That comment about Molly got me thinking and I analised the whole story, what are the chances of Molly walking into the room in which the sibilings were staying, and how come she was eager to go out on, despite her not being a party girl?
and why not once did she catch Tales peek on her? why was asweet innocent girl fine with being seen in her yoga clothes? why didn't she freak out when tales had a "slip of hands" ? It makes sense if we consider her past...
She was homeschooled and could use the internet only for homework, but, since Tales is a nerd that plays games, he could've shared on some social media a quote from someone that Molly had to write an essey about. Under the pretense of doing schoolwork, she could've stalked her internet crush. and when Tales posted something about going to college, Molly had to act, her parents oposed her desires, so our miss innocent murdered her own parents or at least caged them with her sisters being their jailers. and now she just happens to be so close to fullfill her dreams of a house with a white fence, few kids and a dog. named Spot. Molly is the gasai yuno of VN.