I think the MC can behave differently with different people to an extent, but perhaps not to the degree you'd like to see. He can certainly be plenty hypocritical. For instance, he can condemn and judge Kim for her cheating and promptly proceed to cheat on Lea himself (the big jerk!!). I think the challenge inherent to managing myriad branches has made MrSilverLust reluctant to let relationships completely fall apart at this juncture so there's usually only so far you can go to alienate or mistreat anyone other than Kim and even Kim gets effectively treated by the game as a semi-friend a lot of the time no matter how much she and the MC might supposedly despise each other.
There certainly is some of that. I'll concede that. And I'm not entirely sure exactly what my point is myself.

But I think I'm more after how most people behave differently in different contexts.
And regarding branching. I'm fully aware that not everything can be in the game. And a crucial skill of a dev is selecting what is needed for a game and cutting out the rest.
Specifically, if *everything* I've suggested or talked about would be implemented I'd wager it would be a pretty bad game.

So treat what I say as musings more than anything else.
I think it might be worth trying a fresh playthrough with roleplaying in mind to see if you enjoy the game more that way...I think you would because you'd really be putting yourself into the MC's shoes and not just mechanically chasing LIs and sex scenes. If you find the skill system distracts you from the roleplay, just disable it for that playthrough and see if that makes a difference. NIF is a really interesting game to approach from different angles and there are a lot of intriguing aspects to the MC that you can choose to focus on. For instance, I have a playthrough where I play him as a bitter misanthrope who can never fully forgive his friends for what he perceives as betrayal and another where he's a true romantic who'd give everything up for love. To me, both playthroughs represent real possible futures for the MC and aren't inconsistent with the kind of person he is/can become.
I actually usually do light roleplaying. That is, trying to choose reasonable replies for the run in particular. And I play with double points, so I can ignore most of the skill system. But I usually don't unlock enough skills that I could play with default points without noticing anything different.
I call that one the future Bri route. Let's face it, she's already well on the way to worming her way into your MC's heart. You're one of us but just don't realize it yet!
Likely. Or it is a start of Olivia's route. Those two are my favorite characters so far.
I can't really argue with any of that (OK, except the Kim thing just a bit...I think her threatening the MC makes sense just because she's Kim).
I wasn't suggesting that should be implemented as the characters are implemented in the game. It was more for an alternative universe where MrSilverLight chose slightly different personalities for Emma & Kim.
I suspect the turn in the Lea route is intended to give some balance for maledom players, but of course it isn't really needed in an exhibitionism route. That said, I do think Lea is one of the more submissive characters in the game so it makes sense maledom players would be interested in her. In any case, I much prefer the more romance focused route which downplays the exhibitionism just a bit.
I agree mostly. While Lea has submissive tendencies I think it is more that she goes along with stuff MC suggests because she finds it exciting rather than that she wants to obey MC.
By the way, for the route where MC & Lea starts to post pictures / videos to the internet it would be an interesting development if Kim found those pics/videos.
Beach sex is fun even if no one's watching!
If you successfully avoid getting sand in places where it shouldn't be.
I don't think Deb really wants a living dildo. She certainly didn't want just that from Carl. Instead, I think she just lacks the emotional bandwidth needed to start a new relationship that is even slightly balanced or healthy because she's in no way recovered from her recent breakup. She isn't capable of giving the MC her best or truly opening up to him because her internal life is a living hell right now. Their protracted break up was shattering for Deb. If she and the MC are going to develop an actual relationship with a real emotional connection between them, they will essentially have to start over from scratch when Deb's in a healthier place. In the mean time, there'll be some kinky but soulless femdom opportunities (or casual but soulless sex opportunities for non-sub MCs) with someone who is basically just a shadow of the real Deb.
I would say Deb is the character who comes across the least consistent at the moment, but it's for completely understandable plot reasons. It'll be a good test of MrSilverLust's writing skills to see if he can give her a satisfying arc that reestablishes her as a whole and coherent person.
