0.2.1 Changelogs:
- FINALLY fixed the alcohol lowering your stats when you're a lightweight bug, thanks to kasztan
- Added the Camisole Lonely Fans pregnancy edits (I drew them just now to make up for the update!)
- Fixed random events happening on the weekends, and also the evening in weekends being skipped
- Fixed the meeting with the supervisor repeating if you drop out.
Phew! Sorry about all the hotfixes, but this was a big update dealing with a lot of new and experimental things for an amateur developer like myself. I did warn people that this update was likely to be buggy, haha.
Fortunately, the pain should be over! The engine for this game is built, and we can just focus on content moving forward. My next goal is to add every single area to the map; A Swimming Pool, a Beach, the Male Dorms, a Strip Club, the Club itself and I forgot what the other place is right now, lol.
If there are any other bugs, I will persevere and fix them. Apologies in advance for sucking.