
New Member
Aug 4, 2018
Fix for BepInEx (and translation too) for Linux:

You need to configure DLL forwarding:

1. Run winecfg in command line in folder with game EXE (not sure if this is global setting for wine, do it there just to be safe)
2. 1681808317992.png
3. More info here:

Tested on some package 1.06 + uncensor + translations included from previous pages. Probably will work with any other Unity game under Linux using BepInEx.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Man, what is the point of the clothes if they swap to default literally at any point other than free-roaming
Because it's a 2D game by nature. Characters graphics made with individual sprites and to make clothes work in all situations everything with default clothes must be redrawn each time. I can think of some H-games that pulled that off, but that's a huge time-work investment.

As I understand, most people are actually fine with basic 'stand-idle-basic moveset clothing'.


Mar 3, 2021
I already posted updates in the discord but I've made progress towards custom levels
Working towards getting enemies in but this should be able to work even with custom enemy animations and/or levels
End goal would be be create a template plugin and unity prefabs, and create a writeup such that anyone with basic unity knowledge can just drag and drop a level together. Im not sure i have the skillset to design levels, someone else can do it
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New Member
Mar 7, 2023
Is there a completed map for 1.06, or another site with the translations? Some pages of the journals I find in the world don't get translated
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
here's an example. first one is from 0.54 while the second one is from 1.07
i have no clue if the glitch effect is a material or map. i am absolutely not adept with unity
View attachment 2557334 View attachment 2557340 View attachment 2557356 View attachment 2557359
i swear im not hallucinating
also i think this effect is the most prominent in the final boss' game over CG
Just a quick guess, 0.54 scene effect didn't work properly, but it was in assets from the start:

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I remember there's also some effects in game Assembly file which applies image filtering/bluring edges of the screen. Harder to remove but I did this pre-1.0 at least for videos.

On a closer look I think that's indeed either an Assembly-applied effect/ some new "1.0 shader".
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
oh yea like vignette right? i believe he used it to emphasize the state of the scene being a bad end and all


New Member
Apr 19, 2023
oh yea like vignette right? i believe he used it to emphasize the state of the scene being a bad end and all
Just a quick guess, 0.54 scene effect didn't work properly, but it was in assets from the start:

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I remember there's also some effects in game Assembly file which applies image filtering/bluring edges of the screen. Harder to remove but I did this pre-1.0 at least for videos.

On a closer look I think that's indeed either an Assembly-applied effect/ some new "1.0 shader".
I think this is maybe what they meant: (left is 0.54 while right is 1.07)
1681901917652.png 1681901957824.png
1681902024598.png 1681902000680.png
they may be talking about the red/blue blur effects at the edges of the textures.
As someone who has jacked off to these CGs a dozen of times, i have never noticed this before lmfao
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
Tested the scene with code for "color chromatic aberration" removed. That's how it looks now:


Yep, that effect can be removed from scenes rather easily. Just need to edit Assembly-Csharp.dll and every scene that use it.


Aug 9, 2022
Thanks for all these ideas. Sadly thou, many of these ideas (random enemys/traps) fall under "level design"and I just can't find a way to implement these features from code only. I know people, myself included, have been working on decompiling the game so we can have free access to all the enemy/traps/item/levels but until then i imagine most mods will only be able to edit existing assets.

As for what I can do:
Disable save points - Mostly done, how it works is that after leaving a shrine for a certain amount of time, the candles will turn red and if you interact with it, it takes you to the level's nightmare scene.
Struggle difficulty based on animation - Slowly working on this. It just a lot of manualy triggering the animation and finding the points in the animation (ex. finding when the timestop animation starts/ends etc)
Invisible traps/enemies fov - I like this idea, im stealing it (sorry boned)
Deleveling? - I have been playing around with the idea of losing exp/levels but the levelup system is still a total mystery to me and i have no idea what im doing. Maybe a feature for later
I'm just describing ideas that come to my mind that might be useful to modders, so I'm not demanding anything in any way, just sharing my opinion and hope it'll be usefull one way or another, doing any of this or not is up to you ;)

I have some feedback and some ideas here.
Shrine disabling didn’t really hurt me, to be honest, it didn’t get worse or better, you just have to run more because it’s impossible to die in this game, since you jump over or dash through all opponents. You just have to run from location to location and carefully think over your paths, otherwise you risk wasting a lot of time. But the risk of death from this did not increase in any way, and therefore the complexity did not increase, just progress became slower.
So currently i'm very enjoying that aspect of struggle system, that making struggling harder or easier, depending on animation. And i have some thoughts how to make this system even better.

