Believe it or not theres alot of people who enjoy both contents mixed together they just dont come crying on forum boards all the time. Pure NTR games are boring and Pure harem are boring as well, mixing and having options is what makes the game interesting. The content is only divisive to the people that dont like it the non NTR/sharing. The other side dont complain even half as much. They accept that different people have different tastes and enjoy whatever content there is. Where as the other side have no tolerance for anything that isnt what they want. People just need to play the game how it is, give feedback if its constuctive to the game as a whole not to their specific feelings. Theres hundreds of games i dont play and i dont go into their threads to say sorry ide love to play but you include blahh blahh blahh gl. Theres no gl wished there at all. It just a thinly veiled attempt to influence the dev they would better off listening to them. So just let the dev do what he wants
My man! That!
As long as the game gives me the chance to avoid stuff (and not just a skip - it has to never happen) I am for all of it. One note games are boring - thats why I dont like pure sharing/happy cuck games or harem. Its more fun to have the danger of cheating or that the LI is going rogue if you dont watch out. And pure harem in general is boring because there has to be other reasons for drama or tension and in most cases that is just not that great. I dont like games where every pussy is destined to be on my MCs dick.
@ this game:
The translation is bad - really bad. When even easy stuff is messed up (brother-in-law instead of stepbrother - i mean, stepbrother should be the 3rd most common word in porn after step-mother and step-sister^^) I dont think that it is good sign.
Or he is not the virgin he says he is and is married to the hidden 3rd sister ...
The common mix up of personal pronouns left and right.
Then the whole premise.
Why does the CEO (rich!) move in with one of his employees? No mansion asset at hand?

- that makes no sense .. so the ceo has not enough space for 3 ppl more but she has a large enough home to make it work with 2 more ppl and their household? Sure...
Then - why are they fine that the one sister is in a relationship with a gang boss?
Dont be so direct - say that her boyfriend has money and connections but you dont know what his job is... something like that. That is missed potential.
After that you have the "party" ... dude. Why? Just say "Hey come and visit my at my BFs home I want you to meet" or stuff like that and then he says that something came up and he as to leave. Why promote a party that is not happening and feels just wrong that it gets called off early... and no, our beta nerd is not the kind of guy that arrives so late that the party is ending ...
She is indeed hardcore when she can finish a bottle without opening ...
And than all not avoidable stuff happens and I stopped playing. Sorry, that is not the way how you structure these games - ppl HATE forced stuff.
Good luck with the game - the renders in general seem to be quite nice, but the writing, the premise and the gameplay are not good enough for me to invest more time into it at its current state.
Edit: Oh just as an info, I dont rate games until they are 3 updates in (commonly 0.3+) - so no rating from me at this time.