Cheat Mod RAGS No Haven: Loaded Dice Mod [v.8.0.0] [V.99 - Patreon] [Bedlam Games]

5.00 star(s) 7 Votes

Which version of "Change Conjuration" should be used going forward?

  • Version A(Clicky)

    Votes: 23 21.5%
  • Version B(Less Clicky)

    Votes: 20 18.7%
  • Version C(Quick and Done)

    Votes: 63 58.9%
  • A different idea altogether(post it)

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dec 30, 2018
Are you actually losing your virginity though? I think it's supposed to be random whether you do. If not presumably you spent days just doing anal and oral.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Few things I noticed while experimenting with full-custom starts that likely inherit from the vanilla game but would be nice to get fixed if possible/not too much trouble:

- the Lamia Succubus consistently spawns with the following bodypart description which is... yeeeaaahhh:
Instead of normal feet you stand on spiked hooves that look remarkably like shiny black high heels.
Cosmetic but a most unnecessary nuisance all the same.

- actually mechanically relevant is that the Magic: Whatever traits get automatically sorted according to some consistent but bizarre (as it sure ain't alphabetical or something similarly obviously rational) internally defined order in the character trait list, eg.
Magic: Summoner - Magic: Corruption - Elementalist: Water - Elementalist: Lightning
Why this matters is that Summoner and by extension Aspect: Conjured Companion will only refer to whichever relevant other trait gets sorted first in the list (racial Tentacles, eg. those of Oozes, sort before all Magic traits and thus take precedence) which rather annoyingly and unnecessarily limits your choices if you're aiming for a specific Companion for one reason or another.

Dunno how viable coding-wise but would it be possible to, say, force Summoner/Companion to instead refer to the order in which the traits are picked in some fashion to give some player control over it? For example whichever was picked immediately before Summoner, defaulting to racial Tentacles if present if Summoner was picked before any other Magic(s)?

On another note "Male use by Male preference removed" in the settings still kills your Dominant trait for no obvious reason, and the Third Eye Corruption (under Gifts of the Warped -> Eyes) can randomly fail to apply the accompanying Psion trait. Whenever it craps out like that if you try recasting it on the same character the cast fires - and adds repeats of the flavour description to the character, which is incidentally misformatted with no space or comma at the end so you get cringe like "corona of flickering energyhas long flowing black hair" - but still doesn't add the trait.
Thinking about it this has actually been a longstanding random bug, just never remembered to report it before. >_>


Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
Are you actually losing your virginity though? I think it's supposed to be random whether you do. If not presumably you spent days just doing anal and oral.
That one has always guaranteed a virginity loss (at least on previous versions I tried it on), and I only suggested it as a fast way to recreate the bug. I had a slaver domination at night that explicitly mentioned losing virginity, same bug no change to the portrait, aspects, or character description. That one takes a lot longer to trigger (without any debug tools that might force it to happen). Other options include a failure on coiled in tentacles and the quick as you like missions, both of which gave the error. I'll have some time later to try and grab the error screenshots.


Dec 15, 2017
Hmmm... I cannot replicate the error with summoner strong right arm (I'm guessing you mean strong right arm with summoner?)
Sorry, I think I typed that up wrong. You can't take a "strong right arm" with "summonee" history because you need to have corruptor, which doesn't exist anymore and magic:corruption doesn't count. That's also what's causing the desolator problem.


Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Hm, experimenting further it seems like Corruption just straight up arbitrarily takes precedence over the other Magic traits in regards to Summoner. Talk about annoying.


Engaged Member
Oct 16, 2017
Ok, here's the bug with the Parthenurgy failing to lose virginity I mentioned earlier. Though i did find a better way to reproduce it on my end, by seducing a male / futa slaver. error.png


New Member
Jul 14, 2019
Figured my shit out, it seems like the newest LD version isnt compatible with the rags performace hack posted earlier in this tread if anyone else has issues.