[Struggle system] So currently you just spamming melee button + use button in any downed or struggle situation and it fells kinda boring. I think it'll be much more interesting if you need to spam only in certain windows and struggling outside this windows should reduce your progress, punishing you for escape attempts, also these struggling windows can be random or based on animation.

Also mobs are too slow when you're downed so they just do not have time to approach you, as you get up in 2 seconds. You can speed them up a little at these moments (or not, depends on what you'll do with struggle system, but for now you standing up very fast, leaving no chance for mobs, further than one meter from you)

And some thoughts about intoxication scale (one with heart): You can change the speed of movement depending on intoxication instead of your damage reduction but thats a matter of taste.

And speaking of animation synchronization of animations with consequences, how about damaging player in situations, where in animaton, mob punches you? Or making purple mobs with a lot of hands, filling intoxication scale way faster, when they're pumping aphrodisiac into the player with their tongues? Or making giant mobs damaging player while sex (cus of size diff) or after sex with giants, player may recieve slowness/weakness debuff? There are actually quite a few options on this topic.

And last but not least thought, how about making it so that the intox. scale increases in rape (maybe increases much bigger on climax, and a little with each trust, depending on enemy size) and really slowly decreases outside of it, or decreases from mana potions, and if the intox. scale is full, then you can’t escape in any way and the intox. scale resets after animation cycle if its completely filled to about half, to give you a chance to escape. This concept came to my mind because for now you can escape even if scale is full and only way to decrease your intox. scale is going to shrine, wich its kinda problematic with disabling last shrine option.
That is, now the filled scale only means that you will be killed faster and not that you will not have a chance to escape rape.
Еven with a full scale, you can still easely escape, the only inconvenience the full scale gives you is the reduction in outgoing damage and the increase in incoming damage. The option I proposed is more focused on the rape aspect of the game instead just a gameplay debuffs. After all, we play this game because of the animations, not the combat mechanics.
Though I play for the feeling that I managed to escape rape and this is felt only when it is really difficult to avoid it, its some kind of rp i guess.

If, depending on the filling of the intox. scale, mobs can grab you, and your jumps will be lower (or disbling doublejumps at certain percentage of the scale), then this will balance the difficulty in my opinion, and give motivation to pass without getting into rape, because with an empty scale you are stronger, but if it fills up then it snowballs.
I would then call it not the intoxication scale, but the fatigue/exhaustion scale, because you cannot escape if you are tired, etc.

[Gameplay] How about making grabs possible, like in bonedmod, if your clothes are damaged? Or you have low stamina / if your intox. scale filled more than half? Maybe make a small indicator showing that you can be grabbed or just write the conditions while you'll be grabbed in the description of the mod like how you doing it now. You can add hp to clothing and the ability to sew it up with threads with needles that fall out of those mobs in the church area.

Btw scraping cum out, when mob impregnated you, is kinda strange for now, you struggling as if you were in rape animation. So without full stamina you cant stand up after scraping out and you must struggle. Or scraping animation will will continue even if you scraped everything.

I would also like you to add a game over in situations where you get raped by mob/trap from which you can’t get out and you don’t have healing potions with you. Most of the traps do not deal damage at the end, and such a softlock may occur because nothing will kill you and you will be in the animation forever. Make everything dealing damage on climax or maybe the ability to get out with the help of a lockpick, although in any case, if you don’t have them either, then you must die, otherwise it’s a softlock. Or maybe let them take souls instead of fucking you to death or reduce your level?

Btw, taking souls for each thrust sounds good

[Traps] How about make it possible to get out of traps using some picklocks that fall from mobs with crossbows (thieves)? currently, they're using only for chests as i remember. That would be great (but casul) cus we can't get out of most traps without healing potion. Or make it possible to get out of traps for damage? Like if you survived 5 animation cycles (150 climax dmg) you can get out? Just thinking :unsure:

[UI] How about option to disable enemy hp bars? Also an interesting idea would be to reduce the brightness in dark rooms so that you can see only a short distance ahead of you, this way you can hide the traps. You can also make a little delay between turning from side to side for more horror atmosphere :WutFace:
Cus for now we have a movement not like an ordinary person, but like it's bayonetta. Although they are both fast as fuck witches, but if you want some realism, then you should add some little delays, for now you can literally fly above your enemies, switching your direction mid-air and bombard opponents with huge potion cauldrons.

