I hope in the future updates the sex scenes will be more intense and with more pics in different angle of view and with more details about girls pleasure...
The sex scene system used in The Follower is far better than the one in NCC
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There is also a way to select the best position to make cum Kristen (or other girls) for about 4 times in the same sex scenes...
Anthony can choose to:
Coke her,
Slap her face or her ass
Grope her tits
and more... more ... more options
there are a lot of different position that can be select in order to make her cum multiple times...
in NCC this is no more available.
Maud is nothing compared about how Anthony was in "The Follower"
Now Anthony have lost his sexual power... ????
Maybe too much drugs or is he sad because he have lost Kristen?
I really disappoint in the "premature ejaculation" issue in the sex scenes of this game...
The Follower comes with great sex scenes... and UNIQUE point system mechanism!
NCC is like a "downgrade" in this specific point.
...yes there are a lot of characters... is this good? (too much for my taste)
maybe Honeygame can start to kill some useless characters as it happen in all TV series when an actor get a better role in another production or when he asks for too much money... (as Gearge Clooney in E.R.)
... you can always resurrect some character if the funs complain too much

BUT PLEASE HoneyGame.... do what you want but
make sex scenes better because
you know how to do that!!!
Maybe the game is still in a starting phase and I hope too see much longer sex scenes in the futures updates