It should not do that, but the original game language is spanish and sometimes it switches back from english for a couple phrases. Those are the 2 only languages in the game. During Dragunov's quests you'll see some russian stuff but that is indeed supposed to be like that
I don't know, however...
I don't think this is the case. When you get to the new house you have a scene in which you can jack off with ther ass cheeks. If incest was "no go", I think that would already have been too much, and there are also already clear indications that Lucy wants something with the main character, she is fighting against it but she does. Additionally, I'm not 100% sure of what I'll say now, I played a bit of the original but only started doing anything other than playing (like reading the thread and waiting for updates) when the game was already in the revamp, but I
THINK the old version was abandoned because it was far too complex (Amy's quest was literally deadlined, if you didn't advance enough in the family quests to get to her part before a certain day count, you were doomed to not get her) and full of bugs that were left unattended on early versions and screwed stuff later.
I may very well be wrong on this one, in which case I apologize for the confusion. 2nd additionally, I don't know if Sarah is your sister and Lucy is your mother without the incest patch (I've used it from the very beginning of my gameplay). If they only become your biological relatives with the patch, then the author has nothing to do with it since he didn't release the patch, as far as he is concerned they are just 2 women in your life that you can bang (if they are you relatives without the patch, well, as I said there is already the ass jack off).
the first you get from the newspapper stand in new neighborhood south. The second you need to progress in some questline to get, school's I think, or talk to someone at school during the recess (if this is the way, 90% it is Marckus)
That's strange, something should have changed, or at least went crazy since you messed with variables. You sure you put the edited save in the game save folder, instead of keeping the original? And did you check if the Book of Faces updated the quest stages? Also, are you using the normal or compressed version? I was messaging with someone and it seems stuff went nuts when he tried to do as I said with his saves from the compressed but I don't know if it was a thing only with him or will happen to anyone using compressed (he sent me his save and things were strange with them before I even touched them). But even if you're using compressed, things should at least have gone crazy, not remained the same

. You got me intrigued but if you indeed did as I said and nothing changed for better or worse, then I don't know how to help, sorry
After you finish Morgan's quest the book of faces will be stuck at this instruction, if you can bang Sharon (his mother) at night, then his quest is done. If you are worried about his quest because of the director, this should help, just make sure you've already started Dr. Ferdinand experiments before doing this
The nightstand on the right of her bed, during the morning ofc.