Great game so far, can't wait for the next update. Also if you have Patreon page please write, so i can support you.
Thanks! I don't have a Patreon page...should I set one up? Is it hard to set one up? If the game is successful, will it screw up my tax bracket? I still have much to learn...
But a main concern is that, if I set up a Patreon system, then I'm on the hook for deadlines and updates... right? I have a real life job (which is on hiatus at the moment because of the coronavirus pandemic), but if shit gets crazy busy again, I'm gonna have to put MVB on the back burner.
So I'm thinking about it. I might start a patreon account...I'd love to hear from other developers who have experience with it.
Good to see somebody having another go at this one, the writing is very effective I think (seconding Milos on the patreon thing btw - appreciate you might not want to set one up but if this goes anywhere I'll contribute, plus help spell check or whatever, not like you need it). Minor point on the renders though - maybe it's just me but sometimes she looks like she's looking away from the player while talking to them.
Thanks! And yeah...the intricacies of DAZ renders are something I'm still working out. Getting the characters looking at each other and looking at the MC hasn't been as easy as I thought. There's a cool trick I found out about setting up a "camera" as the viewpoint in DAZ, and then programming the models to look at that, but it doesn't always work too well... I hope to revise much of the images before moving on to Day 2. Thanks for the great feedback, though!
You're being ambitious with so many branching paths so soon - what are your plans for player choice over the course of the game? Personally I think you should go for a handful of "major" choices over the course of the story (like the "personality" and "ice cream" choices in ch.1, but at most 1 per chapter) that send you down certain plot lines, and the other choices would just add flavour to what you see and unlock certain scenes but don't change the story line (e.g if she likes you she'll say x, if she doesn't she'll say y, story continues either way). It looks like that's what you're doing but just asking.
I suppose the other way of managing the problem of having lots of player choice without ending up with too many plotlines is having "early" or "bad" ends, though you don't see that much anymore.
Yeah, that's kind of what I have in mind. Originally, the plan was just to continue what 3Diddly was doing, but in trying to do that, I discovered I couldn't figure out what his plans were. He had love-points, fidelity-points, slut-points, personality many factors and variables. I'm new to Renpy, and I knew I wasn't ready to tackle something so complicated. So I got to thinking, "well, if it were up to me, I'd just do it this way." And then I remembered that it kind of is up to me! So I decided to keep his premise and use his inspirational DAZ model, but radically break from most of what else he was doing.
Basically, what I'm envisioning are three different personalities, and two threads for each personality--vanilla or rocky road. Depending on how the bride feels about you (raw love points), you can get various daily experiences and an ending that the MC is either happy or unhappy with. So, it's basically going to be six VNs with a total of 12 endings. Maybe too much, but it's a simple enough design that I should be able to follow it through.
I've thought of doing the whole "days of the week, with a time cycle for each day, and a map you can click on to go certain places, and you need money and inventory," but like I said, I don't know Renpy very well. And sometimes those can get a little grindy. So this is gonna be expansive, but probably fairly simple.
The upshot is that we should get to see the bride lose her virginity in multiple exciting ways! (Well, I hope they're exciting...)
Btw, would you be willing to share the name of the assets you use for the main female character? Again appreciate it if you don't want to! (Full disclosure - I actually had a good think about reviving this game myself but could never find the assets and basically didn't have the time to write 3 thousand lines of code each month).
Not a problem! Her name is "Chihiro" for G3F. Here's a link to the discussion thread where a genius named Papa Ernie helped figure out most of the key assets:
If there's any other specific assets you're curious about, let me know.
If you could find the time to revive the game in your own way, or push it in a new direction, I'd love to see it. Or if you have DAZ skill and want to just throw together some renders, that'd be awesome too. I'm still not tired of looking at her...
Yet it doesn't have a tag for virgin...
Yeah! I tried to add the tag, but I'm too stupid to figure out how to do it... I need to call F95Zone tech support....