Nov 16, 2018
This might be a dumb question, but how do you actually trigger the player slavery thing? Is it something you start yourself, or is it an end-of-day event like the bed ambush?

EDIT: Oh, had to start a new game for the option to show up in the Loaded Dice list.
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Frank N. Stein

Aug 6, 2016
Well, alright-y then.
Updates going to be a little longer, just because I want to make sure I fix the bugs that are reported, rather than fix them and find out they're broken if you don't do everything exactly as you're supposed to.

Now, replies.

I've just been playing about with Crafting/Smithing, and wondered, as the menu-chain explicitly asks you whether you want armour or heavy restraints, when you choose armour, if there is any possible bug-fix to restrain the system from giving you heavy restraints/slavewear a fairly high proportion of the time? (Otherwise, what's the point of the system asking the question in the first place?)

In the same vein, could somebody with access to the system's innards tell me what are the best crafting options to get
(preferably slutty) holy armours (for your fallen paladins) and (preferably slutty) holy vestments (for your healslut priestesses)?

As things stand, wearables-crafting tends to be somewhat of a RNG crapshoot.
I currently have a version where it's less of a random shitshow, but it also comes iwth a chance of causing a complete and total crash. Hence why it hasn't been released.
The reason why you're getting those two more often than anything else when you choose either of those options is because that option takes priority with both. Bedlam has a bunch of... failsafe like checks in his code. If the program loops enough times trying to do anything, it'll eventually lock to one of the other availible options. In corruption he uses this to dictate something as rare (such as arch-practitioner).
In clothing generation it's different. It's more of a default. It's both the most likely outcome, and, if it loops through the options three times, becomes the only option.

I'm currently trying to figure out why my new version crashes, but once it stops I will release it to the general public, and it should function similar to corruptions menu.

As to your question, I'm away from my base computer, so I can't look it up at the moment, but I'll take a look while adjusting the mod tonight.


it is the opposite :eek:ptions open that you have done already
corruption option once disapeared after rags resuffled the pc menu
mission after only the slave replica remained
the mod created some insane cpu heavy choke points(or brought to the surface during turn process while you are on missions)
i hope it helps

Corruption dissapearing. I havne't quite figured that out. It is a result of the mod, but nothing my mod does changes the personal actions menu, which implies that there's something in the base game that my mod is triggering.
The slave replica being the only character to remain is a known issue and it's being worked out.
Those chokepoints exist in the core game, but the mod does add a lot to the game, so it's no surprise that they're more prevalent. It's one of the reasons I'm persistently trying to reduce the amount of loose code in my game and to simplify as much as I can, to reduce the overall toll the mod has on the game.

I haven't played the update yet, but I do like the idea of player slavery and mutiny
It was a popular thing back when 8chan wasn't 8kun and the thread was active, and so I've been thinking about it for a while. Wasn't until someone brought up an actual request that I tried to implement it.

Seems like noone else is affected so I'll just redownload and reinstall everything. Thanks anyway!
And please let me know if that fixes it for you. Otherwise there could quite as easily be something afoot that's just not obvious.

I guess slave leader option is still not fully adopted, right?
After choose slave leader, then slave training option appears on leader.
After complete one training, slave clone of Leader is generated in Assignment item and move to encampment.
This part works without problem.

Slave clone is not sold by generic slaving assignment.
But, they can be removed by certain assignment accompanying slave, like deluge in ooze.
Then the leader is also removed from encampment and game breaks.

When you choose slave training on leader then send leader on other assignment.
This can remove leader from leader position, but slave clone remains. I have suspicion on orc cum addict training.
I repeated this part, but even in same assignment it may works in same way or not. I'm not sure about this.
Or send slave clone on certain assignment also remove your leader from leader position when your clone returns from assignment, without removing slave clone too.

And in this few tries, after activating slave clone, when i answer 'no' to slave leader question again, it does nothing or removes slave clone or removes leader.

