Uptime Lurker

Jul 29, 2018
Could please somebody tell me any way to summon/create/capture/recruit succubus in game at the moment? I know that you can have them in your party at game start but how to get more?


Feb 26, 2018
Assignments at the deep mountains have crit results that both create and capture succubus slaves, which can be trained into slavers. It's also possible to hire them as mercenaries then recruit them permanently from taverns or town, it's just quite rare.
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Sep 24, 2017
Hello folks. I need a bit of help, please. There is that super rare quest in the deep mountains where you go against the pure angel. can you capture that angel and if so, what exactly do you need? i got criticals on it and never got the angel.

if that is not the way to get a true angel, then how do you get one as a slave?


May 15, 2018
For succubi, there's also getting a crit on Pursuit of Arrogance, which opens up a new assignment, then also critting on that. Gets you an obedient succubus slaver.
Feb 24, 2019
So decided to try this out again, gonna read all the comments but incase someone can reference a solution my first question/issue is that the MEGA download downloads a read only version of the game according to Rags and 2) I need a password (which I know is somewhere in this topic on someone's post)
Feb 24, 2019
On a side note, couldnt someone else remake the game on something other than Rags? great game concept and mechanics all way around byt the sounds of it but just too much info provided all at once and also from experienced players broken too


Jul 12, 2018
The creator is remaking it in Twine as we speak. It's a long and complicated process, but reports indicate that it's progressing relatively quickly.
Feb 24, 2019
Good shit, cant wait, ive been wanting to enjoy this game but found it on my first attempt to be difficult o get started and once ingame quite overloaded with information


New Member
Jul 4, 2017
Anyone else come across an issue where if your Slavers combined success rates exceeds a certain limit it just resets and caps at like 80 percent and removes all critical success rates? Also for me at least the game feels less of a porn game and more of just management, sex in this is really bad imo and gets stale really fast after seeing the same image for the 100th time. Slaves also feel somewhat useless to me but whatever.

Anyone got any tips for obtaining Supply's and Gold? I'll put some of what I think are useful.

An Emissary will come back regularly bringing in supplies as tribute from nearby settlements

From what others say Camp Bitches will get supplies although I've never tested this

Marauding is the most common way to gain supplies, and gold do it constantly

If you see rare quest do them as soon as possible as they almost always yield good returns be it in a slave, gold, supplies or a large quantity, of experience


Sep 10, 2018
Anyone else come across an issue where if your Slavers combined success rates exceeds a certain limit it just resets and caps at like 80 percent and removes all critical success rates? Also for me at least the game feels less of a porn game and more of just management, sex in this is really bad imo and gets stale really fast after seeing the same image for the 100th time. Slaves also feel somewhat useless to me but whatever.

Anyone got any tips for obtaining Supply's and Gold? I'll put some of what I think are useful.

An Emissary will come back regularly bringing in supplies as tribute from nearby settlements

From what others say Camp Bitches will get supplies although I've never tested this

Marauding is the most common way to gain supplies, and gold do it constantly

If you see rare quest do them as soon as possible as they almost always yield good returns be it in a slave, gold, supplies or a large quantity, of experience
Sometimes i get the same problem. Its like there is so many good traits for the mission that the game Just overlay the percentages to the point of getting negative chances of failure, but in the end Its back to normal again, but in my case the critical sucess gets very high, strange that yours is reduced.
For me, the best away tô get money is going tô the auction. If you sell a slave with 400 Gold of estimate value you can easily get 1000 Gold, if you crit you get even more.
And indeed, Camp bitches Will get suplies for you, Its not that much(5-6 supplies), but its better then just being a slave in the slave Pit.


May 15, 2018
If you see rare quest do them as soon as possible as they almost always yield good returns be it in a slave, gold, supplies or a large quantity, of experience
That's not actually sound advice, given how many rare quests carry an inordinate amount of risk while not actually having particularly interesting rewards except on a critical success.

That means you absolutely should try to get your crit chance up, which means that unless a rare quest is close to expiring, it's generally better to try and level suitable slavers through easier things first.
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Apr 23, 2018
I'm not sure where I need to go to report bugs for this game, but I just encountered a game breaking glitch that basically ruined my save. There is a problem with the slave driver aspect which sounds cool from the description. However if you pick a personal bed warmer with this aspect and you try to train a slave in advanced blowjob or exquisite fellatrix training and you pick your slave leader as the trainer, it will say he is an invalid target. I know this because I was training slaves fine before I picked this perk and I reverted to a save before I had a bed warmer. Now even though I can choose another slaver to perform the training I had my slave leader specifically built for this task and gets the highest bonuses. I just tested it again and if you pick this slave driver aspect it makes it to where the slave leader can't be selected for advance blowjob training. I did not test this on the other trainings. I'm going to have to start all the way over and just not pick that aspect.


Aug 31, 2017
I'd like to play this game, but RAGS doesn't seem to work on my computer. Every time I launch it, it just crashes automatically. Do I need something else for RAGS to work?

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
I'd like to play this game, but RAGS doesn't seem to work on my computer. Every time I launch it, it just crashes automatically. Do I need something else for RAGS to work?
Make sure you have the proper RAGS version installed and that you have the .Net frameworks it needs.
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