some action are fixed either u do or someone else.
if u not porn patch u cant do yourself mellisa porn but she will do with mark
same as rain if u refuse doing bj video or porn she gone do it.
story some way as fixed i mean destination fixed but journay can be diffrent to arrive there
or becouse of u not involve with hailey she wont stop snorting cokes or do extreme sex parties
or whatever u do mark is mark
and insecurties always backfire.
if u ask your girls about david they move on to him.
sometimes whatever u do david get them.
and funny think he is lecturing u for mellisa u geting my second
but he keep going all your girl even u get it first

like barmaid yvete asley etc
i didnt play fully all rotes since vombaer i think at1.4 barmaid girl rute kind go no where for maybe one or few bang up
she know u know mc isnt serious
mellisa for my eye at lost couse so i always play with her porn route
evet u gone try mark will fuck her and dump becouse of unrealable
mark is total arshole.its like second mc in game

u can creat game same as ncc mark is mc kinda nothing change other then few magazine thing
edit lol happen again im so slow tpying till wiorote someone answe again honey msg it this time wasnt so close as prevous one.
and i wana point put again my prevous msg at hahaha i like so much riley 1.5 story .
specially u added time lapse adition real world when we listen hear at 1.3 or 1.4 she said 6 month didnt get any now say to hubby to 14 month

that detail was so great.and i find that dude so funny he didnt fuck 14 month riley we seen him ready twice once maud kind a raped him second when see us with riley.he must be harcore cuckold bisexual or gay tendances.
it will took till april i look up most routes problems cant remeber where i saved those

i have almost 60 save .like cockold slave pornstar mistriss humation loyal to some girls doucbags all.go kesya go other team go adale like paths arent so easly fallow so need like 20 over save at least

but i forget it all since late numaver didnt played lost the track