I've been on this forum for a long time, but never really participate in any conversation.
In this case I feel like I have to, as this game strikes this golden balance between game-play and reward.
I would like to support this project, but I don't particularly like "subscriptions" like patreon. Is there a way to.... "buy you a coffee" or something?
On that note, I would report some of the bugs that have already been reported and confirmed. One that comes to mind is where you move staff around tasks and they vanish completely until you switch views. I didn't get any white boxes though. You just don't see the person you moved anywhere, neither old location, the new or on the passive bar. You also get no mouse over information in this situation. The passive icon is "greyed out" and the two locations appear empty unless you try to move other people towards either location. I thought I'd mention this bug specifically in case it's a related, but not the same bug as the white box one.
Finally, I'm having the issue where the completionist in me wants to grind out all the cards, but the gamer in me wants to wait for balanced game play rather than a huge amount of money and all cards. In case the completionist in me wins, is there any problems that could occur later on by advancing time so much for the sake of card collection? Would future gameplay truely suffer from me grinding up a lot of money and all the cards, or are future implications negligible?
Finally, thank you for this game. I'm a fan, even if this might be the only time I will ever feel compelled to write a post.