Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

Hey-o and hi-hi fans, friends and lovers of wildness! It’s midweek aka ‘hump day’, and therefore we’re here to give y’all something to wanna hump about! Yup, we’re here to spread a little joy and a little news to y’all, so let’s get in there and get to the eye opener!

Now that’s something to open up shop about! Hello there girls, hello indeed! How you both doin’? Where do we put in our orders? Please say it’s exactly where we hope it is…! Is it just us or do those frilly little poor excuses for uniforms (not that we don’t love’em) make y’all look tall, thin and curvaceously fuller in especial places…? Well, whatever, go on out there girls and keep cook up the sexy!
(Oh yeah… beWildernauts rejoice, because we’ve got the proper image right here, without the “no implied nudity” rules to temper our girls)

*Phew*… We’re going to need a minute to cool off…

Alright! Where were we? Oh yeah! So, news time, eh? Who’s interested in a bit of insider progress then? Well, we’re still early into our NTR cycle time but things are going pretty well if we may say so. Pre-Production is ongoing, as much like our last version there is a lot of varied things coming up between the gameplays and the scenes to come (more on that in our Public Teaser next week), and engine work / content set up is coming close to wrapping up too. Just testing and admin to come over the next week or so, then it’s all about the art and getting it in place. So, early progress, still a whole lot to do including the best parts, but steady strides to report!
In other news, we’ve had a lot of engine work to cover this time out, as we dealt with the same unity issue that caught AoH by the heels last week. As it turns out, Unity doesn’t work well with files over 4GBs, which was going to affect NTR sometime in the future eventually (since it will for sure end up being a bigger game than AoH is by the end). We’ve completely rebuilt the way images are packaged in game, and sadly that’s meant we’ve had to rebuild every scene, gameplay outcome and even the code behind the gallery too so it all works with the new build procedures… But… We say this tentatively… It’s all been done and covered, testing turning out well, and we can soon safely say that hurdle is already behind us (finger crossed).

Anyhow, that’s the news of the day, we’ll understand if you forgot to read anything after the post image though, we get it. That’ll be it from us for now then. See ya once again with more goodness soon! Until then…
Be getting downright in the kitchen and beWilder!


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

NTR v0.18 Public Teaser – Driving You Wild
Hey-hey ho everyone, it’s that time once again, the time to get wildly excited and wave our hands in the air, because it’s Public Teaser day in the beWilderverse again! Yup, it’s the day we spill some deets and make some messy sheets, giving up some of that sweet info on our way to a new version of Noes gone wild! So let’s get on in there and start as we always do, with candy for the eyes before food for the soul, so here’s to some hyper to bounce out of the gate!

We sure do like our car wash teasers, and honestly, can you blame us? What’s better than two wet babes getting playful with the express intent of making Beck the driver’s motor overheat and his odometer turn over? That’s why we know y’all love them too!
As we can see, Noe’s finally succumbing to Kelsey’s convincing, she’s getting in on the game of “make the driver’s shorts explode!”, even if it’s just the first step right here. Thanks Kelsey! For that you get what we all want, to plant your lips on Italiana ass! Some girls get all the luck, huh?
(Once again, we’re teasing a Gameplay Outcome publicly, simply because we don’t have anything from the scenes that isn’t super spoilery, or more likely, pushing past the “safe for public consumption” rule of no x-rated stuffs. So enjoy knowing that! Consider yourself teased again!)

It’s March Madness already, huh? Well let’s get in the spirit of antagonizing pretty girls in direct proportion to their hotness, driving Noemi up the wall and right across Easy Street once again! Well, she’d better get that fine Italian skin a shade thicker before we come a calling with our orders in hand, shouldn’t she? Once again, we’ve got Sal taking up most of her time, and what’s left our fabulous Francesca drinking down like a fine wine. Yup, Main Story is taking a place on the back burner again as Frankie steps up to take on the Minor focus! Huzzah! At last, right…?

