Edit Aradia default skin
this is a step-by-step guide to edit the default Aradia skin to your liking without being limited to the .png dimensions and sprite borders.
Necessary tools:
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import and export game files
Spine Pro v3.8.75 (WIN) create/edit animations (cracked version!)
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make the file (.json) made by spine 3.8 compatible with the game (
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You must be registered to see the links
Getting started:
first make sure you have enabled the option to view file extensions.
Windows 8 and 10:
- Open File Explorer (open any folder).
- Click the View tab.
- Select "File name extension"
- Optionally, you can enable Hidden items.
- Filename extensions will now be visible.
Now download "Skin files and Spine project" and unzip.
From Spine open the file "Aradia_baseSkin.spine".
If this happens you have to give it the path to the images, click on "images" and browse to the "img" folder of the project.
everything should be visible now!
here I recommend disabling the option to view and interact with the bones since any alteration causes the animations to have errors and it is very easy to alter them by accident.
to identify the parts you want to modify click on them and look for their name and the image with the same name
with your image editor of preference make your changes and overwrite the image.
Spine scans the image folder for changes so that any edits will be immediately visible.
remember also to apply the changes to the other skins!
some sprites are only visible in the middle of certain animations, it is advisable to watch some animation to see the progress and which images to edit.
Exporting and importing
Once you are happy with the changes, go to the export option, make sure that "Pretty Print", "Nonessential Data" and "Texture Atlas" are checked
that should generate these 3 files
Skeleton Viewer 3.8.99 on the .json file we generated to make it compatible with the game, without this the edits do not work.
here is a video explaining how to use it:
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after this make sure to add the .txt extension to the .atlas and .json files
now open the file "skeleton.json.txt" and look for "bone13".
replace the 4 "transform": "noRotationOrReflection" with "inheritRotation": false
and save changes
the process of importing is a bit complicated and it is much easier to see it than to explain it in writing so here is a video of how to use AssetsBundleExtractor
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path id 143, Texture2D: skeleton.png
path id 281, TextAsset: skeleton.json.txt
path id 322, TextAsset: skeleton.atlas.txt
and that's it, with this you have the basic knowledge to edit the aradia base skin!
special thanks to
Krongorka for the technical support and ArchPhaeton for the edited assets!