

[Unavailable here]
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
Really dude? Why you gotta be an ass :(
Nah, I'm not. I just thought to pester Ambir cause I love poking at him. As for you personally, I can sympathize if you must know. Sadly not much I can tell or do to help you. That's just how it is around these parts buddy, some people will play your stuff some won't... reasoning varying with different individuals. Be it not having some tags, kinks, etc, etc.

You can't please everyone, and you shouldn't really try to.


[Unavailable here]
Game Developer
Nov 24, 2019
Nah, I know you can't, and I wouldn't try to. But honestly this thread has been surprisingly valuable. The overwhelming thing I've gotten is "Your presentation is boring" which.... honestly... I really just hadn't put that much thought into. I sort of designed it all a long time ago (Like a year ago now?) and haven't really changed much since, and I didn't look at it all in the same way back then.

It's actually given me at the very least some ideas and new perspectives I didn't have before, and will likely prompt some changes. There will definitely still be plenty of people who either don't care, don't like it, or whatever, and that's fine, but I'd rather people try it and then tell me "I don't like it" than just say "Yea looks boring, I'll pass". I didn't even know that was the impression people got, so now it's something I can at least try and address.
That is one of the issues really, people rarely tend to give it a 2nd shot. They try it once, they don't like it, they move on. It is always kind of the deal that if you fuck up at initial release... you're screwed down the line.


May 5, 2021
There's quite a bit more than that. Off the top of my head..... 5 or 6 bj scenes, the masturbation scene, 10 or so fucking scenes, and 1 anal scene? Idk if I'm forgetting any.

4th Chapter release. I never changed versions whenever I issue a bugfix or anything like that. Total of about.... 3000? or so renders, 23? I think animations. (Not counting seperate angles and stuff like that. If I counted them it's somewhere around 40, but they don't really count). Idk how you feel about the amount of content that provides, but those are the rough numbers.

No, you're not being an ass at all, you're answering pretty precisely and honestly, which I appreciate.

Now, I didn't correct you because I want to be all "Durr you're wrong"! - that'd be idiotic. I did so because I wanted to provide the *actual* information vs what you took from the presentation. What I'm hoping is someone can contrast the facts I provided against the impressions someone like you gets, and maybe help provide me with alternative ways to present it to better reflect what I'm trying to reflect. Basically I've run out of ideas, so I'm trying to group brainstorm for more!

Really dude? Why you gotta be an ass :(
I was kind of “afraid” you would say something like that. Cause it means that you page doesn’t reflect your hard work. And that’s a shame.

I’m not a communication expert myself, but I’ll try to give it some thoughts and maybe I’ll come back later.

Here are a few things that come to my mind spontaneously. I’m not saying it’s the all mighty truth, but maybe it can give you some ideas :
- Rework you banner signature. Even if it’s just to make the font bigger. Ideally add a picture. Why not reuse the main picture ? It’s almost the right format.
- If you have more sex-scenes you should show them. Not all of them of course, but to tell us that there is some content and variety. Take a look at other projects, see how many of them they show. 4, 6 ? More famous games don’t always show more, but they don’t have to prove their worth anymore.
Last edited:


May 5, 2021
4th Chapter release. I never changed versions whenever I issue a bugfix or anything like that. Total of about.... 3000? or so renders, 23? I think animations. (Not counting seperate angles and stuff like that. If I counted them it's somewhere around 40, but they don't really count). Idk how you feel about the amount of content that provides, but those are the rough numbers.
Seems that I’ve read the changelog way to fast. But it reflects the way people (at least one of them) look at them.

I’ll take a look at your game, maybe I’ll have more relevant things to say afterwards.


May 5, 2021
Tbh, I don't think you'd like it. I'm just basing that off your initial comments. (Notice how I only responded to a few points you made, and not all of them - it's because I think there's something valid to the rest of them that more closely matches up with reality than your impressions on stuff like size/content).

I'm more than happy with your feedback on the overall presentation, no need to waste time on a game you probably wouldn't enjoy.

For my part I now desperately need to pass out, then wake up tomorrow and think on what I've learned. There's probably quite a lot I can change - quite a bit I probably can't, and I'll probably still mess it up a few times but that's ok, it's a process.
I wish you best luck for your project, even if I'm not the target audience.


Game Developer
Sep 11, 2020
Nah, I know you can't, and I wouldn't try to. But honestly this thread has been surprisingly valuable. The overwhelming thing I've gotten is "Your presentation is boring" which.... honestly... I really just hadn't put that much thought into. I sort of designed it all a long time ago (Like a year ago now?) and haven't really changed much since, and I didn't look at it all in the same way back then.

It's actually given me at the very least some ideas and new perspectives I didn't have before, and will likely prompt some changes. There will definitely still be plenty of people who either don't care, don't like it, or whatever, and that's fine, but I'd rather people try it and then tell me "I don't like it" than just say "Yea looks boring, I'll pass". I didn't even know that was the impression people got, so now it's something I can at least try and address.
My game is doing much worst but this post is great to help you see the mistakes you did,
i also did similar post and some people tell me i have very bad presentation to my game, many people didn't try it and for the ones that try it they told me i have many other mistakes i should fix and i will do so over time.

i can't give you feedbak for 2 reasons, i didn't play your game because i am not big fan of VN games, and the other reason i don't have so much free time .

but from what i seen in the showcase i think your renders are not bad but can improve alot, i am also not good at rendering but VN game focus more on the art than others so in my opinion you should play more with the lighting to give you better results, using only white light for most of the renders i see will not give you very good results, try to have 1 other light in one side for example and maybe seek experianced people who can teach you how to use lighting,
other thing i notice in one of the preview renders is the black girl gen have no texture, you can change that and give it texture to look more real,
the Overview can change to give much better details about your game and mostly about the setting of the game, what the story is about and what the player can expect without spoiling the game for sure.

