You're right, i'll play nice ! I wouldn't say "excited ", more "worried ", and here's why, so far the MC has been in an easy routine, Home-Work.Home, so it's easily and naturally going from scene to scene, each setting up the next. In the getaway, no such rules apply, i trust Pandelo like crazy, but i can recall games *cough*DMD*cough* that went off the rails with a getaway. We already have a planned event, that meeting thing, so it adds some structure , and Pandelo can take it from there. My personal cliffhanger is "how is D gonna handle the moaning next room ? " OR " how guilty will the MC feel banging M until the other side of the rainbow, while in his head, he's feeling like crap for hurting D's feelings ?" AND "will M pick up on that ? Never underestimate the female sixth sense. "Hmm, he looks distant, could it be it's because my D can hear me screaming OH YES FUCK ME across the wall ? "