Maveric Dark

Jul 25, 2020
probably doing this super wrong but how do you unlock nairias box tried the notebook and says the password but no luck says the password is wrong tried with hearts each side tried the smiley face on each side tried both and also tried by itself, but no luck can someone help me out and show the correct way to unlock it? my character name is Maveric


Jul 20, 2017
I don't know why you feel like attacking me over this,
I'm not attacking you. I'm discussing your points. I know that not many people on the internet understand the difference, but it is there.
Thirdly, it is not 'kink-shaming' to dislike or disagree with someone elses fetishes. There are girls out there that enjoy having holes punched into their body so they can be hung from the rafters to feel to like they're flying. I think that's weird, too. In fact, there's a lot of things that I don't consider safe or sane, and so would never practice and have difficulty relating to, so frankly, fuck off with your accusations and personal attacks. They don't help the conversation.
Starting with this one, since it looks lke this is about thie perceived "attack". You really couldn't tell the kink-shaming thing was a joke? Should I make an announcement before every joke, that what I am about to say is a joke to be more clear? I assure you - no torches or pitchforks were reached for were being reached for when I typed that.
First, you're right. Shy people won't be shy forever. I didn't say Naira couldn't come out of her shell, but she literally used all of her courage in the previous scene to keep MC away from the water nymphs hitting on him. A progressive release from shyness takes time and effort - neither of which happened here, hence why I said it was like a switch was flipped.
Actually, I just replayed that scene as well (seriously, all games like that should come pre-build with a gallery mode) and the only thing Naira said to the nymphs was "Umm..." before MC says "we're good. Thanks" and they walk off. Though, if anything, that shows that she is still very shy. Anyway, my point was that she feels very comfortable with MC at this point, and the roller skating place was almost empty, so the fact that she was using pet names was natural enough in my book. I do agree with you that "babe" just doesn't feel like her style. Maybe she heard Velle use that one, and was using that example to figure out how couples are supposed to behave, but that now dips into the territory of coming up with stuff to make excuses in writing.
Thirdly, it is not 'kink-shaming' to dislike or disagree with someone elses fetishes. There are girls out there that enjoy having holes punched into their body so they can be hung from the rafters to feel to like they're flying. I think that's weird, too. In fact, there's a lot of things that I don't consider safe or sane, and so would never practice and have difficulty relating to, so frankly, fuck off with your accusations and personal attacks. They don't help the conversation.

Finally, I never indicated in any way that the guy in Velle's scene didn't want to be there, or that he was mind controlled - but Velle does state that there is a certain threshold she needs to maintain for the sake of her mana, an amount of which only the MC can seem to meet by himself. This means that the guy she had bound up would be playing the role of a cow and getting milked for every drop of semen he has. (And before you start attacking me again with some bullshit along the lines of, 'there's no proof he was getting milked or that there was cowplay!' - it was metaphorical.)
This all comes from the same thing - you using the term "poor bastard". I already mentioned that calling somebody that already implies that they don't want to be in the situation. And since you are so quick to look for the demeaning side of calling someone "babe", I'm surprised you don't see the demeaning side of calling someone "poor bastard" - you did say that in relation to real people being subs. My kink-shaming joke was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek way of telling you that. I guess it didn't land, so mea culpa.
Also, you claim to be an expert on bdsm, but refer to subs as "poor bastards"? Sounds sus to me.
And I still don't see the need to inerpret the situation with Velle and the sub as him about to be drained nearly to a coma. After all, she could have had another "snack" already that day, and/or planning to have another after him.


May 20, 2018
I guess long story short, 'babe' is juvenile.
This is such a dumb thing to complain about. You don't like the word, cool. It's a pretty commonly used pet name.
I'm in my 30s and I still often call my girlfriend of 3 years "babe." It's not a big deal, and it's certainly not "juvenile."
Honestly, being so nitpicky about a word you personally dislike is considerably more juvenile.

v.17 took ~4 months to release
v.18 took ~6 months to release
v.19 took ~8 months to release

With this it's only logical to assume that v.20 will release in 10 months.

Source? I am a scientist bro, trust me
If we stop playing for 2 years we can come back and enjoy like 8 H scenes.


Engaged Member
Jan 18, 2018
I did a quick translation to Portuguese, it is not a professional translation, and a simply amateur translation.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------

Fiz uma tradução para o português, não e uma Tradução profissional, e uma tradução simplesmente amadora.

View attachment 1870205
View attachment 1868721
View attachment 1869252

Tradução com pouca revisão para a versão : v0.19
PS: ainda tenho que jogar e ver se tem bug

MythicManor V0.19 Mega

PS: o Mod Walkthrough Também foi traduzido

View attachment 1870202
I did the translation into Portuguese , I still need to do some details , but I'll do that later


Fiz a tradução para o português , ainda preciso fazer alguns detalhes , mas farei isso depois


Aug 28, 2017
I'm not attacking you. I'm discussing your points. I know that not many people on the internet understand the difference, but it is there.