That all i can say because i didn't play the game, i hope you have good luck .


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 6, 2018
I think you're misunderstanding what I wrote. By having the girls with no backgrounds at all, you can place them everywhere you want on any background you'd like. They can overlap, they can be combined, they can be zoomed in only on their face/faces and whatnot. So with creativity, you can create something really cool that's absolutely not the same as that overused example banner.

I offered to give you some help so I've sent you a few examples I made. If you don't want any help it's all good.


Jun 4, 2022
So tell me, am I on the right track with what I was thinking, or should I go back to the drawing board on this one?
It does look a bit better, however, things I notice and don't like are

- the lighting looks very off, shadows look a bit weird, too harsh
- the characters look like they were inserted via photoshop, they don't seem to be really there, like in some badly composited greenscreen scene
- I don't care for the font at all, the effects chosen also look like something straight out of the 1990s, I would opt for a more sleek, more professional looking font without any of those effects, the placement of the font is also odd, put it on top, in the sky area, not near the bottom where there are already 1,000,000 things going on, your eye doesn't know where to focus and where to look
- I wouldn't hide one of the girls' faces, don't let her drink from the bottle
- I don't like the overall composition, it's not cinematic, it doesn't look like a scene from a tv show or movie, it looks overly busy and confusing. I guess your game is strictly POV which already greatly limits how you can compose renders, the entire "arm reaching out with beer bottle in hand" looks weird to me, it looks like a foreign object in this scene, it obstructs the view, your eyes are drawn to the arm and beer bottle and NOT to the actual characters, but then you see the weird font and your eyes are drawn to that, which is not what you want, the entire render looks incredibly busy, there's too much going on, I would remove the arm altogether and focus on the characters you meet in the game, it is already pretty obvious that the characters are looking at the MC here, then put the title in the upper area of the render, in the sky
- remove the shadowy outlines of the two characters, that's just too much

If someone asked me when this was made I would actually think, yes, maybe in the late 1990s

So... in my opinion, update your font (any sans serif font would be better than this), don't use any of these 1990s effects no one uses anymore, place the title in the sky area, remove the arm with the beer bottle, have the one girl no longer drink from the bottle, remove the shadowy character silhouettes, maybe try to tweak the lighting/shadows a bit (softer shadows, more diffused) so it looks a little bit more natural. And I think it would look a lot better.
Mar 4, 2022
Here are my reasons;

1- Bad renders. (Graphics are the first reason when we are buying or download the game for all kinds of game genres, not only for adult games.)

2- Generic copy-paste Daz characters with some generic morphs. (Which I saw 4901249120 times)

3- Tags are important for adult games. I don’t look for tasty combat like “God of War”. I am looking for tags.

No offense, I am just saying my reasons.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2017
Reason I dont even try Games:

- Generic unpleasant looking Stock-Models
- Screenshots make it look like a Fuck-Fest
- Stupid Plot
- Sci-Fi/Vampire Themes
- Too many Characters

In general I like Games with a Taboo Theme in a realistic setting that focuses on in-depth Relationships with a few characters. I'm no Fan of Harem Games unless its optional and I like quality over quantity.

But if there is a good looking Loli in a Screenshot I sometimes can ignore all of the above and just try it anyways.


Oct 18, 2018
You know what, I really like this thread.
Sure, a couple of the comments might have come off a bit more abrasive than needed, but so what.
By and large this has been an excellent example of someone asking for, recieving, and responding to criticism without anyone getting all bent out of shape and/or trying to start an arguement. (y)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Personally, I don't think it's a matter of redoing that banner pic (which of course can be improved). I think you should get rid of it altogether and try to find another one that better suits your game's theme.
Basically this:
now why on earth didn't you use this for the banner? this is instantly telling a story.

get rid of the boring campfire asap.
As others have said, the current pic is not especially attractive, but the main thing is that it sends the message of the game being about yet another rich kid enjoying an easy life with a bunch of fuckable female friends (and yes, having that other male friend hugging a girl may repel a certain type of players). The description doesn't add anything special either, I get you don't want to spoil the plot but at the very least you should try to pique my interest: saying that this young guy has friends and also 'sins from the past' doesn't tell me anything, especially when the banner pic is not showing any hint about the nature of those sins (or that those sins even exist, to begin with). If there's a sin, a dark shadow in his life, the pic should convey some of that darkness; having some friendly drinks at the beach doesn't scream mystery to me and totally downplays that vague mention of 'past sins'. Then the thumbnails show average art, which seals your fate: average renders, and nothing special about the story. Pass.

So, if your strong point is the narrative, or the story, try to emphasize that in your banner and in the game's description.
If your game is about how to face the threat of a jealous and dangerous ex-boyfriend, or how did you get into that situation, that should be your selling point. Try to come up with something related to that event, because that's what definitely sets your game apart from others, the hook you should use to make me download the game to see what's this actually about. So don't be afraid of a possible spoiler (even more so if you say that's the very first scene in your game), 'The Shining' producers didn't use a frame of the happy family arriving at the hotel as a billboard, did they?

Then, on another topic, don't be ashamed of promoting your game in your signature. Use a visual signature linking your game and not a simple, tiny text link (there's a thread where you can ask the resident fx artists for sigs about your game). Then go around the forum looking for threads of similar games to yours, drop a couple of messages about them, and let your signature do the promotion job.