Finally played the update last night, no idea what people were complaining about the biggest bug I encountered was durin the porn career stuff or with Hailey cant remember which, where the dialogue keeps going, but no images on screen, just the generic box placeholder.
Content wise unless the people complaining are those that try to "1 single girl per playthrough" I have no idea what the hell they are on about, I had TONS of new sex scenes... all pretty good, though some I question the "ending" of them, as it seems like
HoneyGames just wanted to close their paths or get the MC in trouble for pursuing them.
Right off the bat the first scene was with Riley if you banged her already once... Super awesome scene as I had wanted Riley since Follower, the scene was fine, it was hot, the ending ruined it... Lamar just so happens to show up and catch MC and her after they are done ? whatever... even worse, Lamar turns out to be a sad pathetic cuck that got hard witnessing his fiance get fucked, and then her humiliating him (this we know from the crappy Maude scene in which she pegs him). That said it seems to be Lamar's limp dick problem is now fixed, and Riley is off the table going forward (lame)... I mean if the bitch lasted 14 months without dick before she broke down, she can do it again now that Lamar just fucked her after the MC left....
We then get a choice of scenes at the Spa... Yanmei wusses out (no public sex), Luana is stressed about the party coming up, and just goes to Restaurant and talks, no sex, the only one you get a scene out of is Martina if your dominating her ass ( a pretty hot scene too).
Next you get an update on the Yoshi BS, and you can either plant seeds for Andrea, or for Katana and the other girl who I dont care about.
After this you can meet with Yanmei or Michelle (maybe both on different days) and start to work towards a relationship, though they both claim they only want to be fuck buddies it does raise their "romance points" in the code.
You get a scene with Tatianna if your still working on her, sadly no matter how low you made her points with Connor, she will only go to the party with him, not alone with you (yet).
You get two chances to bang Meadow (thought since I have neglected her a bit she has her points at 80) I couldnt take her home... its fine cause I was able to take Katana home in one of those (sweet asian pussy !!), and Hailey in another one, though sadly Valentina didnt join this time...
You also have the steamy sex scene with Mary Jane in the dressing room... you just have to be a David level douche and not agree with her that the previous romp in the dressing room was a mistake, and that your ok keeping it a secret from your boy Stephen and you fuck her hard... sadly this one also pissed me off cause Elsa catches you... WTF... I know she is her sister in law, but Elsa had never been seen in the clothes store before... this was just a way to punish people that want to "sample all the goods for as long as possible before choosing THE ONE". I can make peace with this one if we get Elsa in exchange soon. Stephen is a bro, and if we stop banging his girl I am ok with it if the reward is his sister Elsa instead... that said, if we stop banging MJ, she better not cheat on Stephen with scum dudes ike fucking David !!
Another scene or string of scenes that I didnt appreciate from a story perspective is the Adele one... no matter how nice we are and helping her not lose her magazine to those harpy bitches, she doesnt seem to want to get better... we cant bang her, we cant convince her to come back to work... hell she keeps talking with Belen and Keisha that she wants to go back to Gary, especially after Lara dumped his ass... The only way forward so far with her is to get her brainwashed by the shitty Psychologist... thats not what I wanted from Adele... I wanted seduction and sex, like we did with Riley, except she doesnt have a cock-block like Lamar anymore since Gary should be out of the picture... Also you have to chose between brainwashing Adele with the Psych, or continuing Irene's story... I hate when two girls I want close each other's path... why couldnt this be an easier choice between a hot girl, and a total dog... Adele vs Akissa for example... I'd gladly close Akissa for Adele.
Andrea is also pissing me off, she needs to get over the fact that Yoshi was a small dicked asshole !! When everyone is telling her she is better off without him, she SHOULD listen rather than be like "no I am not wrong, the entire world is wrong"... This hiring detective BS better continue with Madelyn hiring someone she can pay off to tell Andrea Yoshi was a fucking Yakuza scum... and not actually find him, and get the MC in trouble for fighting back against a blackmailing piece of shit.
Anyway despite getting angry at certain story steps, I am still hooked nonetheless with the story, and cant wait for the shit storm that awaits my MC in the savior party (though I dont have a dedicated GF in one route), curious to see if the self designated "fuck buddies" are gonna create drama when the MC is outed as fucking a bunch of them (looking especially at Yanmei, and Michelle)... as Ashley and Yvette have been dropped earlier, and Luana, Meadow, Keisha, Riley, Belen, Catherine dont seem to give a shit one way or another, and Martina is the MC's pet so she should have no say. Most of the others arent going... Melissa, Zoe, Rebecca, Rain, Pinky, MJ, Guenda, Hannah, Roberta.