Darth Sidious

The Senate & Emperor of the First Galactic Empire
Sep 24, 2017
That was posted on October 25th 2017.

It's been made clear by the dev for over 2 years now that Nikki was never an option.

As entertaining as it is watching people compleyely miss the point, all this laughter is giving me a stitch and now my side hurts so I thought it would be easier to show that.

Then i'll point out how i've spent months telling people Nikki was never an option.

People argued with me over that, I giggled, lots.

I did find a song I feel fits though....

I don't understand why you would spend months telling people Nikki was never an option, something is wrong here either many people wanted a Nikki option or you didn't understand what those people wanted exactly. Personally I think it's the latter, because most people can read a few posts back :D

Here's an entirely on-topic song that fits the slippiness of consensus about the Nikki matter....



Jan 17, 2018
Thing is, it was announced at the very start and has been made clear ever since so anyone wanting that to happen had plenty of chance to find a game better suited for them.

To get all the way to the end and then complain about the thing that everyone knew wasn't gong to happen not happening .... I mean, sure, it's funny but it's also a bit of a mindfuck that so many people knew what was going to happen yet still find it a surprise that it happend.

It's like they expected Sumo to change his mind despite the fact he hasn't changed his mind in 2 years.
Again, that doesn't mean people can't have reasonable complaint that she wasn't a love interest. I'd also recommend not naming your porn game after a character that can't be romanced, as others have said.

Goblin Baily: DILF

Conversation Conqueror
Sep 29, 2017
Did he? There was only a semi happy ending with Molly that was overshadowed by two pretty unhappy endings with Nikki in that same ending and those two unhappy Nikki endings were also in the other option that was a full unhappy ending on all sides, so not many choices ........
Mike, how is the plant going ? Did you flip the switch ?
The endings are a result of giving characters agency that goes beyond the actions of the MC...
At the risk of repeating myself, it was the happiest outcome that we could get of that situation. And if you feel sorry for Marcc just think about this: everyone in.a relationship has been someone else's second choice.that's just life. And the fact he's a religious maniac implies he knows about Nikki's promiscuity., the same way Tales was known for being a cheater, and yet wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
All those bad endings.... it's because Tales decided that Nikki should be unhappy.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Mike, how is the plant going ? Did you flip the switch ?
The endings are a result of giving characters agency that goes beyond the actions of the MC...
At the risk of repeating myself, it was the happiest outcome that we could get of that situation. And if you feel sorry for Marcc just think about this: everyone in.a relationship has been someone else's second choice.that's just life. And the fact he's a religious maniac implies he knows about Nikki's promiscuity., the same way Tales was known for being a cheater, and yet wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
All those bad endings.... it's because Tales decided that Nikki should be unhappy.
No I feel sorry for Nikki and her not growing up, I dont know anything about Marc afterall, and her going for a worst possible relationship that she could. Now if the consequence from you choosing to let her be happy would have been her growing up, acknowledging her feelings and that she had been in love with Tales for years but still deciding she could not live in an incestuous relationship, not throw herself in one that will make her unhappy immediately and move away to see if with distance her feelings for Tales could diminish and then over time possibly find happiness with someone else for herself. I could have lived with an ending like that or her becoming the third part in the relation with Tales and Molly. Nikki marrying Marc though is the most unhappy ending of all to me for many reasons. To me I chose the unhappiness ending for Nikki in my Molly ending, since to me that was the less unhappy ending for Nikki in my book ..... Talking about choices. :(
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I have no idea where you got this from because your words don't match Sumo's.
Well maybe my vision on Nikki does not match that of Sumo. But my experience with relations like that between really deeply religious people and atheists, the fact she jumps to the first guy that does not treat her like a sex object which basically is the same kind of pattern as she had before running away from her true feelings for tales by having many boyfriends in a row and her not acknowledging that her feelings for Tales go way beyond the physical and have done for years, make it for me a very unhappy ending whatever Sumo says.

Love does not conquer all, I am old enough to know that, but just running away from the fact those emotions do exist in yourself and throwing yourself at the first available option is no solution either. Like I said I could have lived witha n ending where Nikki and Tales would not be together but Nikki had grown up, accepted her feelings and had then decided to look for her own path. That is not what she did in that ending though in my opinion, exactly the opposite and her unhappiness that would follow from those choices would drive her back in Tales arms or wish for her to be there. remember her first choice is very much in her life and she knows he is available if she wants him. So second best will never do and she never dealt with that fact and keeps denying it.


May 2, 2017
My less than 2p's about the game.

Over all game has been entertaining, it was fun to see T's cheating biting back at the end (had some consequences), the humor was good and the overall was good. The ending with Molly seemed right, but hmm even if dev didnt want to tell the nikki x taylor story,
Because she has been almost like a 2nd protagonist in the game, I feel like her own ending should have been something.
She is just 'married' off to some religious rich dude and poof done with her, Like super sexually liberated girl marries the super religious guy...
Like even D and RA got a almost happy ending,The beach players.. Nikki's own ending seemed hollow.
Oh well I guess its good enough we got this much.

I think since nikki was written well , we the player got attached to the idea and wanted 'her' ending, but author wanted to drive home the point that nope, thats not how it works in society.
If that was his intention then he should be happy from the criticism he should be getting now.
On to new ventures now...
EDIT: Also i may be the stupid one here but how do I post a review in the review section?
Aug 17, 2019
Finished a couple of playthroughs, and while I do feel like there could have been a lot more to this and that it does feel like the ending feels fairly sudden, but at the same time I can't blame the dev for wanting to move on to a new project.
Regardless of what people might think of the ending, I still have to give kudos to the dev for actually giving it an ending instead of just abandoning it unfinished like so many others.