Leader can't cast biomancy or corruption on clone. clone counts as a self too.
And Your slave clone can be assigned to encampment position. So technically leader shares and warms a bed with itself.
Thank you for your thoroughness. I've gotten player slavery more or less functional, partly because I read through this and realized where things were going wrong.
While almost all of the bugs have been cleansed, a new, bigger one has reared it's head. While only just after figuring out how to return the PC to the slaver position (Another bug that came up in the fixes), I am trying to figure out how to keep the game from removing them completely after it makes a sanity check.

It's going to take a little while for me to get it working as desired, and I probably did release it a bit too quickly.

Few things I noticed while experimenting with full-custom starts that likely inherit from the vanilla game but would be nice to get fixed if possible/not too much trouble:

- the Lamia Succubus consistently spawns with the following bodypart description which is... yeeeaaahhh:

Cosmetic but a most unnecessary nuisance all the same.

- actually mechanically relevant is that the Magic: Whatever traits get automatically sorted according to some consistent but bizarre (as it sure ain't alphabetical or something similarly obviously rational) internally defined order in the character trait list, eg.

Why this matters is that Summoner and by extension Aspect: Conjured Companion will only refer to whichever relevant other trait gets sorted first in the list (racial Tentacles, eg. those of Oozes, sort before all Magic traits and thus take precedence) which rather annoyingly and unnecessarily limits your choices if you're aiming for a specific Companion for one reason or another.

Dunno how viable coding-wise but would it be possible to, say, force Summoner/Companion to instead refer to the order in which the traits are picked in some fashion to give some player control over it? For example whichever was picked immediately before Summoner, defaulting to racial Tentacles if present if Summoner was picked before any other Magic(s)?

On another note "Male use by Male preference removed" in the settings still kills your Dominant trait for no obvious reason, and the Third Eye Corruption (under Gifts of the Warped -> Eyes) can randomly fail to apply the accompanying Psion trait. Whenever it craps out like that if you try recasting it on the same character the cast fires - and adds repeats of the flavour description to the character, which is incidentally misformatted with no space or comma at the end so you get cringe like "corona of flickering energyhas long flowing black hair" - but still doesn't add the trait.
Thinking about it this has actually been a longstanding random bug, just never remembered to report it before. >_>
Lamia legs.... should be an easy fix. Likely what's happening is that a condition/variable got mislabeled, so whenever it tries to define the lamia's legs, it skips the "if race = lamia" and so it doesn't replace the succubus legs. Finding where it's doing this is probably going to be the hard part because bedlam didn't label anything in an easy to find way (He's the first programmer I've met who's thought "keeping out cheaters trumps the KISS method".)

The "Male used by male preference modifier removed" option uses the temp value "removed" to turn the Male/Male variable off. The temp variable for removing the dominant trait is "remove". Normally it doesn't matter, but as it is right now, it does check if the variable matches, only if it contains the text "remove".
It's a simple thing to fix.

It wasn't randomly failing actually, it was randomly succeeding....
I'm not being a twat. Bedlam's rarity (I think I've mentioned this already in this post) is defined by fails. If it fails to fire the first time, rarity goes up, second and third and so on. I hate it as it requires your code to fail.
Anyways, that's why certain traits are hard or impossible to get with the mod active. Finding all the loop checks has been a chore.
But thanks to you I just found one more.

*Summoner reports tied together after next two quotes*

Sorry, I think I typed that up wrong. You can't take a "strong right arm" with "summonee" history because you need to have corruptor, which doesn't exist anymore and magic:corruption doesn't count. That's also what's causing the desolator problem.
Hm, experimenting further it seems like Corruption just straight up arbitrarily takes precedence over the other Magic traits in regards to Summoner. Talk about annoying.
That's a problem that might be easier to fix than I think it is.
From how you've described it and knowing bedlam, he probably simplified by making it a cascading check. Same way loaded dice(the cheat) works.
This means that Corruption is probably the first thing it checks for, and then it just stops. It doesn't check the next flag/variable, or anything. Depending on the actual variables it's checking for, this could be an easy thing to fix.

