I'm not saying that the sister can not be a slut. Her being a slut is a fantastic story idea. I like that idea, and there could be a great story behind it.
It's the starting out she is already a complete, and total slut that is the issue. The sister has a line in the story that's "If there is one thing I know about it's how guys fuck up when they try to seduce me". Then she is like "I just want a guy that treats me right, a guy that knows I'm having a bad day and brings me flowers, and knows how to joke, and comfort me, and is good at giving massages."
Being a total slut who fucks anything with a cock doesn't mean that she can't have a dream about a prince on a white horse who would win her heart by bringing her flowers, who would comfort her, give her massages and be funny. It also doesn't exactly mean that when she finds that kind of a prince for herself, she won't keep fucking others or have multiple princes at the same time. :biggrin:
Her dialogue here would indicate she she is not a complete and total slut...
So, in your world, sluts stop being human beings, girls with their own dreams and ideal of a man? Come on, sluts are normal girls too, some are very nice, actually.
There are different levels of slut... I'm not saying she should be the church going virgin that never seen a dick outside of a health book. However it would be way more appetizing if she were not blazing full slut mode from the start. Sucking, and fucking that guy she knew for an hour.
That's your personal preference, not something universal.
Here is how it went:
Hey, lets party your friends can come to.
Okay, down on knees sucking dick...
Lets go back to my place and fuck in front of my brother...
Fast for you, maybe, not for her.
You are again talking about your personal preferences. You don't get to choose your siblings, you know. Not IRL and not in this game.
As I understand, she has been a total slut for quite some time, it's not like she started there at this party. She probably had someone watching her having sex before, it's just the first time when she does it with her brother watching her. We don't know that. It obviously isn't too fast for her, at least not when she's drunk.
Here is how it could have went...
Hey your cute, can I get your number?
Sure here you go.
They go for 1 or 2 coffees during the next week, and he sends her some texts, maybe a dick pic.
The following weekend he calls and says "Hey want to come to this party?"
Then it goes from there...
She is still fucking a guy she very recently met, but at least they had a coffee, and a dick pic as a build up.
Well, you're not the dev, so you don't get to decide how slutty the sister is exactly. That is again your personal preference. Doesn't mean that there is anyhing wrong with the scenario. You just don't like it much.
The fact she known the guy under an hour before he is getting a BJ is too high a level of slut starting point. She said she wants a guy that treats her right! And Chad Thundercock fucking her in an hour destroys the words she spoke making her a lying cunt... I'm sort of cheering for her to get AIDS.
No-no-no, this does not make her a liar. Those things aren't exclusive. What kind of a world are you living in? A girl can totally be a slut and still have her dreams of a white wedding, just like you can be a fucking perv on a pirate porn forum site and still have romantic dreams about virgin sisters

. A slut is as much of a person as you are, maybe even nicer. And she can have nice dreams, but still fuck anything that moves. Not because she wants to find that perfect guy and goes through a bunch of guys because of that, but because it's fun and she likes it. Come on, hop down of that cloud you're living on, into the real world. Sluts are normal people, just slutty.