On another Deb note...
She definitely tries to accommodate Carl in at least one major, major way: she has sex with other guys in front of him to fulfill his cuckold fantasies. That's definitely not Deb's kink or even something she feels entirely comfortable with so it's no surprise that the bull scene with the MC ends rather disastrously. Still, she made the effort...the sacrifice, even...just as Carl tried to be submissive for her.
Anyway, Deb is definitely a domme, but my point was she comes across a little differently than Kim and Emma do. There isn't that same dynamic of constant one-upmanship and verbal jousting in the MC's conversations with Deb. She can actually be a pretty good listener and ask surprisingly probing and insightful questions at times. Kim and Emma aren't the same either -- they all may be dommes, but they're all individuals with their own personalities rather than just variations on some domme archetype. If we were to change the manly personality trait to assertive, I'd say Deb is assertive and sensitive (but low in cunning), Emma is assertive and honorable (but low in sensitivity), and Kim is assertive and cunning (but low in honor).
First, note that I have no real life experience with Dom/sub relationships at all. All of this is from what I find hot and what I've read in other stories about D/s relationships.
Personally I'm not interested in seeing D/s relationships focused on the dom where the dom just shouts orders and toying with the sub for their own amusement. I find that a turn-off.
The D/s relationships I'm interested in is those that is mostly focused on the sub and their needs and wants. The role of the dom in such a relationship is to push the sub to their limit to find what they like etc. In such a relationship I think I think the most important part for the dom is to be very sensitive to the reactions of the sub to understand what the sub likes and dislikes and where the limits of the sub are. Of course no one is perfect which is why safe words etc. exist. Being sensitive is good for anyone who wants to be a great lover, but it is extra important for a dom since a slip-up for a dom may be very damaging or even catastrophic for a relationship. And if they are into more extreme stuff it could even be deadly. Being assertive and confident is a requirement for being a dom, but being sensitive is a requirement for it to be great.
Considering this I find it a bit jarring that being sensitive is opposed to being dominant in the game. To be fair though, the game uses a different meaning of sensitive here I think.
Back to Deb. My comment about "living dildo" is primarily for the first scene where she doesn't seem to be interested in MC at all other than someone to shout orders to and to have a comparison to berate Carl with. As you said, Deb doesn't have the emotional capacity at that moment to be able to be a good dom because she is fully occupied with processing everything that goes on between her and Carl. And that is fine. The characters are flawed humans after all. But where the game begins to lose me is how MC and Deb never talk about it beyond an "I liked it" / "guess it was ok" statement from the MC which determines the Deb route. I would love it if the MC would call her out on it and saying something like "
I would love to be your sub, but this was not good. You need to sort out your own emotions before we can continue". Or even better, MC gets turned off during the act, gets up and leaves saying "
If all you want is to shout at Carl, you don't need me. Sayonara!" (this is true of both the sub and bull routes).
Then we have the second thing where Deb in a talk in the break room out of nowhere demands cum deprivation from MC. This is bad for two reasons. They *still* haven't talked about what they each want from the relationship, so this is again just Deb shouting orders at MC without care of MC at all. Secondly I firmly believe that the D/s play should be clearly separated from everyday life. Otherwise you will soon get into situations where one or the other is going to be hurt. One story I read had a good rule, when and only when collar is on then D/s play is in effect.
I firmly believe Deb can be a great dom. As you said, she is perceptive and sensitive to other's feelings in addition to being assertive (although in her current state I'd say she is more aggressive than assertive). But she needs to sort out her own feelings and keep her own ego in check. And I also think she would greatly benefit from a good teacher from a D/s community of some kind. Which leads me to question if Carl actually dislikes being a sub or if Deb just wasn't a good enough dom at the time. On the other hand Carl is likely not flexible enough to be able to help Deb become a better dom. Which is a large part of why their relationship is crashing; they are both too inflexible to learn from each other and to help the other become better.
Anyway, I'll stop here for now. Spending a couple hours to think about this is probably enough.