Ok, here's the bug with the Parthenurgy failing to lose virginity I mentioned earlier. Though i did find a better way to reproduce it on my end, by seducing a male / futa slaver. View attachment 515144
Mmm, that's probably a slave variable that was being used for both the PC and a specific or random slave. Nothing I've done should've touched that but I'll be sure to double check. Best case scenario is I can slip an OR into the IF condition and have it target the PC directly, so that it doesn't meddle with the other slave/slavers function.

Figured my shit out, it seems like the newest LD version isnt compatible with the rags performace hack posted earlier in this tread if anyone else has issues.
That is truly odd. I use that for testing, and have never had any real issues with it.

thanks for adding the leader slave training. cant wait to try it.
Thank you for your thank you, but don't be too excited; it is in beta. Hopefully not for long, but the issues are still there.

This might be a dumb question, but how do you actually trigger the player slavery thing? Is it something you start yourself, or is it an end-of-day event like the bed ambush?
Not a dumb question.
You need a submissive trait to activate it, such as secretly submissive or obedient. At the moment it is extremely in beta, though the feedback from everyone here should ensure it makes it out of beta within a short period.


I think that's everyone and everything since my last post, but if I missed you I'll respond either after I get home or in the morning.


Feb 26, 2018
Would you say it's better to run No_Haven with 2.4.16 and the performance hack, or on

Edit: Tried it for the first time, and holy shit the difference in speed is actually absurd even disregarding save/load and just general game progression
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Active Member
Dec 25, 2018
Would you say it's better to run No_Haven with 2.4.16 and the performance hack, or on

Edit: Tried it for the first time, and holy shit the difference in speed is actually absurd even disregarding save/load and just general game progression yes its way faster and also can crash in any seconds


Feb 26, 2018
580 yes its way faster and also can crash in any seconds
Nah dude, 2.4.16 with the performance hack near the beginning of the thread is waaay faster than I used to use 3, then tried the speed hack for the first time just today, it is a very big improvement.


New Member
Sep 6, 2018
Hello everyone!

Frank N. Stein, first of all, thank you for making this mod. It's awesome! :D

And secondly, I wanted to try the Ensnared Rose content and for that purpose I added a couple of actions myself to the Loaded Dice. Below, I attach an image showing what I put in there, so you can replicate it in the official LD mod... Maybe. If you want to :giggle:

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New Member
Jul 14, 2019
Well, alright-y then.
Updates going to be a little longer, just because I want to make sure I fix the bugs that are reported, rather than fix them and find out they're broken if you don't do everything exactly as you're supposed to.

Now, replies.

I currently have a version where it's less of a random shitshow, but it also comes iwth a chance of causing a complete and total crash. Hence why it hasn't been released.
The reason why you're getting those two more often than anything else when you choose either of those options is because that option takes priority with both. Bedlam has a bunch of... failsafe like checks in his code. If the program loops enough times trying to do anything, it'll eventually lock to one of the other availible options. In corruption he uses this to dictate something as rare (such as arch-practitioner).
In clothing generation it's different. It's more of a default. It's both the most likely outcome, and, if it loops through the options three times, becomes the only option.

I'm currently trying to figure out why my new version crashes, but once it stops I will release it to the general public, and it should function similar to corruptions menu.

As to your question, I'm away from my base computer, so I can't look it up at the moment, but I'll take a look while adjusting the mod tonight.

Corruption dissapearing. I havne't quite figured that out. It is a result of the mod, but nothing my mod does changes the personal actions menu, which implies that there's something in the base game that my mod is triggering.
The slave replica being the only character to remain is a known issue and it's being worked out.
Those chokepoints exist in the core game, but the mod does add a lot to the game, so it's no surprise that they're more prevalent. It's one of the reasons I'm persistently trying to reduce the amount of loose code in my game and to simplify as much as I can, to reduce the overall toll the mod has on the game.

