Then what should vegans say about how they're represented in the game?
Last I checked vegans aren't a race of people. Just like dumb sports jocks who only get full scholarships to colleges is not a race. The fact that the guy who is offended automatically assumes that the black guy is dumb because he is black is the racist. Cause why can't the black guy be dumb? Are black people all a suddenly all geniuses? Are black people all a suddenly excluded from certain basic behaviors because they are black? If you answered yes then congrats you're actually the racist.
Also for instance Eric is obviously Hispanic or Latino... is the developer saying he is scummy because of his race? Or is he scummy because he embodies the stereotype and ideology of most guys who want to be model photographers?
The stereotypes in this game has nothing to do with racism or sexism, rather it simply parodies all about the ideology or social groups that you find typically on college.
Wild Party Girls
Sheltered Kids Going Wild
Dumb Jocks Who Got Scholarships Cause They Only Good At Sports
Phony Photographers Who Just Want To Fuck or See Hot Naked Chicks
Crazy Vegans
Yoga Snobs
Teachers Who Sleep With Students
Outrage About Incest
Liberal Arts Teacher Being Insane
Male Polygamist Enjoys Being Cucked
Dumb Fuckboy Who Manages To Sleep With Everyone
All College Girls Experiment Or Are Lesbians