Starting with this one, since it looks lke this is about thie perceived "attack". You really couldn't tell the kink-shaming thing was a joke? Should I make an announcement before every joke, that what I am about to say is a joke to be more clear? I assure you - no torches or pitchforks were reached for were being reached for when I typed that.

Actually, I just replayed that scene as well (seriously, all games like that should come pre-build with a gallery mode) and the only thing Naira said to the nymphs was "Umm..." before MC says "we're good. Thanks" and they walk off. Though, if anything, that shows that she is still very shy. Anyway, my point was that she feels very comfortable with MC at this point, and the roller skating place was almost empty, so the fact that she was using pet names was natural enough in my book. I do agree with you that "babe" just doesn't feel like her style. Maybe she heard Velle use that one, and was using that example to figure out how couples are supposed to behave, but that now dips into the territory of coming up with stuff to make excuses in writing.

This all comes from the same thing - you using the term "poor bastard". I already mentioned that calling somebody that already implies that they don't want to be in the situation. And since you are so quick to look for the demeaning side of calling someone "babe", I'm surprised you don't see the demeaning side of calling someone "poor bastard" - you did say that in relation to real people being subs. My kink-shaming joke was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek way of telling you that. I guess it didn't land, so mea culpa.
Also, you claim to be an expert on bdsm, but refer to subs as "poor bastards"? Sounds sus to me.
And I still don't see the need to inerpret the situation with Velle and the sub as him about to be drained nearly to a coma. After all, she could have had another "snack" already that day, and/or planning to have another after him.
if ya'll are gonna argue please do it in DMs I'm seeing shit like this way too often lately and am losing my patience with this childish behavior people are here to talk about the game not read your explanations for your personalities or why you two don't like each other now if you'll excuse me I'm stuck trying to figure out how to start one of Irses events and need to finish trolling the comments for a solution


Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
My gods, I'd forgotten how huge the game was and this is with it ALREADY compressed?

Also man, between this and Harem Hotel it seems that finishing games and starting new ones is something of a difficulty for these fellers eh?

I always wonder if this is what those renaissance era aristocrats felt like as the original patrons


Sep 23, 2018
Current $5+ codes:
gamewiz - gives you 10,000 Arcade tokens [v0.17+]
mythmoney - gives you $1000
mythmazuma - gives you $10,000
mythmoola - sets your money to $999,999
boobtokens - gives you 100,000 MasturChat tokens
hiresearch - maxes your research skill (once unlocked)
masterbaiter - maxes your fishing skill
hardworker - maxes your pay raise for article writing
profapper - sets your porn watched to 100,000
swoleaf - maxes your strength skill (50) [v0.11+]

----MISC. RELATED------
seenscenes - unlocks all gallery scenes
7days - adds seven days to the calendar
usernamechange - changes your username on MasturChat
ezjade - sets Jade's donations to $1200 and removes certain donating restrictions
glowup - makes Magic Lake glow at night
nopill - makes it so that having sex with Jessa never impregnates her (except for in her story event)
fixpill - reverts the “nopill” code. Having sex with Jessa will impregnate her again
nomilk - if Jessa is pregnant, she will instantly become not pregnant
begone - prevents girls from randomly inviting you to do things. Enter the code again to undo it [v0.11+]
loomorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom in the morning [v0.11+]
loonight - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom at night [v0.11+]
poolmorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool in the morning [v0.11+]
poolnight - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool at night [v0.11+]
freeseren - allows you to proceed with Seren’s storyline if you chose not to previously [v0.13+]
Current public codes:
namechange - changes your name

Wallpaper Codes:

Patron monthly wallpapers (enter these codes in the Code Input app on your PC to unlock):
○ March 2018 (Nefari) - saintnefari
○ April 2018 (Naira) - hoppynaira
○ May 2018 (Esther) - esthersday
○ June 2018 (Fanora) - fanorafun
○ July 2018 (Velle) - wildvelle
○ August 2018 (All manor girls) - beachgals
○ September 2018 (Jade) - naughtypup
○ October 2018 (Iris) - spookytats
○ November 2018 (Natasha) - natashaskitchen
○ December 2018 (Esther & Naira) - chillynips
○ January 2019 (All manor girls) - fappynewyear
○ February 2019 (All manor girls) - mythicvalentine
○ March 2019 (Nefari) - thiccsphinx
○ April 2019 (Fanora) - bunniefan
○ May 2019 (Esther) - estherhandy
○ June 2019 (Jessa) - hotjessa
○ July 2019 (Naira) - naughtynymph
○ August 2019 (Velle) - sizzlingstripper
○ September 2019 (Jade) - jadestyle
○ October 2019 (Nefari & Naira) - bumpkins
○ November 2019 (Paige) - turkeytits
○ December 2019 (All manor girls) - frigidbabes
○ January 2020 (All manor girls) - lewd2020
○ February 2020 (Dahlia) - ohdarlin
○ March 2020 (Fanora) - royalmaid
○ April 2020 (Nefari) - thiccbunny
○ May 2020 (Naira) - nymphpie
○ June 2020 (Esther) - lovelypearls
○ July 2020 - sexpiano
○ August 2020 - pantytoss
○ September 2020 - gymtits
○ October 2020 - creamqueen {*NEW*}
○ November 2020 - justbeachy {*NEW*}
○ December 2020 - hohohorny (v0.17+)

