"I couldnt take her home... its fine cause I was able to take Katana home in one of those (sweet asian pussy !!), and Hailey in another one, though sadly Valentina didnt join this time...
You also have the steamy sex scene with Mary Jane in the dressing room... you just have to be a David level douche and not agree with her that the previous romp in the dressing room was a mistake, and that your ok keeping it a secret from your boy Stephen and you fuck her hard... sadly this one also pissed me off cause Elsa catches you... WTF... I know she is her sister in law, but Elsa had never been seen in the clothes store before... this was just a way to punish people that want to "sample all the goods for as long as possible before choosing THE ONE". I can make peace with this one if we get Elsa in exchange soon. Stephen is a bro, and if we stop banging his girl I am ok with it if the reward is his sister Elsa instead... that said, if we stop banging MJ, she better not cheat on Stephen with scum dudes ike fucking David !!
Another scene or string of scenes that I didnt appreciate from a story perspective is the Adele one... no matter how nice we are and helping her not lose her magazine to those harpy bitches, she doesnt seem to want to get better... we cant bang her, we cant convince her to come back to work... hell she keeps talking with Belen and Keisha that she wants to go back to Gary, especially after Lara dumped his ass... The only way forward so far with her is to get her brainwashed by the shitty Psychologist... thats not what I wanted from Adele... I wanted seduction and sex, like we did with Riley, except she doesnt have a cock-block like Lamar anymore since Gary should be out of the picture... Also you have to chose between brainwashing Adele with the Psych, or continuing Irene's story... I hate when two girls I want close each other's path... why couldnt this be an easier choice between a hot girl, and a total dog... Adele vs Akissa for example... I'd gladly close Akissa for Adele. "
what ?
haven't seen this ...
iashley wanted to move over though
and i got offered to buy yvette a dress, haven't got the option to go to the store