, swift waters. The pure fragrance of the
    water and the melody of the wind in the poplars held our fancies. We loved them dearly, and the
    image of those days still makes my heart pause in its beating.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    You got your self a real pearl here of a game here.
    I went from crying to laughing.
    I love the MC how he takes care of all the one he loves.
    I love the bikering and the funny lines hes havning with the girls.
    I give you 5 star.
    Kepp up the good work.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Jake Masters

    ok, I've played WAY too many hours on this game ever since I downloaded it recently. to be honest, I only downloaded it to check it out since I saw a brief clip of this game in another game that I'm currently playing. less then 10 minutes into the game, and I was hooked!!!

    1. Lucy
    2. wonderful storytelling, or it was once I "restored" the game to it's true settings and NOT the landlord and landlady and tenant crap that Patreon forces game developers to use instead of how the game is supposed to be.
    3. Lucy
    4. Fiona
    5. Lucy
    6. surprisingly, NOT having to grind!!!
    7. oh yeah, before I forget, Lucy
    8. Super Naked Ginger Snuggle Time
    9. SUPER NAKED GINGER NYA TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I honestly think that this is the ONLY game I've ever played that has a "harem" and/or "landlady/tenant (cough incest cough lol) where magic, science, and playing your cards just right played NO part in getting said harem. there are games like A Spell For All, Corrupted Kingdom, and Scarlet Law where magic plays a huge role in getting your harem. there's games like Lab Rats 2 (NOT counting version 39.1) The Company, and Superpowered (I count unlocking super powers via injection as science, wouldn't you?) where you use Science as a huge part of getting your harem. there are games like Mythic Manor and Harem Hotel where you work your @$$ off being a charismatic b@$t@rd where you EARN the love and EARN your harem.

    then there's THIS game. all you have to do is choose to be a "good guy" and not to be a schmuck and EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in the game falls for you... well so far Sister Raven, Rosa, Billie, Celeste, Ida, and Juna haven't, but I've only played up to Chapter 12 . literally all I've had to do is choose the top option when presented an option and I've gotten every single girl except for the six I've mentioned, and I would be willing to bet that I'll get those six soon enough.

    I like a game where it's chill and you get to have some fun with your girl or girls, but I also like the satisfaction of "earning" her love, whether it's the old fashioned way of being a charismatic guy, with my super powers, or with my magic. I want to feel like I did something or learned something that made me get my girl.

    2. while the English is surprisingly good for a Hentai game, or any other game for that matter, there is one thing that absolutely drives me crazy when I see it. when the MC or Lucy (the two who do this the most, but I thing Sandra does it too) make a promise, YOU DO NOT SAY "PROMISED"! IT'S PROMISE!!! PRESENT TENSE!!! they're not saying something like "you promised me" but what they are saying is "I promise". see, it's PRESENT TENSE!!! at least the devs are constant in their English and grammar, even if they're constantly getting this particular instance WRONG.

    3. while you can name the MC whatever you want, I wish that you could rename the other characters as well. not a biggie, but just a personal preference.

    4. the Ginger Sisters are right, the MC looks stupid with his haircut. as of Chapter 12, he still has the same stupid haircut. Fiona (at least my Fiona did) finally updated his wardrobe, but she also needs to schedule an appointment with a barber or stylist. hopefully in future versions (version 0.19+, there will be a mechanic where the MC can "shop" for clothes and get whatever hairstyle he (or more realistically, whatever hairstyle his loves) wants

    all in all, this is a wonderful game that has gotten me very emotionally involved and absolutely hooked!!! I can't wait to see more of how the story unfolds!!!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Found the game on a different site where I had to play in browser. Googled the name and found it here to download. Had to register and write a review right away.

    At first glance I thought this would be your ordinary incest game but after a while I noticed that this game is different. The whole aspect of love and not corruption or anything else is what hooked me. Then of course the wholesome aspect in general took me by surprise - no creepy MC that lusts after his sisters or other females. Just a nice guy that is looking to make everyone he loves happy. You come for the faps and stay for the feels ( and gingers ).

    5 out of 5 <3
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Ultimately, this is a great game. Solid writing, enjoyable characters, and a diversity in plot progression and characterization absent in a lot of harem games. I greatly recommend it for interested players.

