By default the slime is the only enemy that can impregnate, but NoREroMod enables mostly universal pregnancy using the same animation as the slime, but spawning most enemy types as can i get pregnant by the slime or have any sex scene at all? when i get caught by a slime literally nothing happens. Is this a bug? I tried very often.
alright, thanks. I didn't know about the green slime bug. But I managed to get pregnant by the purple slime anyway. Also I don't really need to care about losing my virginity anymore. That ship has sailed ages ago. I got raped over 300 times already, lmao. And I finished the game a few hours ago. So doesn't matter anymore.By default the slime is the only enemy that can impregnate, but NoREroMod enables mostly universal pregnancy using the same animation as the slime, but spawning most enemy types as well.
To get impregnated by the slime specifically is a bit strange though, because it has 2 attacks to grab Aradia but only 1 results in a pregnancy.
If Aradia is hit by a slime that is falling or jumping, she gets knocked on her back but sex does not happen. If Aradia is knocked down by any source and the slime travels to her and grabs her while she is lying on the ground, then sex with pregnancy happens. The slime typically waits for another source to knock Aradia down, but is itself is capable of knocking her down with a ranged cannon attack.
That said, Aradia has a virginity stat with the type of enemy that took it as well, so mind that before you lose her virginity to a mere slime.
Try the game with NoREroMod. It doubles as a difficulty tuning mod along with making sex appear more often. The game really is too easy for most players, that mod helps plenty to make the game more exciting.alright, thanks. I didn't know about the green slime bug. But I managed to get pregnant by the purple slime anyway. Also I don't really need to care about losing my virginity anymore. That ship has sailed ages ago. I got raped over 300 times already, lmao. And I finished the game a few hours ago. So doesn't matter anymore.
But it was a surprisingly good game. Never saw so many animations in a H game. Well done. Like the story as well. Overall very good game.
do you have a link? I don't see it in the OPTry the game with NoREroMod. It doubles as a difficulty tuning mod along with making sex appear more often. The game really is too easy for most players, that mod helps plenty to make the game more exciting.
Sorry I'm late,do you have a link? I don't see it in the OP
lol I just tried it out, this definitely makes the game much harder. unplayable even at some points. this definitely needs some tweaking like you said. But once I set it up to my liking it will be perfect. Thanks. I will use this when I replay the game.Sorry I'm late,You must be registered to see the links. I found the link by using the Search function on this thread. This mod has a config file, making it very versatile across a wide variety of criteria. Although instructions on fields typically state you should configure a value between 0 to 1 on a positive scale, you can use negative values and values over 1 as well for interesting effects, like getting healed by sex or scaling physical damage past 1.00 when at full health and into low percents at low health. The latter statement is relevant because magic damage doesn't get scaled, only physical damage, adding more nuance to the choice of magic versus physical specialization.
I understand. For fun, here is my current config. My optional goal I propose to you: try not to lose Aradia's virginity until the Minotaur appears (very late game, Elevated Pilgrim's Path) , although there's the aphrodisiac bondage machine, grabbing vines, and the Black Crow a bit further beyond this I just tried it out, this definitely makes the game much harder. unplayable even at some points. this definitely needs some tweaking like you said. But once I set it up to my liking it will be perfect. Thanks. I will use this when I replay the game.
I made this mod that replaces all of Guro animation in the game (except female ice inquisitor). Details and download + important notes are in NoR community discord:You must be registered to see the links. It is plenty of texts and also more mods so you better read it.
View attachment 3710521
Check your discord settings to see if you have enabled not to join NSFW community servers.Sry, how do i join the discord?? it says something like "request denied of failed"
How to save:i only have one question: how do i properly save? Because when i save, exit and re-enter the game, my save is simply gone. It's not that big of a problem, but i would like to know if this is a commo issue or if i am just unlucky
Thank you for your reply, but my issue is not saving itself: when i exit the game (closing the app), and enter the game once again (pressing "continue" on the main menu), all my save files (no matter where or when i saved them) gets replaced with other 3 save files, which's unables me to have a normal playthrough. If anyone happens to know if i can do something to make my save files stable, i would really enjoy. Thank you again JustAI for your reply, i hope it can be usefull to the ones who have issues saving in-game.How to save:
1) Find an altar.
2) Touch it.
3) Select the option to save.
4) Select it, then confirm you are saving.
5) Note the date of the save file and your minutes played should update. If it does not, something is wrong.
That's how it should work. If your save is not updating, something is amiss with your computer. The game saves your progress to numbered text files in the game's install directory.
That does sound peculiar. It seems as though you are either saving the file to another directory or having the old save file restored immediately after being written. That seems possible within the realm of overly zealous antivirus software. Perhaps make an exception for it in your antivirus client if you have one.Thank you for your reply, but my issue is not saving itself: when i exit the game (closing the app), and enter the game once again (pressing "continue" on the main menu), all my save files (no matter where or when i saved them) gets replaced with other 3 save files, which's unables me to have a normal playthrough. If anyone happens to know if i can do something to make my save files stable, i would really enjoy. Thank you again JustAI for your reply, i hope it can be usefull to the ones who have issues saving in-game.
Most players tend to use a controller to play this game. I suspect you used the mouse and clicking to navigate the menus, which tends to bug them out. Use only keyboard keys or controller inputs for menu navigation.I'm unable to "get back" when inside menu, when I try to equip a ring, no button work to go back at the previous menu. Forcing me to alt+f4 the game.
Even zhen only using the keyboard I still can't find the button supposed to bring me backMost players tend to use a controller to play this game. I suspect you used the mouse and clicking to navigate the menus, which tends to bug them out. Use only keyboard keys or controller inputs for menu navigation.