We’re well on the way to more Noemi, it’s true, and her 18th instalment comes with the version title of “Anger, Depression and Bargaining”, and we’ll all see why soon enough. As for exactly what’s coming ahead us all, here’s the list in bullets:
- 3 New Scenes! It’s another trio of scenes to have and to hold, so get your good panties on Noemi, you’re up again! It’s 3 new scenes across two arcs again, this time Sal getting two to add to his arc, one each to diverge the paths Noe was offered as her choice to walk in the last outing. She’s made her bed, time to start lying in it either way! Both scenes are x-rated and both take a wild turn from each other, giving us all a taste of what’s to come in either case in the steps ahead. Meanwhile, the minor focus will be switching to Frankie as she warms up for more than a supporting cast role at last! Remember folks, be sure to have her out there earning her own tips again if not already!
- 18 New Gameplay Outcomes split between the Restaurant Manager and Downtime Activities! What a big boon of a boost it was last time, why not do it again? The gameplay side is getting another shot in the keister to add more to the antics under the Little Toscana banner. Fresh sets of outcomes for each of our 4 girls coming in Waitressing, Promo and Entertainment jobs each. Unlike last version batch, only the Promos are Lv1s, unlocked right from the start and this time filling in the Proactive side (attacking Sal) of the sexy stratagem! Both the Waitressing and Entertain are Lv3s, the first job getting the last of its minimum set, the second getting it’s first and now highest tier sexy outcomes on the board (so far) Over on the Downtime side and Noe’s days off, every Team Bonding activity is getting another link to their chain, as every girl gets a 4th progress image to find as you raise up their stats. That’s another 6 new Team Bonding outcomes to claim on the wait to stronger team, and every day off activity, in every one of the three modes, has made it to 4 chain links!
- New Quality of Life (QoL) improvements, Feedback Inclusions and Overall Game UI Improvement! Once again we’re doing a pass through on the game with an eye to improvement, and for once, we’ve actually not got a whole lot of minor things left on the list to patch up the overall quality. By all means, if you know of any, do let us know and we can see to it. However, where we do have our eye is further rebalancing the ever-expanding gameplay. With all these versions stacking up, the True Mode day count has ballooned, and so we’re putting in steps now to allow for some easy, no loss to the player, reshuffling of the day count calendar in future versions with the idea of pulling back on the potential grind there. Keep an eye on this space in the future!
- [Potential] New music for a better soundscape! MaffinMusicMan is still working with us, creating music for all aspects of Noemi for that better all-round experience. Our first release with music was as well received as thing things generally get, so that’s good indeed. However, we’ve marked this as “Potential”, for due to rather serious world events and independent time schedules both, how much if any of the new tracks will make in to v0.18 over a later one is still yet to be seen. We won’t be holding of release for it anyways, so be content knowing that.

Here’s the quick recap version of this version:
- 3 New Scenes, 2 for Sal’s Arc (both x-rated, diverging paths), 1 for the new Minor Focus of Frankie’s arc.
- Another 18 Completely New Gameplay Additions, including 4 outcomes for Promo (completing the Good Lv1’s set there), 4 for Waitressing (Good Lv3’s, completing the set there too) and 4 for Entertainment (Good Lv3’s, the first of the set and raunchiest so far in this job). Plus 6 Downtime Activities for Noe to Team Bond with the other girls (again another 1 each for Park, Yoga, Poker, TV, Visiting and Car Washing).
- Further rebalancing of the game, with a special focus on the long-running day count in the game as well as day-by-day earning power with the new gameplay additions.
- Potentially, More sounds and music tracks added to further buff the atmosphere of the game in a variety of scenes. This will depend on availability of the musician.