    The only reason I cannot give it a five personally is over the issue of the girls in the harem having sex with each other. The presence of this appears to be unavoidable and game breaking (well fantasy/immersion breaking really) for someone like me. It would be immensely easy to fix by making an option for the player/character to say no, but it appears the creator will not consider this, despite several other players demonstrating similar concerns. Personally, it's a harem and I'd rather the harem fantasy include them not having sex with anyone not me/with others (which is why I appreciated the times we could skip threesomes where the girls engaged in sexual acts between them, not just focused on the mc). It seems most feel that way about other guys, but the absence of a dick seems to make it okay I guess. At the end of the day it is still the creator's game, and a good one which is why I highly recommend it for others, it's just immensely disappointing because of this one little, easily fixed, thing.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite Visual Novels!

    It's a fun, simple, no bullshit, family NSFW-friendly VN that plays mostly like a kinetic novel but with some important choices that determine who you want a relationship with.

    Since this is a Harem game, I doubt anything but the full package is canon and you'll only have yourself to blame when people hate you (truthfully, I have no idea what the other paths or formulas occur if you decide not to romance someone, or you decide to romance only Sandra or something similar as I've only played the regular path where I love everybody -- and honestly it's great).

    Lots of redheads!

    Relationship with both the Mom and the Aunt

    It's hard to pick the best girl, I love everyone (especially Becca and Mary), but Sandra and Lucy are my favorites.

    Not a heavy focus on sex (or "OMG my mother's ass gave me a boner, I must bone her!" bullshit) there's an intelligence behind the writing where the whole plot of the game is finding happiness with your new family and having actual relationships with them as opposed to mindless sex.

    No NTR! (Or any other male except past characters mentioned in dialogue like Becca and Mary's ex-husbands. Actually, the lack of background NPCs is a little disturbing. Killer7 actually poked fun at not rendering anybody when you go into the city in the actual game)

    The Sex scenes are pretty simple, but they're not terrible.

    Lots (and Lots!) of Dialogue - The first Couple of Playthroughs were me using the Skip feature to get some dialogue that didn't drag me through the manual of some virtual dude's life. Subsequent playthroughs I haven't skipped through anything and I'm loving it!

    Given the number of characters, it could be a few in-game days before you see more content for a specific character.

    There are none?

    Final Verdict: If you're not opposed to incest, or at least have an open mind about these kinds of things then give this game a try. It's really great and I have no doubt you will enjoy it on as many levels as I do!
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Chagatai Khan

    As much as I like games with incest, harem and pregnant content this one just really doesn't do it for me and I can't for my life understand why this one has such a high rating. To be clear, I don't mind VN's or games with a lot of text. I actually prefer a well written story with sparse sex-scenes over those that have a mediocre story with tonnes of images. However this one is just horrible to be honest.

    The dialogues between the MC and his family become stale rather quickly. Every day becomes the same thing at some point: You wake up with x-amount of sisters, take a shower with x-amounts of sisters, talk with one sister, have breakfast (always pancakes? seriously?), watch tv, have a date with a sister or a friend and then it just continues in the same vein.

    Excepting the drama with Lucy and Alicia in the beginning, most of the rest of it doesn't make any sense at all, especially the so called horrible thing your Grandma made you do. She actually made you do a sensible thing but somehow it's horrible and it seems to split the family until of course it doesn't anymore and everybody's happy again.

    The original setting of the game had a lot of potential but the dev really screwed it up with the repetitiveness of most days and the lack of a story that seems even remotely possible. I'm not asking for realism, this is fantasy of course, but it's just too much. Half of the script, if not more, could be left out and would make the game much more enjoyable. For these reasons I'm giving this one a 1, only because a 0 isn't possible.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    For its artstyle the game gets a 4.5/5.
    For the 4th Wall-Breaking 11/10.
    Funny jokes 4.9/5
    This game seems similar to the WVM from Braindrop when it comes to the open girlfriend that is the half-sister, but with a much slower built up when it comes to fucking. You need to build up the relationship before something happens.
    Edit: Artstyle 3/5 the weebs look like shit the grandma looks younger than the sisters and the asians look weird ass fuck.
    Edit2: The grandma plot is fcking cringe.
    Edit3: the characters and especially the MC are somewhat retarded when it comes to the timing for a quickie. they fuck like once a week even so they want to and can do it daily, kinda weak men.
    Edit4: You talk more about the deed than doing it in a ratio of 100:1 i feel like.
    Edit5: Never forget the VOID.
    Edit6: Super naked ginger cuddle time
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1897




    Damnit, I need a Sandra.