I honestly don't mind people having opinions it's when that opinion turns around and starts abusing Sumo and expecting him to change things just to suit them.
It's like they expect him to do everything they want and not make his own game.
The dev has said Nikki and Taylor wont be a couple. This game is a different take on incest than other games. Its probably one of a few incest themed games that could plausibly be realistic.
He said they won't. And sure enough they break it off and in the same update end up in a pseudo-threesome, they both cheat on their respective boy/girlfriend and probably would've had sex again if Molly hadn't interrupt them.
And if I read it correctly the next update is the end.
So what in hell can he do in one hour that justifies anything other than the obvious ending?
They fucked, it's still incest and they're being adults about it. It's not your perfect incest fantasy story that doesn't mean you get to hand waive it away as less important.
They fucked, it's still incest and they're being adults about it. It's not your perfect incest fantasy story that doesn't mean you get to hand waive it away as less important.
And you seem to have been playing an entirely different game if you think that Taylor and Nikki haven't been shown time and time again to have romantic thoughts and feelings for one another. There's breadcrumbs all over this VN but you've just swept them under rug and ignored them.
Yes, Sumo has said that isn't Nikki an option for a romantic pursuit (emphasis on the italicised words), but "option" implies player choice and "pursuit" implies actively going after something. Taylor hasn't actively gone after Nikki but events have unfolded that have drawn them closer. This should be as clear as day for everyone who has played this VN. So perhaps it won't be up to the player to choose, but rather the choice is out of our hands and is based on these two growing closer.
I will admit that I could be wrong, but it's obvious that there is something deeper between these two that they're both suppressing, and you too seem to be living in denial about this. Whether this leads to them being together in this VN or not, we shall have to wait and see, but it seems to me you're the only one doing the whining because people are pointing the obviousness of their feelings for one another and you refuse to see it.
He said they won't. And sure enough they break it off and in the same update end up in a pseudo-threesome, they both cheat on their respective boy/girlfriend and probably would've had sex again if Molly hadn't interrupt them.
And if I read it correctly the next update is the end.
So what in hell can he do in one hour that justifies anything other than the obvious ending?
I acknowledge that the two of them may not end up together, but there is no denying that they have a greater connection than that of a brother and sister or even casual sex friends. Nikki is definitely, 100% in love with her brother and the evidence is all over the place, so can people really be blamed for thinking and hoping that these two get a happy ending together when their true feelings are so obvious?
This game does have the potential to end on a tragic note, possibly an unrequited love one or a confession of love but acceptance that they can't be together one, or even a deranged killer Ashley one where one of them will die, but there's no happy end to be had here if there isn't at least some resolution to their feelings for each other and many people believe the best ending is for them to be together based on what this VN has shown.
If none of this happens though, they don't resolve their feelings or end up together, then I'm afraid Sumo will have written a very misleading story with an unsatisfying ending, unless there is a sequel which will continue this story.
well, it's not looking like a main plot. and to be blunt myself i could easily say it's you and others who seem okay with something that's supposedly the main aspect to be nothing more than slapstick filter. i'm trying not to be insulting-but you're making it very hard.
Everyone who thinks that incest wasn't the main point of this VN, because if that were the case then it wouldn't have been in the VN in the first place and it wouldn't have been given a patch by Sumo after the Patreon rule changes.
Let's face it, Nikki has always been his main girl and the others have been side-chicks.
Everyone who thinks that incest wasn't the main point of this VN, because if that were the case then it wouldn't have been in the VN in the first place and it wouldn't have been given a patch by Sumo after the Patreon rule changes.
Let's face it, Nikki has always been his main girl and the other's have been side-chicks.
Everyone who thinks that incest wasn't the main point of this VN, because if that were the case then it wouldn't have been in the VN in the first place and it wouldn't have been given a patch by Sumo after the Patreon rule changes.
Let's face it, Nikki has always been his main girl and the other's have been side-chicks.
Let's also note for the record that if incest wasn't the main point and these two aren't going to end up together, then why is there a dialogue option where Taylor tells D'Brickashaw that he doesn't want Nikki to be with anyone? And why if you select this do we find out that Taylor chased off Marc? If there was nothing between them and it was just casual sex, then surely Taylor would be happy for Nikki and not get jealous, right?
Again, they might not end up together, but some people are working really hard to not see that there's a lot in this VN that suggests they could and if the ending doesn't acknowledge this in some way, then what was the point of it all?
well, it's not looking like a main plot. and to be blunt myself i could easily say it's you and others who seem okay with something that's supposedly the main aspect to be nothing more than slapstick filter. i'm trying not to be insulting-but you're making it very hard.
Again, you're still not getting it. Just because they aren't romantic love interest in a happily ever after wedding doesn't detract from it being the main plot.
It being such doesn't make it slapstick filter or a subplot as you wish to deride it into being. It makes it grounded and the main plot.
I know that's really hard to understand that not all love is equal and that not all people want the same relationship goals you do but that's called life and it sucks. The characters can still care for each other and have a lifestyle that's more open but requires them to find another partner.
The closest one besides the sister is Molly.
She has third of the dialogue Nikki has and we know next to nothing about her, let alone the rest of the people on the list.
Getting stuck with Molly would already be pretty upsetting, let alone getting cucked by some newfound virgin all because Sumodeine wants to be different without actually backing up what he says with ingame content.
When it comes out, don't play the final chapter. Seriously. I don't want you to download it, play it, read about it, or even acknowledge it's existence. Add this thread to your ignore this. You are just going to be disappointed, and come on here and complain about that it's a shitty story, and tell me that me and my game suck. All because it's not going to end the way you wanted it to end.
I addressed what their relationship is going to be here and here. In October, 2017. And nothing has changed.
I've given everyone plenty of warning how the game is NOT going to end, yet this debate still exists and it's getting exhausting. In hindsight, I wish I never would have clued anyone in on how the story would go because then I could just release every update without hearing the constant back and forth. I thought I was making the right decision because I didn't want people to get the wrong idea about the game, but I've now learned for my next game, I'm going to have an ambiguous title and I won't tell anyone anything about what to expect in the future.
Let's also note for the record that if incest wasn't the main point and these two aren't going to end up together, then why is there a dialogue option where Taylor tells D'Brickashaw that he doesn't want Nikki to be with anyone? And why if you select this do we find out that Taylor chased off Marc? If there was nothing between them and it was just casual sex, then surely Taylor would be happy for Nikki and not get jealous, right?
Again, they might not end up together, but some people are working really hard to not see that there's a lot in this VN that suggests they could and if the ending doesn't acknowledge this in some way, then what was the point of it all?
You know I <3 you, Holy Bacchus, but there is a reason those questions are in there and it's not to see if they end up together. Like you suspect, I am planning on addressing their feelings toward one another. I think (hope) I can do it justice and provide a satisfying ending for most players, but many people are going to be disappointed.
lmao! that was not what i was refering to. everything in this story revolves around the sister and her brother the very title of the story even suggests this-that is the plot-yet, if you're gonna abandon that plot-then it loses it's importance and makes it nothing more than a pointless sub plot.