Right-o then folks. This is the part of the Teaser post where we compare the new additions to our and size them up for progress. We considered making it a post of it’s own, but without the context of this post, it’d probably be less than helpful… So we’re going to keep it here, but make it snappy! Let’s try it.
So then, as a shorthand reminder, our Top 5 things for this years’ path to improvement are, in no priority order:
-#1 More focus on Kriem, Frankie and Kelsey’s content.
-#2 More stuff overall
-#3 More girls include in the stuff too.
-#4 More Sal and Restaurant Wars (including gameplays)
-#5 Expanded Gameplay, More Strategy Incentives and Balancing.
Well this version out is the first of 5 potential swings at bat on this roadmap this year (we had aimed for 6 when writing it but such is development life), and we’re coming out really swinging at them. Right off the top of the headlines we’re hitting #4 hard with a double doze of Sal, and warming up #1 with a new Minor Focus on Frankie. With new content and new reason to mix up your daily jobs between girls so Frankie can start earning cash, it’s a small but starter taste on getting #5 going too. You’ll want to start thinking of a back up cook for when Frankie and Noe are both working tables! Lastly, without any spoilers, between the new x-rated scenes and the gameplays, there’s a big hit on #2 and some #3 too, so our first version is ticking the box on all of our Top 5 priorities. Hell yeah!
So that’s the quick check in. We’ve noted the top things as we see them that’ll bring added ommph and impact to Noe’s life and times, and we’re aiming to deliver moderate progress or more across the board from the start. Let’s see it all when it’s lands and you tell us if we’ve made much of a dent!

And there we have it, another Public Teaser to tickle the knickers! A double dose of Sal with a side twist of Frankie, what’s more to love and lust for, eh? Let’s have at it, just as soon as it’s ready, and since where mid-testing on the content side, it means soon it’ll all be a waiting game on the art, so closing in on the good stuff already! More news and previews to come in the Backer Teasers, so until then…
Be nibbling your own hot bosses butt and beWilder!


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

NTR v0.18 Backer Teaser #1 – Whoops, The Zip Slipped.
Hidi-heyo beWildernauts and wild people both! It’s Monday, cruddy Monday, once again, huh? Well as sucky as that is in many ways, the big upswing to it all is that it’s Monday for us too, and that means plenty of girls getting put back to work! (As if they ever went away? Pfft!). Yup, we’re sat at our desks and cranking things again, and to help make your days better we’ve even got a teaser taster to raise up them spirits! How’s about it? Wanna see…?

That face on Noemi… You can just see the words “Are you serious right now, ‘bambina’? ‘Mio Dio.’ This is really happening…” Why yes it is Noemi! Yes it is! But is this punishment for your bad behaviour behind Sal’s back last time, or is it a special thank you from a special girl who was sad to be left out of the fun? We’ll all find out soon, but you, you get to enjoy the bare chest feel until then! Nice tits Noe, somebody’s got to say it right to your face once in a while.

Here at Wildness HQ, we’ve been working hard and making the ladies do the very same. You’ve seen some of the spoils already, but what about the story behind it all? How are things going and how are those that are still coming, huh? We here you! Well it was 3 weeks ago today we had our last release with AoH, then we lost half that week to an important bug fix (thanks Unity for your dislike of 4GB files… *shakes fist*), then a day or two to recuperating. So that leaves us at 2 weeks in, and for that amount of time, progress is looking fairly well. We’ll be cautiously optimistic and we’re right about on track, maybe an image or two up on where the math would point us. Most of the Pre-Production is done, some still needs a bit of work since there are so many scene/set piece changes across 18 different gameplays, but images are also being made too, so that’s all music to the ears. On the other side of the coin, we’ve wrapped up balancing and testing, all seems to be holding well ( ) and we’re as happy as we’re ever going to be with a hot testing release of such a big internal change. Looks like it’ll work out, so here’s hoping! That’s so far.
As for what’s left to do, we expect to need another 2-3 weeks as per usual with a version, so of course that means things won’t be complete within March’s walls. Our best estimate for release time is 13th-16th, but for reasons close to us and good for everyone, we’re hoping with some added crunching we can make it in less, closer to 2 weeks from now. We’ll play that part by ear, with more info come the next Backer Teaser next week, how’s that sound? It’s about balancing quality and speed after all!

So that’s about it for news, progress coming, art in the making, testing going grand as it can more still yet to come. We’ll be back by Thursday for some Bold and Public releases, and our monthly Goals and Review post to start April on Friday, then it’s right back into Teaser town with more up-to-the minute news! So that’s where we’ll leave ya while we get back to producing and loosen’ our girls and ladies. Until then…
Be both in and out of your own best club dresses and beWilder!


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

NTR v0.18 Backer Teaser #2 – Drunky Dancin’!
Hello out there, beWilderverse! How are our dear beWildernauts doing so? It’s the early start of another week, the first of a new month too at that, so how’s about we get the good weekend vibes (and we certainly had a good weekend as Discord knows!) to keep on reaching past Monday and into Tuesday, huh? Let’s give it a try then! More news from the last week and some saucy sauce for your sexy dinner plate too, here we go!

