This is a Level 3 guest in for room service. Julia's skills here are maxed out at Level 3 as well:
As I said, I'm pretty sure this is a bug. The experience points got reset to zero but the skill level didn't, so there's something wonky going on. I'm not going to go to the mat for this, but I'd appreciate Faerin weighing in on the matter rather than continuing to speculate what's going on under the hood.
Hi Murky, thanks for the feedback.
I don't think this is a bug, but part of the rebalancing mentioned in the cheat log.
You are right, the average satisfaction score has gone down considerably, but so has the required satisfaction.
The reason for xp drop is this:
Before there wasn't a limit on the amount of exp you could get, because the next level required 9999999 exp to prevent it
from being reached (by any sane person). So the exp would just keep piling up.
In this version, level 4 skills were unlocked, so that amount has been changed.
If you had enough exp to reach level 4, I increase the level and set the exp to 0 (as should happen for that skill when getting to the next level). You can use cards/items and now the room upgrades to further increase the score.
But if anything, it should have gotten a bit easier. Level 1-3 guests (depending on the difficulty level of the guest) can be satisfied with just giving the correct answer a lot of the times and no further upgrades.
So this sounds as if it's working as intended.
However, I'll check it to make sure, once I have working hardware again (hopefully in 2 days).
Some things are a little strange.
1 ALL girls start version 4 with 0 experience.
2. All girls work for free (which is strange.)
In version 3.0.7, I was getting up to 30,000.
Now somewhere around 2-3 thousand.
I have been playing for 928 days in 3.0.7 version.
And everything was fine. But when I opened version 4-it seems that I started from the beginning.
Thanks for the feedback, Michel.
1. Look to my answer above this one.
2. Known bug.
3. Check the change log, all rewards/costs have been rebalanced to actually make the progress a bit easier.
I'm seeing a WHOLE lot of selfish, entitled pricks on this thread. First of all, you are getting this FOR FREE. Name me one free thing that gives you exactly what you want when you want it that doesn't come with strings attached. Secondly, this is a W.I.P., no where near complete, and you people have to gall to complain that there isn't any sex yet? Go watch porn you freeloading pud-pullers. Faerin has worked his computer to death to bring you this content, and all you can do is complain? Screw the whole lot of you.
You think you know how this should go, I challenge ANY of you to make a game from scratch with a unique interface and story, flawless spelling and sentence syntax, top shelf graphics and do it all for free. I don't know Faerin, or anyone else on these forums, but I am damn glad to be here, and see this game go from an idea into a full fledged product that he gives to us for free, because he is proud of his creation and wants to share it with the world. You ungrateful cunts (Hit em with the hard "T") throw it back in his face and say it isn't enough? Screw you guys. GFSF.
Faerin, great game so far. Sorry to hear about your rigs dying on you, and look forward to the next update. Thank you for your generosity, and the same to the mods of this particular thread, helping where you can and keeping the wheels turning.
Wait, is that...common sense?!
I didn't think I would live to see the day.
Seriously though, thank you.
Small correction, I don't give the game away for free, I just realize that I can't fight piracy even if I wanted.
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