3.80 star(s) 4 Votes


Dec 24, 2019
More specifically atleast add turning to avatar creation, even if you don't wish to add any other options. Or start with a offset camera from rough 90 degrees to 15 degrees instead of the 0 position. Was kinda caught off guard by move your mouse to the left/right sides of the screen on Slave generation after failing to be able to interact with the camera during Avatar creation. I feel like the slave generation could be used as the base for the Avatar creation and atleast give the illusion of customization we are going to be allowed to generate a avatar that will never/rarely get used.

I said 30% because it felt like the focus was on layout, buttons, and 3d modeling. I misread the the first alpha text as being Alpha finished.

It's a logical step from 2d shapes colored in, to pregenerated 3d, now to generated in engine 3d. Keeping in line with the original trajectory with a focus on remaining flexible. I see a lot of potential for things like body modifications and furry expansions.

I was just referencing the alpha, and notice the day/night cycle in the character creation.

Legionary JR-586

Legionary of a lost legion.
Game Developer
Jul 26, 2020
Wow! That's a lot to take in. Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated.

add turning to avatar creation,
On the to do list.
Camera turning buttons already implemented on slave creation and slave view. (Bottom of the screen) Will change them for something more explicit in the future.

Height can be done by scale.
That opens up another can of worms. It will offset all the animations, add even more model clipping and exaggerate the, some of the already, exaggerated features.

Some one might even take the time to make weather a bigger deal, with keeping a eye to the sky background and putting up weather shielding when a storm is brewing, or taking it down when it passes for reputation and making it look nice.
Already tought about the weather, but, there are so many features that are left on the "cutting floor". There's a lot to do before i start adding things like this, and even i don't think i will add this in this game iteration.

I misread the the first alpha text as being Alpha finished.
I guess people are used to the "x.1" labeling.
Just take it as the first alpha release ( v1.0 ).
Next is going to be the second alpha release (v2.0) and so on, and so on...

If i need to fix or add something in mid release THEN it will be, version X.1 or X.2 .. X.9... X.x, as many variants of the current build as necessary.

I see a lot of potential for things like body modifications and furry expansions.
I already look on it. Unity has a tool (in the store), that allows the addition of hair/fur on 3d models. Looks good, i don't know if i am going to add it in this iteration, but i would most definitely like to add this on the next one.

Again, thank you for the massive feedback!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
Feels a bit like it's still at 30% of a alpha, but maybe i'm confusing Alpha and Beta.
A good way to think about it is
Alpha= still working on base mechanics & designs, barely counts as a playable game
while Beta= core concepts & structure of the game is set and everything just needs to be polished/finished

Of course with indie development like this there's not as much of an "industry standard" since you can call a release whatever you want.

You could consider most releases on this site "beta" simply by the fact that the game's aren't [complete] and in a more professional setting once the development got to the final release, they would go back to the beginning and polish everything one more time, making sure the quality was consistent and that would be the "launch version" that we buy in stores.
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Jun 18, 2017
I hope you don't make the game only run on NASA computer. PC parts is expensive nowadays especially GPU. Looking forwards for great development.
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Dec 24, 2019
Not a lot of new stuff, but good refinements to what you had, muscle/fat system is filled out a lot more, less identical settings in what is selectable. Looks closer to 95% done with the selectable options, 60% with the unselectable/disabled combinations. Big step from last time making them look different. Got what appeared to be all the boob settings in, and pregnancy states. Man's gotta have his priorities.

Love the little bus/trams going back and forth. Plant detail is looking dandy. End of turn menus are quick but detailed, look nicely layed out. See as much or as little as you want, see it easily and quickly. Game might end up needing a basic graphics card as it's a bit sluggish on my laptop, not gonna hold that against it, if i wanted basic I can go play the text version(s) of free cities. Not being able to turn the camera in player character creation is still going to bug me. Camera orbits a fixed point, so shouldn't be too hard to have it go up or down on that invisible bubble on slave creation either. Those are polishing things though.

Still like where it's going and don't have any complaints so far. Your still setting yourself up to be ambitious, but your taking a nice steady pace and are motivated so till next time, keep it up.

(P.S. I didn't see what action where available, but I did see slaves swaying( and #'s going p and down between turns. At this rate alpha might only take you till october.)

Found it, didn't save slaves after creating and hit next. so no slaves when i started so no slave menu.

Hotel NTR black mail Sim
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Jun 18, 2017
"You overestimate my power!"
Also, much love for the profile pick!:love:
Thanks, i think i got the picture from 9GAG. I see its fit as a profile pic for such "cultured" website like this :sneaky: Keep up with the good work! :D

I have a question tho, are this game provide cheat mode/start like the "forbidden" Free Cities?

Legionary JR-586

Legionary of a lost legion.
Game Developer
Jul 26, 2020
Thanks, i think i got the picture from 9GAG. I see its fit as a profile pic for such "cultured" website like this :sneaky: Keep up with the good work! :D

I have a question tho, are this game provide cheat mode/start like the "forbidden" Free Cities?
I'm not tinkling about a cheat start, but i'm adding console commands. But we will see...
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Legionary JR-586

Legionary of a lost legion.
Game Developer
Jul 26, 2020
Does this one have Futa like the original?

As a fellow hobby programmer trying to make a game with customization and management, I salute your effort.
I am also curious how you handeld some things.
Well, has a fellow programmer, that for me is not the hard part, it's the "Art's" department that gets me.
Although i have admitted several times, I do need the experience in this type of games, and that's the objective of this first iteration of the game. There are somethings that one only learns from experience.
Also, a good capacity for analysis helps out a lot, and this too increases with experience.

Keep up the work, long road ahead of you but i hope it will work out :)
Thank you, and indeed the road is long.


Mar 23, 2018
If there is one thing I could request, it would be the possibility to give the AI some kind of body. Either an android or a slave with some kind of cybernetic neural interface that they can use as an avatar.
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Legionary JR-586

Legionary of a lost legion.
Game Developer
Jul 26, 2020
If there is one thing I could request, it would be the possibility to give the AI some kind of body. Either an android or a slave with some kind of cybernetic neural interface that they can use as an avatar.
Yes something like "Vision". I have that in mind as well.
I was also thinking in merging some concepts.
Tron Gem Siren poster.jpg
Have several AI ( this concept already exist in free cities) that fill different purposes, have their representation both physical and virtual the same, and possibly create some sort of virtual space for interactions.
3.80 star(s) 4 Votes