Oh Frankie, wine night got away from you, didn’t it? Well, at least it seems you’re having fun, and we certainly are too! Nobody puts Frankie in the corner. Why would you, she’s happy enough to dance out in the open of shop floor! We suppose there are different ways to gather returning customers, but we can’t say the work much better than your approach tonight. Just be ready for a heavy shame-and-vino hangover tomorrow!

With that wine-tinged taste of things to come there to enjoy and re-enjoy, here’s some news about what we’ve been up to the last week now. As progress goes, things are indeed going. It’s going to be a busy-ass week as full as Frankie’s right there and then some, but we are still in fingertip’s reach of grasping a full release as early as this weekend, if all goes well and the spirits / bodies don’t clunker out before then. Good news, ain’t it? Damn right it is! Now, this is actually our earliest edge of the release window we wanted to hit ( ), but it’s looking likely that we might just make it after all. If we don’t make it by the 9th (Saturday) though, we’ll be clear now and say it’ll be a few days after, closer to the 12th or shortly thereafter, as we have personal affairs to see to that are not changeable. Even so, that’ll still be a quick turnaround release once again, and as we said we’re still eying this weekend nevertheless! So even the downside of the coin is pretty good news this time, we’re grinning to say.

So, plainly put in one line: our original goal set last week was to be done in the next 1.5-2 weeks from now, and as of today we can say it’ll be more likely a hit than a miss, and may even be sooner. Enjoy some a sloshed and sweet evening with our Frankie then while we make it so. Until next we see y’all…
Be swaying and sexy, and beWilder!


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020

NTR v0.18 Public Teaser #2 – Winning the Battle
Hi-ho one and all, how does the day treat you all out there? It’s Friday once again, and that means we’re smiling for no other reason than that! Well, maybe a couple other reasons, all of them girl related. Wanna share’m? Be a part of them reasons too? Well let’s have ourselves a teaser then and make it so! We’ll say it now, it’s not all good news we’ve got, but it certainly is good things to see…!

What’chu got there Noemi? Oh, we see! We know exactly what’s got you smiling, and why you’ve stepped out onto the street to rub it right in Sal’s face! Was it everything you wanted, our heroine? Was it worth everything you did to “earn” it all for yourself…? We dare say you’d do it all again twice over to relive this moment! If only it could last forever… But the fight goes on! It only gets messier from here, girl.

Alrighty guys and gals, let’s talk about news. We posted earlier this week and last week too with quite the optimistic tone for an early squeeze in the release time, and now we’ve got to keep it real and show the other edge of that optimism now, unfortunately. As we broke the news on our ’s backer spaces last night, we’ll make it official now: We won’t be hitting an early release as of tomorrow, which is a bummer. We’ve been crushing all week and going at it, feeling it might just be true and keeping the pace as best we could. However, yesterday, as Unshi set some scene content to render, he turned his attention back to a remaining handful of gameplays set aside, and suddenly remembered after diving in as to why they were held over to begin with. Between cream sauce and spray paints, and a few showy posings, there was still a decent amount of Pre-Production left to get done for these CGs, and that’s a time eater. (Blame Spook being too creative for this one). So that’s what makes a tomorrow a no go.
We’ve still got a few gameplays to deliver on, but we also have a couple of scene CGs left to finish and finalize too, which is why it’s not so simple as to just drop a couple of outcomes and go for tomorrow anyway (besides, who wants a less full release knocking on down the line all year when it only needs a few days more now?). So, what we’re going to do is keep on crunching through today, tonight and tomorrow until we’re through with the story scenes and as much of that Pre-Production we still have left. Sunday we have business of our own to attend to as well as recharging for a final push, and come early next week we’ll be back at it on the final mile. Between the last few CGs to pull out of the render machine done, our usual Post-Production pass through on everything, setting up the final content and our last testing sweeps (most of the heavy testing we got done weeks ago as we do, yay!), then that last pesky build phase, we’ll be finally ready to upload and share sometime within our original release window before next weekend! Only a matter of time and keep trying now! It’s too bad it couldn’t be tomorrow, but it’s not far off anyhow!

