I'm not man. That's my brother. Eh, whatever. Doesn't matter, right?
Tried to drug Lena, but I couldn't even find a clue about how to do it. Unless you're saying I have to exhaust dialogue or something? She's out with her pets in the morning, god-knows-where during other times, and eating dinner at night. (No offence, but that's an unhealthy time for dinner right there.)
Maybe the plan book should be 'discovered characters' rather than 'drugged characters'.
Toys have no use whatsoever. Is that the code, or is the blacksmith a hack? Also, why can't I build a pickaxe or something? Metal is expensive...
Also...one thing. I find Merry Berries and I get carrots and stuff from the mayor for part-time. Is it all vendor trash or...?
Sorry bout that haha, but yeap, the toys can be given to the girls, just have them follow you when they are level 2 and bring them to their wardrobe, and you'll be able to get them to wear it, but not all of them have that function yet. As for Merry Berries and carrots and what not, they are just vendor trash, it was added to help out players get money quicker.
To add Lena you need to click/select one of the cows in the morning 3 times until it hits you. It will say it's getting mad before it hits you. The plan book is for leveling up the characters you've managed to drug basically.
Toys are not yet usable from what I know in the latest public build. You can skip that vendor completely for now, unless you want to go fishing(nothing gained from it though)
Most of the items that you get can be sold right now, they don't really have any purpose other than to generate money. Initially the game was very grindy and I believe the author wanted a quick way for players to generate money at least in these early stages of the game's development.
You might want to check the walkthrough/changelog on the main post. You can get all the info there.
Thanks for answering for me man!
I could use some help i can't seem to find the the application to open the game i extracted the and everything but i still can't find it please help
Yeap, like jaredh72 said, your anti-virus might have thought it was a virus, normally McAfree does it for some reason.
It should be the 1560KB file "Nano-control" between "libGLESv2.dll" and "natives_blob.bin". While I find it unlikely, you may want to see if it was quarantined by your anti-virus program by mistake. Some of them are over-zealous in my opinion. I had McAfee once consider a file that was in a game that I had inserted the physical game disc for to be a trojan, forcing me to turn it off if I wanted to play the game, or have dozens of copies of the file in my quarantine (since it can't truly delete the data being loaded by the disc).
Thanks for helping to answer this as well!
v 0.11 is out. Unfortunately this is one of the few games you can never find until the public version is out(at least I never could on the couple of sites I visit) so the waiting game begins. Damn SmilingDog patrons are loyal like he's the Godfather or something.
Anyone have a changelog at least?
You could say, I made them an offer they can't refuse.
More like, Public shows up around 1 week after Patron, so why up in the effort?
From the bug fixes, Rika level 3, and Gwen level 2 at least; and from earlier mentions, some of the other girls would likely be given level 3 scenes as well, and that new girl would be at level 2~3 too.
More like not many people are interested in the game haha. But I can provide a change log with no issues haha. I mostly did some QoL changes like reduced the exp needed for the girls to level up, that was one of the main things that were repeataly mentioned in the feedback I did a few weeks ago. I also changed the textboxes and got name boxes added so that you all can better tell who is talking. On scenes, Gwen got her level 2. Rika and Lena got their anal scene, which is not their level 3.
Sorry I haven't been replying much, I've been really busy with real life.