Certain sex scenes will get triggered automatically if you are above certain corruption thresholds, some of those scenes are random weekly events and involve sex scenes with men. Only way to avoid them is either RNG not picking those events in your playthrough or not having enough corruption to go over the threshold.well bisexual mc is fine....the dialog where she says she likes men(whatever they may be) do break my immersion a little but i remind my self this is someone else's character not my OC XD as long as i can avoid any sex with men ill be happy
so like if willpower is 40 or less you cant say no type of deal? or corruption is 40 or higher you cant say no?
is there a guide or general advise on how to avoid M/F?
There is a game guide linked in the first post of the thread, do be noted it is more of a collection of useful information than a proper walkthrough, a walkthrough would be difficult to make because the order of councillor events and the random weekly events are randomized in every playthrough.
The routes you are looking for are Evette, Amelia, and Maria.
For Evette's route you need to get her as your tutor, however it requires you to gain corruption to progress her route, so you run the risk of triggering the "getting handsy in the stables" scene (random MxF handjob scene).
Amelia does not require you to have any corruption, so if you can progress her route with low corruption you should be able to avoid any MxF scenes.
Maria's route (the player's character) is missing from the guide, I think it is always available but it might require corruption to actually get any sex scenes there.
There is also Cecily, but her content is futanari.
Evette and Maria have more sexual content but they require corruption, I recommend checking their routes out but you will be running the risk of getting at least 1 MxF scene.
Amelia has less sexual content but in theory you can do her route with no corruption, which should make it possible to avoid all MxF scenes.
Try to have Evette as your tutor (or at the very least not have the vizier, nor Ulric, nor Cecily as your tutor since they all might try to corrupt the princess in different ways)
Also be careful with the "banditry" event, the princess needs to be able to defend herself (or have enough combat reputation to not be taken lightly), otherwise the bandit will have his way with her.