So then, fine folks, take that news and make of it what you will. We would too, but we’ll be too busy doing the deeds themselves to make it so, and any time left over we’ll pour back into our Discord chatting as we always do (been a buzz of fun lately, huh? Love it.) Onward then, and until we see y’all next…
Be keeping up the fight on Easy Street and beWilder!

latex lvr

Active Member
May 3, 2019

NTR v0.18 Public Teaser #2 – Winning the Battle
Hi-ho one and all, how does the day treat you all out there? It’s Friday once again, and that means we’re smiling for no other reason than that! Well, maybe a couple other reasons, all of them girl related. Wanna share’m? Be a part of them reasons too? Well let’s have ourselves a teaser then and make it so! We’ll say it now, it’s not all good news we’ve got, but it certainly is good things to see…!

What’chu got there Noemi? Oh, we see! We know exactly what’s got you smiling, and why you’ve stepped out onto the street to rub it right in Sal’s face! Was it everything you wanted, our heroine? Was it worth everything you did to “earn” it all for yourself…? We dare say you’d do it all again twice over to relive this moment! If only it could last forever… But the fight goes on! It only gets messier from here, girl.

Alrighty guys and gals, let’s talk about news. We posted earlier this week and last week too with quite the optimistic tone for an early squeeze in the release time, and now we’ve got to keep it real and show the other edge of that optimism now, unfortunately. As we broke the news on our ’s backer spaces last night, we’ll make it official now: We won’t be hitting an early release as of tomorrow, which is a bummer. We’ve been crushing all week and going at it, feeling it might just be true and keeping the pace as best we could. However, yesterday, as Unshi set some scene content to render, he turned his attention back to a remaining handful of gameplays set aside, and suddenly remembered after diving in as to why they were held over to begin with. Between cream sauce and spray paints, and a few showy posings, there was still a decent amount of Pre-Production left to get done for these CGs, and that’s a time eater. (Blame Spook being too creative for this one). So that’s what makes a tomorrow a no go.
We’ve still got a few gameplays to deliver on, but we also have a couple of scene CGs left to finish and finalize too, which is why it’s not so simple as to just drop a couple of outcomes and go for tomorrow anyway (besides, who wants a less full release knocking on down the line all year when it only needs a few days more now?). So, what we’re going to do is keep on crunching through today, tonight and tomorrow until we’re through with the story scenes and as much of that Pre-Production we still have left. Sunday we have business of our own to attend to as well as recharging for a final push, and come early next week we’ll be back at it on the final mile. Between the last few CGs to pull out of the render machine done, our usual Post-Production pass through on everything, setting up the final content and our last testing sweeps (most of the heavy testing we got done weeks ago as we do, yay!), then that last pesky build phase, we’ll be finally ready to upload and share sometime within our original release window before next weekend! Only a matter of time and keep trying now! It’s too bad it couldn’t be tomorrow, but it’s not far off anyhow!

So then, fine folks, take that news and make of it what you will. We would too, but we’ll be too busy doing the deeds themselves to make it so, and any time left over we’ll pour back into our Discord chatting as we always do (been a buzz of fun lately, huh? Love it.) Onward then, and until we see y’all next…
Be keeping up the fight on Easy Street and beWilder!
That's cool what difference does a few days make.


Jun 26, 2020

NTR v0.18 Public Teaser #2 – Winning the Battle
Hi-ho one and all, how does the day treat you all out there? It’s Friday once again, and that means we’re smiling for no other reason than that! Well, maybe a couple other reasons, all of them girl related. Wanna share’m? Be a part of them reasons too? Well let’s have ourselves a teaser then and make it so! We’ll say it now, it’s not all good news we’ve got, but it certainly is good things to see…!

What’chu got there Noemi? Oh, we see! We know exactly what’s got you smiling, and why you’ve stepped out onto the street to rub it right in Sal’s face! Was it everything you wanted, our heroine? Was it worth everything you did to “earn” it all for yourself…? We dare say you’d do it all again twice over to relive this moment! If only it could last forever… But the fight goes on! It only gets messier from here, girl.

