Thanks a lot for your feedback, SkyLord2018!I finished the update and had no bugs. But I did notice one thing that had changed and was not happy about it. On the update 2.1.5, I started a new game. When I was at Isabelle's hut I ended up with The Chosen One tarot card. I got the Manor and all staff plus guest all to Level 3 and VIP status.
Then update 2.2.9 came so I continued with my save from 2.1.5. I finished the just released update and read all the post from page 153 to now. I decided to take a look at the MC inventory after reading about the tarot cards. I knew I had the chosen one but the update took my card and gave me the Level 1 Prodigy card.
This in my thinking is not fair or right. I'm not starting a new game. I am at full Level 3 as stated above and full completion of the 2.2.9 update. If I was just starting the game I can understand getting the prodigy card, but not at Level 3. Just saying.
On another note :
Riley has no coverage, nor does Laura. Well actually, nor does Kay. The only ones that can get help is Julia and Amber. However, looking at the rooms you can see a possible solution for Riley. Laura doesn't really need coverage nor does Kay. So, how to help Riley to be able to serve her guests ? Well, if we look at the room you can see there is a door or an opening (like an archway) from the gym to the sauna as well as a door to the gym and one to the sauna.
The sauna doesn't require anything other than setting it to what the guest wants. The gym will require some supervision. To solve the problem with a quest wanting the gym and a guest wanting to use the sauna at the same time, Riley could set the sauna up for that guest and then go into the gym and serve that guest. Gyms and saunas are usually considered to be jointly joined and not separate. Therefore she would never need coverage and no unhappy guest. Unhappy guest should never happen.
Kay, actually wouldn't need any help either, with having only Maintenance as her primary job. Laura, however, will need help because the pool is a good way from her location. Plus, her job is hand on. Literally. She can't leave a massage guest or a sick staff alone period.
With 3 rooms to be staffed ( The Office I assume will be the MC, so we don't count the Office), Security, probably wont help and needs no help. The Club, being connected to the bar, there again, could easily be covered by Amber or the person assigned ther as the primary, could help 2 other staff. Same with the yoga, the primary person there could also help 2 staff. Not knowing where the game is going or what has actually all ready been planed and just not implemented it's all just a thought.
I do know that right now at just level 3, with guest of 3 at the same time and up to 4 day stays, it's getting harder and harder not to have unhappy guest. Of course this has been with the Gym, Sauna, Massage Parlor and the Health Care room. Yes, you can reject guest or piss them off, but that is no way to do business. Not counting all thr revenue you are loosing. I can imagine what it will be with 5 guest at the same time.
I just to let all who reads this that from the beginning to now, I, myself have only experienced 2 bugs or more accurately a mishap, which was addressed immediately. This developer is the only one I know that spends as much time listening to posters and trying to help those who for whatever reason can't get the game to play for them. What people have to understand is that programming takes a lot of time and when you have a ton of it to do you'r going to most likely have some errors. But, for anyone to solve the error he or she needs to precisely know what a person is experiencing because he or she can not see what you are seeing. I know this for a fact because I used to write programs in all the different computer languages at that time. Then came along c++ and that is primarily the one used for software and a lot of game. Not this game nor Renpy games but others. Thank You & Be Safe.
The card replacement had to happen, due to some restructering of the cards.
I would have liked to avoid this, but in this case it would have taken so much time to create a workaround, that I decided to just replace the card. This is not something that will occur in the final version (or probably even future versions for that matter), but is a consquence of the game being under development.
The coverage will be better once all girls will be implemented.
Most jobs (except for the character-specific ones) will have coverage by another girl.
However, 3 girls are still not implemted. As well as a number of guests.
So right now the game is not as balanced as it will be eventually.
Not very likely, as cold already explained it would mean rendering variants of every scene.@ Faerin
What are the chances of implementing an option to allow outfit selection; so for example, Julia now that she is tier 4, we only get to access the Tier 4 outfits on the Selection / Profile screen. Is it simple to add a button that changes the outfit to a lower (earlier) tier outfit?
So while this would possible, it wouldn't be a very efficient usage of time (imo).
Also, the progression scenes will be more or less adjusted to the new outfits (spicier outfits = spicier scenes).
I will, however, probably add an option to the staff screen where you can view all previous outfits.