Thanks boys and girls for all the comments and pointers!
I just uploaded the new version.
I tried to work on all the tips and comments there were, and noted them so if it's not implemented now maybe in the next version.
I agree that the first version (in hindsight) wasn't really a game, more of a library

So! There are now a couple of triggered events for all characters and every event unlocks some content.
I did check the grammar with an online tool (Grammarly) so that should be a lot better now.
The tip about replacing .gif with .webm was really helpful, I did that for a lot of the content and it took a bit over 1Gb of the file!
Also, the time system I had placed in v0.1 was not working as it should, so I replaced that with a new, period-based, time system and an end of day event.
Last but not least a few bug fixes.
Keep the comments coming and let me know what you think of v0.2!
Have fun!