1. What was your inspiration for the Education aspect that Nikki was Kind enough to supply?
I thought it would be fun, sexy, and a little different. In most VNs I've played, the MC is the one that teaches NPCs about sex. I wanted to do something different.
2. Did you collaborate with others or was it all just you to put that content together as it looks nice and solid.
Just me. I have a team of testers that proofread and doublecheck the programming of every path for each update now a few days before each release, but the story/writing/ideas all come from my brain.
3. What was the thinking of the mc Resisting as much as he did, when clearly he wanted the same things Nikki did?
Taylor is an introverted, shy kid without a lot of experience. His body wants it, but his moral compass is struggling a lot with what is going on lately. I imagine at a young age, his mother told him he had to wait until marriage to have sex, and he listened and believed that was the right thing to do. This is hinted at after his mom catch him and Mrs. Sollain, where the mom mentions that she asked Mrs. Sollain to flirt with him to help give him confidence heading into college.
4. I was wondering why there wasnt more choices of what the mc would do to the girls, it seemed more like a novel then a title where choice was involved, I would have loved to have seen a path of pure Effection and Love, vs maybe a lvl down vs maybe treat the girl roughly, Rough sex... I do understand that the amount of time it would take, I am merely trying to understand your think of the why is all, I do love this title and am VERY thankful to you for creating it.
Quite simply: time. If I had unlimited time, knowledge, and resources, I would love to make a game with nearly unlimited options, but I only have so much time to work on this game. I do see this game as a visual
novel, where the players have some choices, and those choices will change parts of the storyline, but not in the way you're talking about. I wanted this to be a story, not a dating sim.
5. Why isnt there a choice to go after Nikki? Clearly he loves her, Why not be able to explore that for the most meaning full of realtionships? ( I am just after what your thoughts were on this matter, not really asking you to change things tho that would be good but I am curious to your thinking on this matter.)
Because at the time when I started this project, I wanted to make something different. There are plenty of games and VNs out there where the brother falls in love with the sister and they end up together. And a lot of games do that really well. As a player, I wanted a change of pace from that so I decided to make one myself.
Lastly, if you would like to be made aware of typos and corrections to be made I can help with that, if u want the help, pm me if you do.
Absolutely! Please PM me what typos you found in the last release!