Yes! Not only can you still play this game, you should! I only found this game a couple of weeks ago myself. Someone who had played it talked about it in a thread for a different game as an example of how to make an excellent game. And after playing "My Sweet Neighbors", I agree wholeheartedly! The art is beautiful, the characters are all likable, believable, and ones you can truly connect with and most importantly, care about. But the thing I liked most is the story and its progression. It is paced just right, both as a personal and relationship progression with the characters, as well as having the right "payoff" as an adult game. Sometimes you are given a peek or a tease, sometimes you are rewarded with much, much more! But you always want to keep playing, and you want to see what happens next. I believe that this is something that the current trend of "slow burn" games could do better at.
Also with all that said, there is also quite a lot of content already to play so you won't just barely start the game before you find the point at which it has currently stopped. And to that point, as I understand it the Dev stopped work on the game to take care of a parent who had become ill. It was quite a while ago now, but if I remember correctly it was a serious heart condition and that could go on for a long time. Others have suggested that Dev has no intention in returning to the game, but I hope that they are wrong.
@Pandelo, if you read this, I hope that you are doing well and the same goes for those you care for. I also echo the hopes of many in this community that when the time is right and you are able to do so, that you will continue to work on this game. I am one of many who have enjoyed playing in your world and hope to continue the journey with those who dwell there.
Hope that this helps! Peace, health, and happiness to you all.