New Member
Jan 5, 2018
I really like this game but it's a little dissapointing that the story ends like so suddenly and you can end up only with molly or neither of the girls if the game had multiple endings with the other girls it would've been better
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Oct 4, 2017
Hmmm, that is like the third game, that has a rushed ending (The Visit, Sisterly Lust). What's up? All Devs finishing college?

I was enchanted, that in Star Wars 'the Last Jedi' a game called "My 'title Heroine' is my 'fetish'", Finn the title heroine isn't a romance option the entire game and gets 'off screen NTRed' by Rose Ticco 'Mystery brother-in law'. Regardless of lewdpatch or not.
I am also proud of Ryan Johnson Sumodeine for ruining the game at the end skillfully subverting our expectations by making the MC failing to get a single working relationship except ONE.
Furthermore I applaud the Destruction of MC's Manhood counter of patriarchal social norms that allow Holdo and Leia Mrs. Solain and Lewis to betray the MC raise the MC's child without his knowledge as a happy lesbian couple.

Hence, I want to point out that in The Lord of the Rings the 'True Ending' Frodo's the title heroine's best friend Samwise Gamgee Molly is the hero, that gets the job done thanks to Gollum true female heroine and becomes his final girl, unless you fail to enjoy all the H scenes in the game really work your ass off for her by abstaining.

The unstated moral here is: Gollum Ashley was the only companion girl ready to change for Frodo MC and do whatever it takes to protect the precious their relationship.

All the other girls are leeches and frauds, including Nikki. Where is my happy vegan ending? A dozen girls and the dev is so lazy, he only implements one ending, which has an irreversible FAIL STATE and calls 'mission accomplished' like George W. Bush did in Iraq, post 9/11. #NotMySisterNotMyRoomMate
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
Wait! Did you just bring Acting Lessons as a case of developers listening to "suggestions" . Ok.....
Eh, the Dev had an idea they wanted for the game. Did it but still gave all the characters a proper ending with closure. It wasn't what a lot of people wanted but at least all the girls that got screen time had a damn ending.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2017
"i want my spoon or i'll stop eating!"
even my 5 yo daughter knews well enough that kind of pouting wouldnt get her what she wanted.
What? Does your 5 yo daughter have 4000 other options she can choose to go and eat instead of what you want her to? We have thousands of other games and devs that actually do listen to what the readers want. We have the choice of not doing shit with this dev now...


Aug 8, 2017
I havent been on F95zone in a long time, but i played the final version today and i wanted to see what others were saying about one of my fav games. Full disclosure - Ive been a patreon of Sumos for close to his entire run. Im shocked at teh amount of criticism this story is getting. It wasnt perfect but here is a dev that spent over 2 yrs making the game, sent weekly updates to his patreons and improved his skills considerably throughout his development of this game. And he fucking finished the game! Theres only a handful of games that actually get finished on this site and everyone is shitting on it. The fucking toxicity of this player base is stunning. I didnt love the ending but Im going to remain a patreon of this dev. Hes passionate, has heart and stuck to exactly what he said he was going to do.
Its like going to a restaurant and asking for pizza and the chef says they dont make pizza, you decide to stay for dinner anyways even though there are other options around, then right a negative review because they didnt make pizza for you. Makes no sense.

We have thousands of other games and devs that actually do listen to what the readers want. We have the choice of not doing shit with this dev now...
And yet here you are staying in this devs thread all day.


I killed Eric
Game Developer
Oct 8, 2017
Well maybe my vision on Nikki does not match that of Sumo. But my experience with relations like that between really deeply religious people and atheists, the fact she jumps to the first guy that does not treat her like a sex object which basically is the same kind of pattern as she had before running away from her true feelings for tales by having many boyfriends in a row and her not acknowledging that her feelings for Tales go way beyond the physical and have done for years, make it for me a very unhappy ending whatever Sumo says.

Love does not conquer all, I am old enough to know that, but just running away from the fact those emotions do exist in yourself and throwing yourself at the first available option is no solution either. Like I said I could have lived witha n ending where Nikki and Tales would not be together but Nikki had grown up, accepted her feelings and had then decided to look for her own path. That is not what she did in that ending though in my opinion, exactly the opposite and her unhappiness that would follow from those choices would drive her back in Tales arms or wish for her to be there. remember her first choice is very much in her life and she knows he is available if she wants him. So second best will never do and she never dealt with that fact and keeps denying it.
DA22 You've been a supporter of my project and I'll forever be grateful for that, but we're going to disagree immensely on this. I think you did hit the nail on the head that your vision and my vision of Nikki don't match in this case. Nikki is not in love with Taylor. She loves him, but she does not want to spend the rest of her life married to him. We don't see any of her relationship with Marc since the story is told from Taylor's perspective. But here are the things we know about Marc: He plays football with D'Brickashaw, he's a virgin by choice, he's a nice guy, and he's good to Nikki. He is almost the male version of Molly that we never really get to meet. And he's the opposite of Nikki but that's why it works. He is intended to balance her out. The ying to her yang, if you will. I'm sorry you see that as a bad thing, but that is not the way it was intended at all.
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