You don't get what I've said.
I love the critics.
I think I've already shown it over the years. that I have responded and tried to improve the game also thanks to the criticism and feedback I've had here.
What I can't stand is criticism from people who don't know what they're talking about.
They don't know that the game was Season 2 before and they make comments about it.
He does not know that the reboot was 15 days and complains because he wanted to fuck some chick.
You see, I use time to read those who criticize me, I wish those who criticize me would use time to read what I write.
most people were wait and support u .
lot of people love and happy ncc
after 1.4 around october 2020 its start to change u give lot of timeline but all failed
so llike 1.5 year pasr get only 2 update come from 1.4 to 1.5.5
right now new content not look soon
if u were like right now 1.7 just around corner and said before 1.8 finish the season u need do revamp simplify some old and prepare for season 3 peopel didmt react lke this ofc some will but they will bashed and they will be few
since u get new computer 1.5 year ago u keep rerender change some old parts too
ofc u didmt own us anything few of yourpatreon at past complane about comunation trouble
ok we get it real life troubles at pandemy u had your main job trouble not easy
but dont u think any valid point who get dispointed after 1.4 at all problem we only reach 1.5.5
some people and u put like people were all douchbags not like paat almost 2 year like were 2 people and people were cirtized without valid reason
its your game u not own us anything to anyone even payed loyal patreons
u update give timelines news then fail
if u bored and give up abondon game we can be sorry most of us loved this game
this all happem at 1.5 year not few month
i was downladed some of your old game without noticed before ncc 1.3 didnt able played were hard or lot buggy i try after ncc 1.4 lomg break ididnt able too so yes for me season 1 aout i dont have much idea if play before 1.3 dont remeber
after 1.3 i like after 1.4 was become my favorite game
i play ton of games and i had only 2 dispointment
first was my first played game after discover here big brother devolper dumo the game
secomd was ncc all those thing happen after 1.4
yes only 2