  • Esther’s Locked Laptop or PC Folder Password or Code (lvl24 – her room): Shower > Get the paper >Password = 47carnations
  • Fanora’s Cell Phone Password or Code (lvl20 – her room): “monstercock”
  • Naira’s locked box Password or Code “naira+yourname” or “naira+mc” (diary entry 473)
  • sluttyhorseparty5 = lap top in safe password
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Reactions: torresm


Jul 20, 2017
Current $5+ codes:
gamewiz - gives you 10,000 Arcade tokens [v0.17+]
mythmoney - gives you $1000
mythmazuma - gives you $10,000
mythmoola - sets your money to $999,999
boobtokens - gives you 100,000 MasturChat tokens
hiresearch - maxes your research skill (once unlocked)
masterbaiter - maxes your fishing skill
hardworker - maxes your pay raise for article writing
profapper - sets your porn watched to 100,000
swoleaf - maxes your strength skill (50) [v0.11+]

----MISC. RELATED------
seenscenes - unlocks all gallery scenes
7days - adds seven days to the calendar
usernamechange - changes your username on MasturChat
ezjade - sets Jade's donations to $1200 and removes certain donating restrictions
glowup - makes Magic Lake glow at night
nopill - makes it so that having sex with Jessa never impregnates her (except for in her story event)
fixpill - reverts the “nopill” code. Having sex with Jessa will impregnate her again
nomilk - if Jessa is pregnant, she will instantly become not pregnant
begone - prevents girls from randomly inviting you to do things. Enter the code again to undo it [v0.11+]
loomorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom in the morning [v0.11+]
loonight - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom at night [v0.11+]
poolmorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool in the morning [v0.11+]
poolnight - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool at night [v0.11+]
freeseren - allows you to proceed with Seren’s storyline if you chose not to previously [v0.13+]
Current public codes:
namechange - changes your name

Wallpaper Codes:

Patron monthly wallpapers (enter these codes in the Code Input app on your PC to unlock):
○ March 2018 (Nefari) - saintnefari
○ April 2018 (Naira) - hoppynaira
○ May 2018 (Esther) - esthersday
○ June 2018 (Fanora) - fanorafun
○ July 2018 (Velle) - wildvelle
○ August 2018 (All manor girls) - beachgals
○ September 2018 (Jade) - naughtypup
○ October 2018 (Iris) - spookytats
○ November 2018 (Natasha) - natashaskitchen
○ December 2018 (Esther & Naira) - chillynips
○ January 2019 (All manor girls) - fappynewyear
○ February 2019 (All manor girls) - mythicvalentine
○ March 2019 (Nefari) - thiccsphinx
○ April 2019 (Fanora) - bunniefan
○ May 2019 (Esther) - estherhandy
○ June 2019 (Jessa) - hotjessa
○ July 2019 (Naira) - naughtynymph
○ August 2019 (Velle) - sizzlingstripper
○ September 2019 (Jade) - jadestyle
○ October 2019 (Nefari & Naira) - bumpkins
○ November 2019 (Paige) - turkeytits
○ December 2019 (All manor girls) - frigidbabes
○ January 2020 (All manor girls) - lewd2020
○ February 2020 (Dahlia) - ohdarlin
○ March 2020 (Fanora) - royalmaid
○ April 2020 (Nefari) - thiccbunny
○ May 2020 (Naira) - nymphpie
○ June 2020 (Esther) - lovelypearls
○ July 2020 - sexpiano
○ August 2020 - pantytoss
○ September 2020 - gymtits
○ October 2020 - creamqueen {*NEW*}
○ November 2020 - justbeachy {*NEW*}
○ December 2020 - hohohorny (v0.17+)

  • Esther’s Locked Laptop or PC Folder Password or Code (lvl24 – her room): Shower > Get the paper >Password = 47carnations
  • Fanora’s Cell Phone Password or Code (lvl20 – her room): “monstercock”
  • Naira’s locked box Password or Code “naira+yourname” or “naira+mc” (diary entry 473)
  • sluttyhorseparty5 = lap top in safe password

Anybody has an updated version of the wallpaper codes though?


Jul 24, 2021
Nope, never, unless it is MC's father doing it or a third guy or they go to another site to support development or if Patreon changes their policy, the devs decided it was too risky to have content with the mom.
Hi, I think the plot with Mc's mom is the most exciting in this game, after the one with Esther. I think there are indeed many ways to have this character back in the game without making it directly incestuous. Photos from the past that Esther still got (printed or on her cpu). Visit from the mother with a partner, u said Evans15.
Any plans going this way u know about?
btw tx for having the dream scene with Mc's mom in game's mod :love: Capture d’écran 2022-06-15 à 11.14.20.png
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Reactions: Thayron
4.50 star(s) 197 Votes