Alrighty guys and gals, let’s talk about news. We posted earlier this week and last week too with quite the optimistic tone for an early squeeze in the release time, and now we’ve got to keep it real and show the other edge of that optimism now, unfortunately. As we broke the news on our ’s backer spaces last night, we’ll make it official now: We won’t be hitting an early release as of tomorrow, which is a bummer. We’ve been crushing all week and going at it, feeling it might just be true and keeping the pace as best we could. However, yesterday, as Unshi set some scene content to render, he turned his attention back to a remaining handful of gameplays set aside, and suddenly remembered after diving in as to why they were held over to begin with. Between cream sauce and spray paints, and a few showy posings, there was still a decent amount of Pre-Production left to get done for these CGs, and that’s a time eater. (Blame Spook being too creative for this one). So that’s what makes a tomorrow a no go.
We’ve still got a few gameplays to deliver on, but we also have a couple of scene CGs left to finish and finalize too, which is why it’s not so simple as to just drop a couple of outcomes and go for tomorrow anyway (besides, who wants a less full release knocking on down the line all year when it only needs a few days more now?). So, what we’re going to do is keep on crunching through today, tonight and tomorrow until we’re through with the story scenes and as much of that Pre-Production we still have left. Sunday we have business of our own to attend to as well as recharging for a final push, and come early next week we’ll be back at it on the final mile. Between the last few CGs to pull out of the render machine done, our usual Post-Production pass through on everything, setting up the final content and our last testing sweeps (most of the heavy testing we got done weeks ago as we do, yay!), then that last pesky build phase, we’ll be finally ready to upload and share sometime within our original release window before next weekend! Only a matter of time and keep trying now! It’s too bad it couldn’t be tomorrow, but it’s not far off anyhow!

So then, fine folks, take that news and make of it what you will. We would too, but we’ll be too busy doing the deeds themselves to make it so, and any time left over we’ll pour back into our Discord chatting as we always do (been a buzz of fun lately, huh? Love it.) Onward then, and until we see y’all next…
Be keeping up the fight on Easy Street and beWilder!
Ohh.. Yeahh Baby this is the path I chose, and it's gonna be Interesting ( Noemi's villainous laugh ) :devilish:


Dec 28, 2020
I don't use Windows, but it's supposed to be under C://Users/yourusername/AppData/LocalLow/BeWilder/NoemisToscanaRebirth

yeah this doesn't work. I have Windows and followed these steps and there's not laod file + plus the gallery is still unlocked.


Devoted Member
Jun 11, 2020
Can someone post the last patreon news? Is the update delayed?

[Important Poll] April and May Plans: Here’s What’s Up.
Hey-hey our beWildernaut fans, howdy and how are y’all? *Phew*. It’s been a long week, and sadly a quiet one from us too, with each and every day hoping to be the day we could spring forth with a release to be our big post… But it’s time we face up to the reality that it’s not going the way we want it. So here we are, a post to laid out some notice, and more importantly, get y’all community’s input on what the plan should be from here. Let’s get knee deep then.

So, the big thing we’re all aware of and waiting for, we’re still without a release. For all that upbeat talk we had about “maybe it’ll be early this time”, and “at least it’ll be last weekend, at the late end of our window” etc, etc… we’re still not there. Why? Well, that’s both a good question, and ultimately not what the focus should be, which is how to move forward, don’t you think?
Suffice it to say, the delay has come because of “new and improved personal problems” ™, hitting us on both sides of the team at once and with terrible timing. We can tell you all about them, but we guess we’ll leave that to and whoever really cares that deep, fans there know we like to talk and keep things open, but it’s best not to clog things up here on the page right now. Besides, a lot of the root cause comes from private issues with people not even affiliated with our work or team, so it’s not right to go telling things like that anyway.

So, what’s up? Where are we at? As it stands, it seems we’re more behind than we thought with NTR, as much of last week was bogged down and progress was hard to eek out. The art department says it’ll still be until the weekend or there abouts until we’ve got the last done and ready. On the upside, we’re pushing ahead with mounting content and testing what we do have, so once the last CGs are ready, it’s only a matter of an hour or two, plus building and uploading, between then and published release
3.30 star(s) 43 Votes