@Sumodeine Please read this if you can i tried my best not to be insulting because i really love the game and i love telling and listening to stories!
Listen dev. or.....read i guess...if you even do. I don't know how much you follow this forum. I'm not someone who makes requests......at all! And i don't want to tell you how to make your game or more accurately what kind of story to tell but i feel like i have to. Sorry if this offends or angers you in any way.
With that said i really don't like hoe the story turned serious with what Ashley does. Hell i even hate it. Please please please make a way to avoid this or remove it entirely. You don't have to but i still want to say this somewhere you can read it.
I feel this way because i love the characters and your very funny and witty writing style(that's why Nikki is my favorite character) and i like the fact how even though some serious things did happen nothing went too far and it was a very light hearted really really funny story with a lot of women and sex and a guy coming out of his shell and other stuff.
What i'm saying is i liked the game because it wasn't soooo serious hell i loved the game because of it but i feel that this is to far. Sorry to be a bother.
I am still curious where this goes and i hope it's insignificant to be honest. It has me hooked to the next update if that's what you were going for but if that was the reason and not the integrity of the story you want to tell than that just sucks.