It was a popular thing back when 8chan wasn't 8kun and the thread was active, and so I've been thinking about it for a while. Wasn't until someone brought up an actual request that I tried to implement it.

And please let me know if that fixes it for you. Otherwise there could quite as easily be something afoot that's just not obvious.

Thank you for your thoroughness. I've gotten player slavery more or less functional, partly because I read through this and realized where things were going wrong.
While almost all of the bugs have been cleansed, a new, bigger one has reared it's head. While only just after figuring out how to return the PC to the slaver position (Another bug that came up in the fixes), I am trying to figure out how to keep the game from removing them completely after it makes a sanity check.

It's going to take a little while for me to get it working as desired, and I probably did release it a bit too quickly.

Lamia legs.... should be an easy fix. Likely what's happening is that a condition/variable got mislabeled, so whenever it tries to define the lamia's legs, it skips the "if race = lamia" and so it doesn't replace the succubus legs. Finding where it's doing this is probably going to be the hard part because bedlam didn't label anything in an easy to find way (He's the first programmer I've met who's thought "keeping out cheaters trumps the KISS method".)

The "Male used by male preference modifier removed" option uses the temp value "removed" to turn the Male/Male variable off. The temp variable for removing the dominant trait is "remove". Normally it doesn't matter, but as it is right now, it does check if the variable matches, only if it contains the text "remove".
It's a simple thing to fix.

It wasn't randomly failing actually, it was randomly succeeding....
I'm not being a twat. Bedlam's rarity (I think I've mentioned this already in this post) is defined by fails. If it fails to fire the first time, rarity goes up, second and third and so on. I hate it as it requires your code to fail.
Anyways, that's why certain traits are hard or impossible to get with the mod active. Finding all the loop checks has been a chore.
But thanks to you I just found one more.

*Summoner reports tied together after next two quotes*

That's a problem that might be easier to fix than I think it is.
From how you've described it and knowing bedlam, he probably simplified by making it a cascading check. Same way loaded dice(the cheat) works.
This means that Corruption is probably the first thing it checks for, and then it just stops. It doesn't check the next flag/variable, or anything. Depending on the actual variables it's checking for, this could be an easy thing to fix.

Mmm, that's probably a slave variable that was being used for both the PC and a specific or random slave. Nothing I've done should've touched that but I'll be sure to double check. Best case scenario is I can slip an OR into the IF condition and have it target the PC directly, so that it doesn't meddle with the other slave/slavers function.

That is truly odd. I use that for testing, and have never had any real issues with it.

Thank you for your thank you, but don't be too excited; it is in beta. Hopefully not for long, but the issues are still there.

Not a dumb question.
You need a submissive trait to activate it, such as secretly submissive or obedient. At the moment it is extremely in beta, though the feedback from everyone here should ensure it makes it out of beta within a short period.


I think that's everyone and everything since my last post, but if I missed you I'll respond either after I get home or in the morning.
After some more experimenting I can get it to work on 2.4.16 with the performance config.xml, but not with the hacked .exe and .dll files.


Feb 26, 2018
This new share the wealth mission is really cool for people who like playing vanilla (but with more bugfixes) without hacking results, but I gotta say, it is absolutely obnoxious how there is literally no indication of who qualifies for what and why with that mission. It really bums me out, that I planned a character build around getting biomancy from it eventually so I could have M:Corruption and M:Biomancy legitimately and kinda powergame slave customization a bit.

But for whatever reason, not eligible for that particular enchantment? why? who knows, I don't, and the lore write-up isn't remotely enlightening. What a waste of my time, I can't plan around it if it's just designed to be completely without any transparency or even hint of any info whatsoever. I would really appreciate it if somebody who happened to know more about the requirements (aside from having to have an aspect) there are.


Jan 7, 2018
Found a minor bug. If you have Yummybot and level up choosing pact with damnation then quick restart your character will keep the mutations caused by Pact with Damnation.
5.00 star(s) 7 Votes