[Pleasure paralysis] Also, is it possible to remove the damage, but leave the pleasure paralysis system at max intoxication? Cus these stuns and flinches looks good and making your gameplay harder but for now they're damaging you like poison, wich is strange. You're dying from cumming. I think it'll be nice to increase windows between flinches and make them more random so that it would be risky to fight with the maximum intox. level, but still possible. For now it practically stunlocks you, and also deals a lot of damage. So i decided to turn it off in config, but i think random stuns and flinches from arosual is a nice mechanic.
Or maybe pleasure paralysis should damage your manapool? That would looks like mental exhaustion isn't it?

[Hardcore mode] Personally, I think it's already perfect, but how about giving some chance to player who likes to tickle their nerves, but not too much. Like, after 2-3 bad ends, the actual end of the game with deleting save, but for each bad end, you recieving a debuff, which, for example, can be removed with a large number of souls? That is, if the debuff stacks more than 2 times, then this is the final end. Considering the shrine disabling mechanic, that prevents farming at one spot, this will force the player to take risks in order to farm souls to remove the debuff. Sounds like a good synergy.

Also, it is a pity, that in hardmode, the game deletes all saves in general, and not just the one where you died, so with the hardmode enabled, you have to store your 100% save in a separate folder. But to be honest, this does not bother, because you wrote a warning in the config, so if it is difficult to code, then there is no point in wasting time on it.

P.s. And also, how about type "your revenge ends here" instead of "your quest ends here" at hardcore mode bad end? It sounds more fitting because we playing as witch that seeks revenge, fr fr :unsure:

I also thought about an options with temporary or permanent deprivation of certain stats depending on the situations, but for now I'm too lazy to come up with options where this can be used. In fact, this is the same develling, you mentioned earlier, but of certain stats, which gives more atmosphere. Like the decrease dex from large dicks, decrease strenght from bondages or the decrease in intelligence from that stopping time mob or mind control mobs like succubus, that purple monster with a lot of hands and aphrodisiac tongue/slime/mimic/iron maiden trap etc.

Edit: It seems that all these thoughts about the escape system could be combined into one: How about making an escape from all animations using bondage and similar devices, incl. traps with lockpicks? Cus getting out of traps and chains with the help of a healing potion is kinda strange. And you can limit the use of lockpicks to six pieces until you touch the shrine again. Think of it like a key ring that only holds 6 lockpicks.
This goes well with the aphrodisiac system I described above. That is, from mobs without bondage, you can only escape without lockpicks, and from mobs that use various devices, you can use lockpicks to escape and struggle too if it's possible ofc (cus some devices nullify your efforts, thats for what they maded for :devilish:
You can also make a lockpick vendor, some kind of friendly mob-thief that will sell lockpicks, you can place it on the starting location or a little further, in the bridge block area, but until you get to this location (which happens very quickly) you can just avoid bondage animations and traps. It's easy.

Or you can just add a menu for buying lockpicks to the altar in our parish curch. Like youmake lockpicks from souls with your magic!

Or you can make lockpicks infinite from the start and add charges to them. Or you can make your own item/ or just a textual description of the fact that you can escape so many times.

It's just that if you complicate the game and the escape system, then people will not want to spend healing potions, but an item specifically designed for such situations fits in well.
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Aug 28, 2022
Guys, a favor will you send me the link of the game without censorship, is that the game that I have the version is 1.06 translated and without censorship, for some reason it does not let me interact with the options, and well I lost the link where I downloaded it, please send me the link xd
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Jul 27, 2017
Thanks for the feedback. New version with quick fixes
### v0.8.1
- Fixed not losing all exp on trapped save points
- Church savepoint can no longer be trapped
- Increased time for save point to be trapped
Don't know if it's been said before, I skimmed and don't think it has. The elite grabs can be performed during parry executions and it breaks stuff. Also the dying bodies of elites can knock you down. Grabs just need some tuning or a toggle in config since they feel janky.

Great job with the mod so far! I look forward to whatever you decide to do with bosses. I appreciate the ability to tweak stuff with the config so in the meantime to attempt to make bosses more difficult for myself I've nerfed the crap out of Aradia by halving her damage, reducing sp recovery and pumping dash cost.
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Feb 9, 2018
Don't know if it's been said before, I skimmed and don't think it has. The elite grabs can be performed during parry executions and it breaks stuff. Also the dying bodies of elites can knock you down. Grabs just need some tuning or a toggle in config since they feel janky.

Great job with the mod so far! I look forward to whatever you decide to do with bosses. I appreciate the ability to tweak stuff with the config so in the meantime to attempt to make bosses more difficult for myself I've nerfed the crap out of Aradia by halving her damage, reducing sp recovery and pumping dash cost.
I'm testing a modified grab where the enemy can either grab if your stamina is 0 or you're dodging
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4.60 star(s) 96 Votes