
Jun 11, 2017
Did the writer for the game change? If so, please change back. I thought the 'babe' influx was only poor writing for Naira, but I was wrong. I just saw Velle's new scene on waking up, and I should probably count it for proof - but I'm sure I saw the word 'babe' show up at least once every 2-3 dialogue boxes.

At best it's an incredibly immature petname that's frustrating to see repeated ad nauseam, and it heavily doesn't reflect the personality Velle built up thus far, let alone the MC.

I really, truly like this game for the most part, but when the dialogue starts to fall apart this way, it really puts a damper on my wanting to read anything of the story. There's still good parts in there, but it's so hard to pick apart the story and lore from the countless sea of 'babe' thrown in that I end up just glancing over the text to skip through to the end of it.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
Did the writer for the game change? If so, please change back. I thought the 'babe' influx was only poor writing for Naira, but I was wrong. I just saw Velle's new scene on waking up, and I should probably count it for proof - but I'm sure I saw the word 'babe' show up at least once every 2-3 dialogue boxes.
Huh. Though I'm not a fan of the word by any means, I always thought Velle was the one most likely to use it, given both her nature and personality.


Jun 11, 2017
Huh. Though I'm not a fan of the word by any means, I always thought Velle was the one most likely to use it, given both her nature and personality.
Honestly, I fully disagree. Aside from just focusing on the fact that the term 'babe' is usually used by inexperienced couples to show possession in public along with some minor amounts of demeaning/belittling/infantilization, (take your pick,) Velle is often shown to be extremely heavily into bdsm and very experienced in sexual matters. Hell, the first time we meet her, she's got some poor bastard bound up for some SM play where she's the domme.

From experience, let me tell you - there is such a plethora of words and terms of endearment - both sweet and twisted - available, that saying 'babe' repetitively like a teenagers first relationship would grind your nerves until it stung. Even assuming she's trying to be 'sweet' in these instances, she'd only said it... maybe twice before in all of her dialogue, and always with a flirtatious tease attached like she's poking fun at the difference in their experience and making it seem like she's out of his reach.

Further, in spite of the fact that they fuck like animals from time to time, every interaction has been building familiarity, but been respectful. It made sense, like a relationship between two humans getting built. There was no clear trigger that this scene would be the one they become familiar enough with each other to exclusively use petnames. (And FFS, it's the same overuse issue that I ran into on Naira's route. Can you imagine MC and Velle fucking when Naira gets home and hears "Babe" thinking MC is calling for her? They could at least have unique petnames.)

I guess long story short, 'babe' is juvenile. I can stand its use in some circumstances where it's relevant as mentioned above, but overall, I can't stand it. The way the writing is going, every girl in that house is going to get called babe, and they're all going to call him babe, and there will be a neverending stream of 'babe' in the dialogue. God I hope I'm wrong and Neferi doesn't get pigeon holed into that linguistic trap. She's been written to be so much smarter than that.


New Member
Jan 13, 2019
My repair level is only 2, so i can't repair my broken surveillance camera. How do I raise my repair skills?

How do I repair the binoculars?


Sep 23, 2018
Current $5+ codes:
gamewiz - gives you 10,000 Arcade tokens [v0.17+]
mythmoney - gives you $1000
mythmazuma - gives you $10,000
mythmoola - sets your money to $999,999
boobtokens - gives you 100,000 MasturChat tokens
hiresearch - maxes your research skill (once unlocked)
masterbaiter - maxes your fishing skill
hardworker - maxes your pay raise for article writing
profapper - sets your porn watched to 100,000
swoleaf - maxes your strength skill (50) [v0.11+]

----MISC. RELATED------
seenscenes - unlocks all gallery scenes
7days - adds seven days to the calendar
usernamechange - changes your username on MasturChat
ezjade - sets Jade's donations to $1200 and removes certain donating restrictions
glowup - makes Magic Lake glow at night
nopill - makes it so that having sex with Jessa never impregnates her (except for in her story event)
fixpill - reverts the “nopill” code. Having sex with Jessa will impregnate her again
nomilk - if Jessa is pregnant, she will instantly become not pregnant
begone - prevents girls from randomly inviting you to do things. Enter the code again to undo it [v0.11+]
loomorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom in the morning [v0.11+]
loonight - lets you choose which girl will be in the bathroom at night [v0.11+]
poolmorn - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool in the morning [v0.11+]
poolnight - lets you choose which girl will be in the pool at night [v0.11+]
freeseren - allows you to proceed with Seren’s storyline if you chose not to previously [v0.13+]
Current public codes:
namechange - changes your name

Wallpaper Codes:

Patron monthly wallpapers (enter these codes in the Code Input app on your PC to unlock):
○ March 2018 (Nefari) - saintnefari
○ April 2018 (Naira) - hoppynaira
○ May 2018 (Esther) - esthersday
○ June 2018 (Fanora) - fanorafun
○ July 2018 (Velle) - wildvelle
○ August 2018 (All manor girls) - beachgals
○ September 2018 (Jade) - naughtypup
○ October 2018 (Iris) - spookytats
○ November 2018 (Natasha) - natashaskitchen
○ December 2018 (Esther & Naira) - chillynips
○ January 2019 (All manor girls) - fappynewyear
○ February 2019 (All manor girls) - mythicvalentine
○ March 2019 (Nefari) - thiccsphinx
○ April 2019 (Fanora) - bunniefan
○ May 2019 (Esther) - estherhandy
○ June 2019 (Jessa) - hotjessa
○ July 2019 (Naira) - naughtynymph
○ August 2019 (Velle) - sizzlingstripper
○ September 2019 (Jade) - jadestyle
○ October 2019 (Nefari & Naira) - bumpkins
○ November 2019 (Paige) - turkeytits
○ December 2019 (All manor girls) - frigidbabes
○ January 2020 (All manor girls) - lewd2020
○ February 2020 (Dahlia) - ohdarlin
○ March 2020 (Fanora) - royalmaid
○ April 2020 (Nefari) - thiccbunny
○ May 2020 (Naira) - nymphpie
○ June 2020 (Esther) - lovelypearls
○ July 2020 - sexpiano
○ August 2020 - pantytoss
○ September 2020 - gymtits
○ October 2020 - creamqueen {*NEW*}
○ November 2020 - justbeachy {*NEW*}
○ December 2020 - hohohorny (v0.17+)

  • Esther’s Locked Laptop or PC Folder Password or Code (lvl24 – her room): Shower > Get the paper >Password = 47carnations
  • Fanora’s Cell Phone Password or Code (lvl20 – her room): “monstercock”
  • Naira’s locked box Password or Code “naira+yourname” or “naira+mc” (diary entry 473)
  • sluttyhorseparty5 = lap top in safe password
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2019
I always thought Nefari would have mc do stuff with Aliza as part of her experiments. Wonder if thats ever going to happen
  • Like
Reactions: TheDevian


Apr 29, 2017
Compressed version?
Mixdrop and Racaty dont work in India, and mega has a limit of 1gb.
Devs please use gofile or pixeldrain its really fast and realiable.


Oct 14, 2017
i just wish i could give her the buttplug that's in my inventory to continue the quest where she asked you to find one for Aliza


Jul 20, 2017
Honestly, I fully disagree. Aside from just focusing on the fact that the term 'babe' is usually used by inexperienced couples to show possession in public along with some minor amounts of demeaning/belittling/infantilization, (take your pick,) Velle is often shown to be extremely heavily into bdsm and very experienced in sexual matters. Hell, the first time we meet her, she's got some poor bastard bound up for some SM play where she's the domme.

From experience, let me tell you - there is such a plethora of words and terms of endearment - both sweet and twisted - available, that saying 'babe' repetitively like a teenagers first relationship would grind your nerves until it stung. Even assuming she's trying to be 'sweet' in these instances, she'd only said it... maybe twice before in all of her dialogue, and always with a flirtatious tease attached like she's poking fun at the difference in their experience and making it seem like she's out of his reach.

Further, in spite of the fact that they fuck like animals from time to time, every interaction has been building familiarity, but been respectful. It made sense, like a relationship between two humans getting built. There was no clear trigger that this scene would be the one they become familiar enough with each other to exclusively use petnames. (And FFS, it's the same overuse issue that I ran into on Naira's route. Can you imagine MC and Velle fucking when Naira gets home and hears "Babe" thinking MC is calling for her? They could at least have unique petnames.)

I guess long story short, 'babe' is juvenile. I can stand its use in some circumstances where it's relevant as mentioned above, but overall, I can't stand it. The way the writing is going, every girl in that house is going to get called babe, and they're all going to call him babe, and there will be a neverending stream of 'babe' in the dialogue. God I hope I'm wrong and Neferi doesn't get pigeon holed into that linguistic trap. She's been written to be so much smarter than that.
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like you're overreacting. Nefari using the petname "babe" towards the MC would be totally out of character, and as of the current version, I see nothing to suggest she would start doing it. Also, I do not recall any instance of the word "babe" being thrown around in Naira scenes, so if it happened, it must've been only once or twice so far.
As for Velle... she's been using that one in regards to MC for a very long time already. Do remember that due to her heritage she requires sex to survive, and as a result her mother tried her damnest to raise her to see men as not much more than cum dispensers. That's why she was so nonchalant about using her powers to mind-control people for sex (and the initial bdsm thing). MC is the first guy with whom Velle feels so deeply connected, so this is likely her first relationship that is not just about sex. I think we can forgive her for not understanding that some people apparently have hangups regarding being called babe. Also, once she started developing feelings for MC, she stopped getting involved in any bdsm activity, even with MC (so far at least) - that kind of proves to me that she wasn't so much interested in this to begin with - just something she was raised to believe she needs to do.
Hell, the first time we meet her, she's got some poor bastard bound up for some SM play where she's the domme.
Interesting choice of words. "poor bastard" implies that this guy is put in a bad situation, like he wouldn't be there if he could help it. You do realize that some people out there are into being subs, right?

Speaking of which, is it just me or is there a plot-hole here? Isn't there a rule where the residents of the manor are not allowed to have guessts (or at least unannounced visits)? That kind of played a big part in Jade's story, and had a call-back with the latest Vanna event.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
It saddens me that these updates are 3gb+, and there's no compressed version. I would absolutely love to continue enjoying this masterpiece, as it is one of my favorites, but I simply do not have the data/wi-fi to download that much atm. :(

EDIT: I may go find somewhere to leech off of haha.


New Member
Jun 10, 2020
Anyone can tell me where the kitchen is I'm trying to solve the safe side quest but I don't remember where the kitchen is
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